Projekts (en)
- Article Count:
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Reforma javne uprave (en)
Reforma javne uprave – dimenzioniranje kapaciteta u skladu sa potrebama
U vezi sa državnom upravom često se govori o potrebi racionalizacije, pod kojom se obično podrazumeva potreba da se smanji broj zaposlenih. Međutim, po strani ostaje problem načina pripreme akata o sistematizaciji radnih mesta u organima državne uprave i drugim javnim institucijama. Ovo pitanje je takođe značajno u vezi sa trećim kriterijumom iz Kopenhagena i tzv. „administrativnim kapacitetima“ javnih institucija Srbije.
Ovaj projekat ima za cilj da ispita u kojoj meri se pri sačinjavanju akta o sistematizaciji razmatraju zadaci koje institucija treba da ispuni, na osnovu kojih kriterijuma su vršene procene o broju izvršilaca i stručnoj spremi izvršilaca za izvršenje pojedinih zadataka.
Pored navedenog, projekat ima za cilj da doprinese i ostvarenju širih ciljeva kao što su: približavanje administrativnih kapaciteta Srbije standardima koje postavlja EU, dobro upravljanje u organima koji troše novac građana Srbije i poreskih obveznika i povećanje mogućnosti da javne institucije ostvare u praksi zadatke koji su im dati zakonima i planovima rada.
Novinski članci:
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Rizične tačke korupcije u Srbiji (en)
Korupcija je jedan od činilaca koji imaju najštetnije efekte kako za ekonomski razvoj društva i standard stanovništva, tako i za funkcionisanje pravne države i demokratskih institucija. Obim i rasprostranjenost korupcije u Srbiji se već godinama ocenjuje kao visok, kako u nalazima relevantnih istraživanja, mišljenjima domaćih i inostranih stručnjaka i ocenama samih državnih organa Republike Srbije, međunarodnih organizacija i EU. Usled toga, delotvorna borba protiv korupcije se tretira kao jedan od ključnih prioriteta za državne organe Srbije u procesu pridruživanja Evropskoj Uniji ali i kao jedan od prioriteta svih Vlada Srbije počev od 2000. do danas.
Cilj ovog projekta je jačanje sistemske borbe protiv korupcije kao preduslova za funkcionisanje pravne države kroz prioritizaciju ključnih pitanja borbe protiv korupcije među donosiocima odluka i u javnom mnenju, izradu delotvornijih antikorupcijskih propisa i unapređenje planiranja borbe protiv korupcije u Srbiji.
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Mladi istraživač (en)
Projekat se bavi obučavanjem izabranih mladih novinara o osnovnim pitanjima iz oblasti borbe protiv korupcije, pruža im pomoć u sačinjavanju priloga putem istraživačkog novinarstva kao i plasman teksta u javnost putem interneta i društvenih mreža. Cilj projekta je jačanje istraživačkog novinarstva u oblasti borbe protiv korupcije u Srbiji kroz stažiranje mladih novinara u organizacijama civilnog društva. Stažisti/mladi istraživači nakon završenog stažiranja i obuke, steći će osnovna znanja o problemu korupcije u Srbiji što će im omogućiti da nastave samostalno rad u ovoj oblasti. Takođe će im biti pružena mogućnost da njihovi samostalni budući tekstovi iz ove oblasti budu objavljivani na internet stanici TS i društvenim mrežama.
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Izveštaji nezavisnih tela (en)
Korupcija je odavno prepoznata od strane građana i vlada kao jedan od najvećih problema društva u Srbiji i uspeh u borbi protiv korupcije se smatra jednim od glavnih zadataka u kontekstu približavanja EU. Srbija je uspostavila nekoliko nezavisnih institucija (Poverenik za informacije, Ombudsman, Vrhovna revizorska insitutcija, Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije) sa nadležnostima za sprovođenje najvažnijih preventivnih antikorupcijskih zakona. Sve ove nezavisne institucije podnose godišnje izveštaje Parlamentu koji sadrže informacije o identifikovanim problemima i preporukama i po čijem postupanju bi borba protiv korupcije mogla biti značajno unapređena. U okviru njihovih nadležnosti je takođe izdavanje obavezujućih odluka ili preporuka koje se odnose na pojedinačne slučajeve. Parlament je tek nedavno (2010) usvojio odredbu o razmatranju ovih godišnjih izveštaja. To je obezbedilo veće mogućnosti za preduzimanje mera za rešavanje sistemskih problema identifikovanih od strane nezavisnih institucija i za korišćenje njihovih izveštaja za nadzor nad radom vlade. Rad Parlamenta u ovom smislu bi trebalo da bude praćen, naročito imajući u vidu tendenciju, iz trenutno aktuelnog Poslovnika, da se kritički razmatra rad nezavisnih tela umesto da se njihovi izveštaji iskoriste za nadgledanje rada Vlade.
Pojedinačne odluke i preporuke gore pomenutih institucija nisu uvek podržane od strane relevantnih organa (ili ne u odgovarajućem roku).
Projekat će doprineti unpaređivanju pravnog okvira za efikasnije funkcionisanje nezavisnih tela, unapređenju prakse parlamentarnog nadzora nad radom Vlade na osnovu izveštaja nezavisnih tela, povećanju svesti o preporukama/odlukama nezavisnih tela i mogućim efektima ovih aktivnosti u borbi protiv korupcije.
- analiza godisnjeg izvestaja Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije.doc
- analiza godisnjeg izvestaja Poverenik.doc
- analiza godisnjeg izvestaja Zastitnik gradjana.doc
- Odbor za finansije.doc
- Pismo predsedniku odbora za pravosudje.doc
- Zaključci Agencija Lj.doc
- Zaključci PovR Lj.doc
- Zaključci Šabić Lj.doc
- Zaključci ZG Lj.doc
- Komentari na Akcioni plan za ispunjavanje preporuka EK.docx
- Analiza postupanja po preporukama Fiskalnog saveta 2013 (1).doc
Produženje projekta je podržano od strane ambasade Kraljevine Holandije u Beogradu.
- Article Count:
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Monitoring finansiranja izbora u Srbiji 2012 (en)
Monitoring finansiranja nacionalnih, pokrajinskih i lokalnih izbora u Srbiji – 2012
Dana 6. maja 2012 u Srbiji će biti održani lokalni, parlamentarni, predsednički i pokrajinski izbori. Novi Zakon o finansiranju političkih aktivnosti usvojen je u junu 2011.
Zato je od ključnog značaja osigurati potpunu primenu zakona i odgovornosti za one koji krše pravila, što je prethodno bila karika koja nedostaje u periodu realizacije prethodnog zakonodavnog akta (Zakon o finansiranju političkih stranaka, 2003).To je preduslov, ne samo za vladavinu prava, već i za unapređenje poverenja građana u političke stranke i demokratske institucije.
Civilno društvo može da pomogne taj proces na razne načine. Pored promocije ideje slobodnih i poštenih izbora i zalaganja za potpunu primenu novog zakona, OCD mogu direktno ili indirektno da podržavaju aktivnosti nezavisnih državnih organa, poput Agencije za borbu protiv korupcije i Vrhovne revizorske institucije. Ova podrška može da ide od zagovaranja da druge institucije obezbede neophodna sredstva kontrolnim organima do pružanja konkretne informacije o primeni zakona nezavisnom telu (npr. prijavljivanje sumnje da je određena stranka prekršila zakon). Međutim, to nije limit OCD u oblasti finansiranja političkih partija. Čak i kada proces finansiranja izborne kampanje mora da bude kontrolisan od strane nezavisnih državnih organa, neophodno je da se obezbedi da ovi organi vrše svoje dužnosti na efikasan i sveobuhvatan način. Imajući to u vidu, od ključnog značaja za OCD je da rade nezavisno, ne samo od političkih stranaka koje učestvuju na izborima, već i od svih javnih organa zaduženih za kontrolu. Na taj način, OCD mogu i treba da obezbede javnosti pristup nezavisno prikupljenim i analiziranim informacijama o ponašanju svih učesnika u procesu - političkih stranaka, donatora i davaoca usluga koji treba da poštuju pravila, ali i nadležnih institucija koje obezbeđuju usklađenost sa zakonodavstvom ( Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije, Državna revizorska institucija, Republička izborna komisija, Republička radio-difuzna agencija, Ministarstvo finansija, prekršajni sudovi, itd).Materijal:
- izvori finansiranja izborne kampanje.doc
- finansiranje izborne kampanje iz budzeta samouprava
- Pregled izdvajanja iz budzeta opstina za finansiranje politickih stranaka 2012
- finansiranje izborne kampanje monitoring (3)
- Opsti osvrt na finansijske izvestaje stranaka sa majskih izbora 2012
- Prihodi parlamentarni izbori
- Prihodi predsednicki izbori
- Rashodi parlamentarni izbori
- Rаshodi predsednicki izbori
- sumarno prihodi i rashodi parlаmentarni i predsednicki izbori
- Tabela troškovi prevoza uporedivanje TS izveštaji agenciji
- Zakup prostorija za potrebe izbornih kampanja mart, maj 2012
- Zakup prostorija, po strankama, mart, maj 2012
- Copy of Poredjenje TV oglasavanja parl i pred 2
- Izvestaji o troskovima izborne kampanje 2012
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Pravosudje u borbi protiv korupcije (en)
Reforma pravosuđa u Srbiji je sprovođena uglavnom kroz proces reorganizacije sudova i mreže tužilaca kao i izbora sudija i tužilaca u 2009. Reforma je nastavljena kroz proces usvajanja zakonskih rešenja. Pojedini njeni aspekti su izazvali kontroverze i rasprave koje jos uvek traju. Nedostatak transparentnosti u procesu reizbora doveo je do smanjenja poverenja građana u pravosuđe, što je predstavljalo jedan od ciljeva reformi. Delimične procene tužilaštva i sudova koji procesuiraju slučajeve korupcije pokazuju da procedure predugo traju, u poređenju sa sličnim zemljama, najčešće ispod pravnog minimuma, veoma je mali broj slučajeva visoke korupcije koji se procesuiraju. Naročito zabrinjavajuća je činjenica da postoji ogromna razlika među brojem slučajeva korupcije sa kojima se građani susreću na osnovu istraživanja i procesuiranih slučajeva, slučajevi kada se korupcija ne procesuira godinama nakon njenog otkrivanja i gotovo potpuno nekažnjavanje kršenja antikorupcijskih zakona u prekršajnoj proceduri (javne nabavke, Zakon o budžetskom sistemu, finansiranje političkih stranaka).
Projekat će pratiti i ocenjivati rezultate srpskog pravosuđa u borbi protiv korupcije i sveukupnu primenu antikorupcijskih zakona. Projekat je direktno povezan sa reformom pravosuđa koja je sprovedena na osnovu Strategije o reformi u pravosuđu iz 2009 godine, sa Nacionalnom strategijom za borbu protiv korupcije (očekuje se da će nova biti usvojena 2012, dok je postojeća na snazi od 2005), i indirektno sa dostignućima u oblasti evropskih integracija Republike Srbije i ispunjenja političkih i kriterijuma javnog sektora iz Kopenhagena. Takođe, na osnovu procene i sprovedenog monitoringa, projekat će identifikovati slabosti sistema i predložiti aktivnosti za prevazilaženje ovih slabosti. U okviru aktivnosti zagovaranja, projekat će pokušati da skrene pažnju zainteresovanim stranama kako bi se obezbedilo usvajanje preporuka i obezbedilo poboljšanje sistema.
Projekat se sprovodi u saradnji sa Društvom sudija Srbije
Projekat je podržan od strane Ambasade Kraljevine Norveške u BeograduMaterijal:
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Sistem monitoringa i evaluacije performansi javnih (en)
Sistem monitoringa i evaluacije performansi javnih nabavki u Srbiji
Transparentnost Srbija je opredeljena da razvije bencmarking, monitoring i sistem evaluacije performansi javnih nabavki u Srbiji. Vodeca ideja je da se obezbedi alat koji se može koristiti i za procenu trenutnog sistema javnih nabavki i promene tog sistema tokom vremena.
Metodologija za procenu sistema javnih nabavki je napor ka stvaranju jedinstvenog sredstva za procenu karakteristika i efikasnosti sistema javnih nabavki u Srbiji.
Osnov za razvijanje metodologije je Zakon o javnim nabavkama koji je stupio na snagu 6. januara 2009 i dodatnih podzakonskih dokumenata, koji su stupili na snagu 6. jula 2009.Pored korišćenja Zakona o javnim nabavkama, metodologija se zasniva na preporukama međunarodnih organizacija kao i opšte prihvaćenoj dobroj praksi. Dodatni izvori informacija koje su korišćene su Zakon o budžetskom sistemu, Zakon o slobodnom pristupu informacijama, kao i drugi propisi u manjem obimu.
Metodologija se ne sme smatrati kao završena i trajna alatka, vec više kao živo biće izloženo stalnom usavrsavanju i prilagođavanju novim situacijama i razvijanju novih zahteva. Pod ovime se ne podrazumevaju samo promene zakonskog okvira, već i promene privrednog i društvenog okruženja, kao i prilagođavanje metodologije realnim uslovima.
Ova metodologija je jedan od rezultata projekta UNDP kancelarije u Beogradu i implementiran od strane Transparentnost Srbija.Materijal:
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Javne rasprave u procesu pripreme zakona (en)
U okviru ovog projekta Transparentnost Srbija prati organizovanje javnih rasprava o zakonskim predlozima u Republici Srbiji. Javne rasprave su jedno od sredstava za obezbeđivanje transparentnosti rada državnih organa i imaju za cilj povećanje demokratskog učešća građana i njihovih predstavnika u postupku formulisanja zakonskih i podzakonskih akata koje donose organi vlasti. Praksa organizovanja javnih rasprava je takođe od velikog značaja u borbi protiv korupcije jer omogućava poznavaocima odredjene materije da ukažu na problematične odredbe ili odredbe kojima se favorizuju interesi pojedinaca ili grupa na štetu javnog interesa.
Pravni okvir i praksa organizovanja javnih rasprava u Srbiji su nedovoljno razvijeni.
Gradjani imaju Ustavom garantovano pravo da utiču na kreiranje politike. Kada je u pitanju zakonodavni proces, gradjani imaju pravo učešća, podnošenjem peticija i inicijativa. Pored toga, Zakon o državnoj upravi propisuje obavezu organizovanja javnih rasprava kada se donosi nov propis, a sličnu odredbu sadrže i relevantni akti koji regulišu rad organa lokalne samouprave. Portal e-uprave omogućava organima republičke i lokalne vlasti da objave informacije o javnim raspravama koje organizuju. Nacionalna startegija za borbu protiv korupcije koja je na snazi od 2005 god. predviđa veću transparentnost u postupku izrade nacrta zakona.
Medjutim, sve ove mogućnosti se ne koriste dovoljno. Zakonske odredbe o javnim raspravama su neodredjene. Ne postoji unapred definisan oblik javne debate niti sankcije u slučaju da neki javni organ propusti da to učini. Ispunjenje ove zakonske obaveze se ne prati na odgovarajući način, dok je interesovanje građana slabo. Mogućnosti koje pruža Portal e-uprave se ne koriste u dovoljnoj meri, ponovo zbog nejasno definisanih obaveza za uportebu i nedovoljne informisanosti građana.
Tokom ovog projekt Transparentnost Srbija će se usredsrediti na analizu pravnog okvira i prakse, identifikujući u kojoj meri se organizuju javne rasprave, ali i na izradu preporuka za poboljšanje i zalaganje za bolju informisanost građana.
Projekat je podržan od strane ambasade Kraljevine Holandije u Beogradu.
U sprovođenju ovog projekta TS sarađuje sa Projektom za pravnu reformu u Srbiji GIZ-a. Kao rezultat te saradnje, analiza pravnog okvira i prakse javnih rasprava u Srbiji, analiza propisa o javnim raspravama u drugim zemljama i preporuke za izmenu propisa u Srbiji na kojima je radila naša organizacija uvrštene su u Studija o unapređenju zakonodavnog procesa u Republici Srbiji, koja će biti predstavljena 25. septembra 2012. u Narodnoj skupštini Republike Srbije.
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Funkcionalan sistem za borbu protiv korupcije u javnim nabavkama u Srbiji (en)
Funkcionalan sistem za borbu protiv korupcije u javnim nabavkama u Srbiji
Javne nabavke u Srbiji su identifikovane kao oblast u kojoj je korupcija široko rasprostranjena. Nova vlada je kao svoj ključni prioritet postavila borbu protiv korupcije. Novi Zakon o javnim nabavkama, koji donosi značajna poboljšanja za borbu protiv korupcije će biti na snazi od 1. aprila 2013. Ovaj zakon je predstavljen kao kamen temeljac politike borbe protiv korupcije, koji bi "omogućio do 1 milijarde evra uštede godišnje". Dva posebno važna podzakonska akta (o planiranju i analizi antikorupcijskih rizika) će biti usvojena do 1. septembra od strane Uprave za javne nabavke (UJN).
Ovaj projekat ima za cilj da olakša uspostavljanje funkcionalnog sistema za borbu protiv korupcije u javnim nabavkama, kroz identifikaciju rizika korupcije, praćenje implementacije antikorupcijskih odredaba nedavno usvojenog zakona, podizanje javne svesti i podrške državnim nezavisnim organima. Ovim projektom se takođe planira olakšavanje sprovođenja antikorupcijskih zakona kroz praćenje odabranih rizičnih područja, kao što je diskrecija u nabavkama male vrednosti, transparentnost dokumenata (posebno tenderske dokumentacije), i pokretanje postupaka za sankcionisanje pred nadležnim organima. Takođe se planira unapređenje kvaliteta podzakonskih akata kojima se reguliše planiranje javnih nabavki i sprečavanje korupcije u javnim nabavkama, na osnovu iskustava TS u ovoj oblasti i učestvovanja u izradi podzakonskih akata, i pružanje podrške Upravi za javne nabavke i Antikorupcijskoj agenciji koje su zadužene za pripremu ovih akata.
Ovaj projekat je podržan od strane Britanske ambasade u Beogradu
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Praćenje mogućnosti sudova i nezavisnih tela (en)
Praćenje mogućnostisudova i nezavisnih tela da sankcionišukršenje antikorupcijskih zakona
Korupcija u Srbiji je široko rasprostranjena, a problem je identifikovan u brojnim izveštajima EU i drugih međunarodnih organizacija. Loše funkcionisanje sudstva, a zatim pokušaj da se reformiše, koji je umesto rešavanja doveo do još većeg problema, se obično navodi kao jedan od glavnih prepreka za suzbijanje korupcije u prošlosti. Nova vlast je proklamovala borbu protiv korupcije kao politički prioritet, a neke od negativnih posledica neuspeha reforme pravosuđa su uklonjene. Međutim, javno proklamovana nezavisnost sudstva mora biti dokazana u praksi u oblasti primene zakona.
TS će pratiti koja kršenja antikorupcijskih zakona su primećena od strane nezavisnih tela, koji mehanizmi sankcionisanja su korišćeni, na koji način su prekršajni sudovi i tužioci reagovali, i da li su mediji izvestili o tome, kako bi se identifikovanjem slabosti uspostavio bolji sistem odgovornosti.
Opšti cilj projekta je jačanje vladavine prava kroz strogo sankcionisanje kršenja antikorupcijskih zakona identifikovanih od strane nezavisnih tela. Ovaj projekat ima za cilj poboljšanje efikasnosti rada sudova i nezavisnih agencija, ukazujući na neophodnost sankcionisanja nepravilnosti koje nezavisni organi uoče, ukazujući na nepravilnosti koje nezavisni organi nisu identifikovali, i podsticanjem pravosudnih organa da pokrenu postupke za kršenje antikorupcijskih zakona. Ovaj projekat će promovisati transparentnost i odgovornost državnih institucija podstičući medije da pišu o izveštajima nezavisnih organa i da promovišu nultu toleranciju protiv korupcije.
Ovaj projekat je podržan od strane Projekta zareformu pravosuđa i odgovornu vlast (JRGA)
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Monitoring finansiranja izborne kampanje - Beograd (en)
U okviru projekta, TS će prikupljati, analizirati i promovisati zaključke o najznačajnijim troškovima političkih stranaka i kandidata u kampanji za Beogradske izbore na početku 2014 godine, (zlo)upotrebama javnih funkcija i javnih resursa za stranačke promocije i celokupnoj implementaciji pravila o finansiranju kampanje.
Opšti cilj projekta je da se olakša sprovođenje pravila o finansiranju kampanje za gradske izbore u Beogradu 2014. i da se spreči zloupotreba javnih resursa za potrebe kampanje.
Pojedinačni ciljevi projekta su:
1. procena nivoa i vrste finansiranja kampanje svakog političkog subjekta koji učestvuje na izborima
2. procena uticaja izborne kampanje na aktivnosti državnih organa i javnih funkcionera, uključujući i potencijalne zloupotrebe javnih resursa
3. informisati relevantne državne institucije (naročito Agenciju za borbu protiv korupcije), nacionalne i međunarodne aktere i građane o nalazima i preporukama TS kako da se reše identifikovani problemi.
- aktivnosti funkcionera skracena verzija, mart 2014.xls
- Aktivnosti javnih funkcionera tokom kampanje za izbore 2014, kraca verzija.doc
- cg zakon izmene.PDF
- makedonija izborni zakonik clan 8a.doc
- Procena troskova TV oglasavanja u kampanji za parlamentarne i beogradske izbore 2014 ispravka.docx
Projekat je omogućen podrškom američkog naroda putem Američke agencije za međunarodni razvoj (USAID) kroz Projekat za reformu pravosuđa i odgovornu vlast i ne mora neophodno odslikavati stavove USAID ili Vlade Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.
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Monitoring sankcionisanja kršenja antikorupcijskih (en)
Puno funkcionisanje nezavisnih tela i njihov doprinos u borbi protiv korupcije u pojedinim oblastima je otežan zbog nedostatka političke volje (nepoštovanje preporuka koje daju ova tela) i lošeg sprovođenja pravde što je dovelo do izuzetno sporog sankcionisanja povreda antikorupcijskih propisa. U nekim slučajevima postupci po prijavama nezavisnih tela su obustavljani zbog nastupanja zastarelosti za vođenje postupka. Nije bilo proaktivnog delovanja tužilaštava na osnovu nalaza nezavisnih tela - slučajeva da je tužilaštvo pokrenulo prekršajno ili krivično gonjenje za prekršaje uočene u izveštajima nezavisnih tela.
Transparentnost Srbija će u okviru projekta pratiti kakva kršenja antikorupcijskih zakona su uočila nezavisna tela, kakvi mehanizmi sankcionisanja su pokrenuti, kako su prekršajni sudovi i tužioci postupali i kako su mediji izveštavali o tome, kako bi se kroz identifikovanje i otklanjanje slabosti postigao bolji sistem odgovornost.
Projekat ima za cilj jačanje vladavine prava i poboljšanje efikasnosti sudova i nezavisnih tela, ukazujući na neophodnost sankcionisanja prekršaja koje su nezavisna tela uočila i identifikovala, istovremeno podstičući tužilaštva da i sami pokreću procedure za kršenje antikorupcijskih propisa.
- Proaktivno delovanje tuzilastva po izvestajima nezavisnih tela.doc
- Sankcionisanje krsenja antikorupcijskih propisa u Srbiji, Transparentnost Srbija, februar 2014.pdf
- Inicijativa Ministarstvu finansija izmene Zakona o prekrsajima mart 2014.doc
- Inicijativa Ministarstvu finansija Zakon o budzetskom sistemu decembar 2013.pdf
- Inicijativa Odboru za finansije Narodne skupstine mart 2014.doc
- Inicijativa za dopunu Akcionog plana mart 2014.doc
- Inicijativa Agenciji za borbu protiv korupcije februar 2014.doc
- Inicijativa Drzavnoj revizorskoj instituciji februar 2014.doc
- Revizija svrsishodnosti Transparentnost Srbija januar 2014.doc
Projekat je omogućen podrškom američkog naroda putem Američke agencije za međunarodni razvoj (USAID) kroz Projekat za reformu pravosuđa i odgovornu vlast i ne mora neophodno odslikavati stavove USAID ili Vlade Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.
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Građanski nadzornik u javnim nabavkama (en)
Novim Zakonom o javnim nabavkama u sistem javnih nabavki, u decembru 2012 uveden je građanski nadzornik. Ako naručilac sprovodi postupak javne nabavke čija je procenjena vrednost veća od milijardu dinara, postupak nadgleda građanski nadzornik. Zakon, između ostalog, propisuje da je građanski nadzornik (NVO ili pojedinac) dužan da nadgleda postupak javne nabavke i u tom cilju on ima stalan uvid u postupak, dokumentaciju i komunikaciju naručioca sa zainteresovanim licima, odnosno ponuđačima. Građanski nadzornik podnosi izveštaj o nadzoru Upravi za javne nabavke i Odboru za finansije Narodne skupštine, odnosno skupštini autonomne pokrajine ili lokalne samouprave i može ukazati javnosti ako je bilo nepravilnosti tokom postupka.
Ovaj projekat ima za cilj da ojača položaj građanskog nadzornika i poboljša antikorupcijske odredbe ali i praksu u oblasti javnih nabavki putem više aktivnosti:
- TS će delovati kao građanski nadzornik za odabrane javne nabavke i podneti izveštaj o nadzoru postupka javnih nabavki Upravi za javne nabavke i Odboru za finansije Narodne skupštine
- TS će organizovati obuku za potencijalne građanske nadzornike – pojedince i organizacije koje su eksperti u oblastima koje će najverovatnije biti predmet javnih nabavki velikih vrednosti, ali nemaju iskustvo u postupcima javnih nabavki. Na ovaj način formiraće se baza profesionalnih građanskih nadzornika, čime se obezbeđuje održiv i odgovoran sistem javnih nabavki
- TS će analizirati prethodnu istoriju javnih nabavki između posmatranih naručilaca i ponuđača - da li je bilo nepravilnosti ili indicija sumnjivog postupanja
- U slučajevima gde TS identifikuje značajne nepravilnosti u posmatranom postupku javne nabavke, a naručilac ih ne otkloni u skladu sa preporukama TS, pokrenućemo odgovarajući postupak za sankcionisanje.
Projekat je podržan od strane ambasade Kraljevine Holandije u Beogradu.- Article Count:
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Funkcionalan sistem za borbu protiv korupcije u JN (en)
Javne nabavke su identifikovane kao oblast u kojoj je korupcija u Srbiji široko rasprostranjena. Nov Zakon o javnim nabavkama, sa značajnim poboljšanjima pravnog okvira za borbu protiv korupcije u ovoj oblasti, na snazi je od 1. aprila 2013. Ovaj zakon je predstavljen kao kamen temeljac antikorupcijske politike. Međutim, primena novih pravila, uključujući i ona koja se odnose na sprečavanje korupcije u najranjivijim oblastima sistema javnih nabavki, nije obezbeđena. Kapaciteti Uprave za javne nabavke i drugih nadzornih institucija (tj. budžetska inspekcija, Državna revizorska institucija, Komisija za zaštitu prava ponuđača) su prilično slabi.
U okviru ovog projekta, Transparentnost Srbija će pratiti sprovođenje ključnih antikorupcijskih odredbi novog Zakona i njihove efekte sa ciljem da pruži podršku reformi, ali i da javnosti pruži objektivan pregled efekata i slabosti reforme sistema javnih nabavki.
- Sprovodjenje Zakona o javnim nabavkama, prvi nalazi.docx
- Sprovodjenje Zakona o javnim nabavkama - drugi krug nalaza.doc
Projekat je podržan od strane Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Velike Britanije.
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Enhanced transparency and efficiency of public administration in four areas: Information Directories, Public debates, Public procurements and Public private partnership
Corruption in Serbia is reason for serious concern and transparency of public administration is one of the key preconditions for curbing corruption. Corruption seriously affects quality of citizens’ lives, business environment and democratic institutions when occurs in legislative process, in disposal of public funds and in providing of services by public sector institutions and enterprises.
This project seeks to strengthen the rule of law through increased transparency in the work of public authorities and improved quality of services provided to citizens. Project Enhanced transparency and efficiency of public administration in four areas is focused on compliance of public institutions with the law which is the prerequisites for the rule of law. Legislation to be monitored includes Public Procurement Law, Law on Public-Private Partnership and Concessions, Law on Free Access to Information, Rules of Procedures of Government and city Statutes. Project will contribute rule of law by identification of cases of noncompliance and reporting it to relevant authorities/initiating sanctioning procedures. TS will contribute improvement of legal framework through involvement in public debates and advocacy for improved legal framework for public debates on local level. Aside from such involvement in policy formulation and decision-making processes, project will directly contribute greater CSO participation in this areas through workshops organised for other CSOs. Public awareness components of the project and trainings for media will also contribute more effective and more accountable service providing to the citizens and disposal of public funds.
Objectives will be achieved through combination of monitoring done by Transparency Serbia, wide spreading of monitoring skills of other CSO and media (through workshops), providing of recommendations for improvement of practice to the observed authorities, providing state oversight bodies information aimed to initiate sanctioning procedures and raise of citizens awareness about current level of transparency and efficiency of public institutions’ work and its importance for citizens’ lives.
In order to help us to achive this objectives and to contribute success of this project we invite all citizens, civil-socitey organisations, media, businesses and all other interested to point us on:
- problematic provisions of laws in procedure which need to be monitored;
- public procurerements which, by their nature, are important for a large number of people (such as major infrastructure facilities), interests of particularly vulnerable groups, environmental and energy savings issues which need to be monitored, and those where irregularities are suspected;
- inaccuracies (e.g. misleading data on services) in Informative Directories
- public-private partnerships (long term business agreements between public authorities and private investors) of particular importance for citizens which need to be monitored
- TS also invite all local-self governments interested to improve their statutory provisions about public debates to address us.
Public Procurements - key monitoring findings, May 2015
Public Private Partnerships - key monitoring findings, May 2015
Free Access to Information - key findings, May 2015
Public Debates of Regulations - key monitoring findings, May 2015
Project will be implemented in period November 28th, 2013 - May 28th, 2015 with support of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia as part of the project „EU Civil Society Facility Serbia Programme“ and Government of the Republic of Serbia - Office for Cooperation with Civil Society .- Article Count:
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Mehanizam odgovornosti sudija u Srbiji (en)
Pravosudni sistem Srbije godinama se bori sa ozbiljnim problemima, kao što su nedovoljna efikasnost, ogroman broj zaostalih predmeta, široko rasprostranjena percepcija korupcije i politički i drugih nedozvoljeni uticaji.
Pokušaji da se učine promene datiraju još iz 2001. godine.
Među merama koje su tada preduzete bilo je i povećanje plata sudija i uspostavljanje novih tela sa ciljem da se obezbedi veća uloga pravosuđa u disciplinovanju svojih članova uključujući rad Nadzornog odbora Vrhovnog suda Srbija i Velikog personalnog veća Visokog saveta pravosuđa. Ove institucije su bile su zadužene da ispitaju primedbe na rad sudije i da predlože odgovarajuće mere u slučajevima kada nije postupio u skladu sa zakonom. Međutim, ovaj sistem se nije pokazao efikasanim. Iako је vrlo često bilo navoda o nepravilnostima u radu sudova i sudija, slučajevi u kojima je bilo predlagano razrešenje sudija i tužilaca su bili izuzetno retki. Percepcija korupcije u pravosuđu prema svim relevantnim istraživanjima javnog mnjenja ostala je visoka, što je imalo za posledicu i smanjeno poverenje građana u ovu granu vlasti.
Reforma pravosuđa iz 2009 godine uvela je nekoliko značajnih promena, uključujući i novu mrežu sudova (npr. ukidanje opštinskih sudova u manjim mestima u korist osnivanja manjeg broja osnovnih sudova, osnivanje Vrhovnog kasacionog suda i sudova posebne nadležnosti), osnivanje novih institucija - Visokog saveta sudstva kao i autonomiju pravosudnog budžeta. Međutim, u fokusu diskusija koje su se vodile bilo je pitanje "opšteg izbora" sudija, gde se kao jedan od argumenata zbog čega veliki broj ranijih sudija nije ponovo izabran bio i njihova navodna nekompetentnost i nepravilnosti u radu.
Ovaj projekat pokušaće da odgovori na zanimljivo pitanje - da li novoosnovani sistem pravosuđa u Srbiji ima odgovarajuća sredstva i mehanizme kako bi se obezbedila odgovornost sudija kroz redovnu proceduru, odnosno bez primena vanrednih mera?Cilj ovog projekta je da podrži ciljeve reforme pravosuđa u Srbiji, veće poverenje građana i profesionalni i nepristrasni pravosudni sistem u Srbiji kroz analizu efikasnosti mehanizama odgovornosti sudija i zalaganje za njegovo unapređenje.
Ovaj projekat je u vezi sa radom nekoliko državnih institucija i udruženja, uključujući Ministarstvo pravde, Visoki savet sudstva, Društvo sudija Srbije i Advokatsku komoru, kao i samih sudova. Očekujemo da se ove institucije uključe u neke aktivnosti projekta, odnosno da koriste izveštaj sa rezultatima istraživanja i preporuke Transparentnosti Srbija u okviru svog delokruga rada.
Projekat je podržan od strane Balkanskog fonda za demokratiju (BTF). Podršku BTF dali su German Marshall Fund Sjedinjenih američkih država i Ambasada Kraljevine Holandije.- Article Count:
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Finansiranje političkih stranaka (en)
Netransparentno finansiranje političkih partija i izbornih kampanja je jedna od glavnih briga aktuelnih reformi u Srbiji, u smislu demokratskog razvoja, borbe protiv korupcije i integracija u EU. Usvajanje novog Zakona je već identifikovano kao jedan od prioritetnih zadataka u kontekstu evropskih integracija, budući da se postojeći pokazao kao neefikasan.
Imajući u vidu iskustva sa drugim anti-korupcijskim zakonima, donošenje novih pravila ne predstavlja garanciju napretka. Štaviše, predlog zakona koji je trenutno na raspravi u Vladi bi se mogao poboljšati, kao i dosta povezanih zakona. Zato je neophodno javno zagovaranje u parlamentu i drugim institucijama.
Implementacija pravila će zavisiti od nekoliko tela, uključujući Agenciju za borbu protiv korupcije, Državnu revizorsku instituciju, ali i mnogih drugih, kao što su Savet za radiodifuziju, organi vlasti koji vrše distribuciju subvencija iz budžeta, javni tužioci i sudovi za prekršaje. Njihovo iskustvo u praćenju finansiranja partija je nedovoljno i podrška koja dolazi kroz praćenje aktivnosti od strane civilnog društva je veoma korisna, ako ne i presudna.
Prvi izveštaji koji će biti provereni na osnovu odredbi novog zakonodavstva će biti oni za godinu 2010. Redovni izbori, i najveći test za novi zakon u praksi će se održati 2012, ali datum još uvek nije zakazan.
Imajući u vidu predstojeće izbore, neophodno je da se poboljša pravni okvir u najkraćem mogućem roku, ali i da se osigura, kroz aktivnosti javnog zagovaranja, da se njegove odredbe testiraju u praksi tokom 2011.
Antikorupcijska agencija je uradila nacrt novog zakona, koji je trenutno pred Vladom i očekuje se da bude usvojen u Narodnoj skupštini do juna. Ali, s obzirom da predstoje izbori, najkasnije do maja 2012, postoji značajna zabrinutost da stranke, vladajuće i opozicione, nisu spremne za transparentnije finansijsko izveštavanje. Stoga je od ključne važnosti da se održi pritisak NVO i javnosti radi obezbeđivanja transparentnijeg upravljanja.Transparentnost Srbija (uključena u javnu raspravu i proces monitoringa), poseduje odličan uvid u rešenja iz novog nacrta zakona, takođe i o statusu partija i poslanika koji su voljni da pomognu značajne izmene zakona.
Ovaj projekat će se odnositi na rad više javnih institucija, uključujući Parlament, Agenciju za borbu protiv korupcije, Državnu revizorsku instituciju, Agenciju za radio-difuziju ali i finansijski sektor centralne, pokrajinske i lokalne vlasti, javne tužioce i prekršajne sudove. Očekujemo da će se institucije uključiti u pojedine aktivnosti projekta, odnosno da će koristiti izveštaje organizacije Transparentnost Srbija u njihovom daljem radu.Materijal:
- Usluge opstina i gradova strankama.rar
- Dopis budzeti gradova i opstina fin pol akt.docx
- Izdvajanja iz lokalnih budzeta za finansiranje politickih stranaka po opstinama 2012.xlsx
- Pregled izdvajanja iz budzeta opstina za finansiranje politickih stranaka 2012.xlsx
- Dodela prostorija politickim strankama pod povlascenim uslovima - Grad Nis.xlsx
- Finansiranje stranaka i kampanja iz budzeta za 2011 i 2012.xlsx
- Objavljeni podaci o primljenim prilozima i clanarinama .xlsx
- Opstine i gradovi koji nisu odgovorili na zahtev u vezi sa uslugama koje pruzaju politickim strankama.xlsx
- Prilozi i clanarine objavljeni na internet stranama politickih partija.xlsx
- Izdvajanja iz lokalnih budzeta za finansiranje politickih stranaka po opstinama 2012.xlsx
- Pregled izdvajanja iz budzeta opstina za finansiranje politickih stranaka 2012.xlsx
- Primena novog zakona o finansiranju politickih aktivnosti.ppt
- Primena novog zakona o finansiranju politickih aktivnosti.pptx
Projekat je podržan od strane Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, UK.
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Praćenje proaktivnog pristupa inform. u Srbiiji (en)
Praćenje proaktivnog pristupa informacijama u Srbiji
U okviru ovog projekta Transparentnost – Srbija će pratiti u kojoj meri organi javne vlasti poštuju Uputstvo za izradu i objavljivanje Infomatora o radu državnih organa, koje je septembra 2010, na osnovu svojih ovlašćenja doneo Poverenik za informacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti. Ovaj akt propisuje koje vrste informacija organi vlasti moraju objaviti na svojim internet prezentacijama i kada to niko od njih ne traži posebnim zahtevom. U okviru projekta ćemo pratiti postupanje najmanje 57 javnih institucija.
Projekat je podržan od strane Open Society Institute
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Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres (ALAC)
The Transparency International Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres (ALACs) in South Eastern Europe are places where victims and witnesses of corruption report cases and receive practical legal advice to enable them to file and pursue official complaints with the relevant national institutions. The ALACs motivate active involvement of citizens in the fight against corruption by providing simple, credible and viable mechanisms.
They are offering direct help in form of legal support while at the same time using information gained from citizen complaints to identify corruption-facilitating weaknesses in the system and to advocate for reform based on the concrete evidence of citizen’s complaints. ALACs are thereby functioning as mediator, enabling ordinary citizens to hold institutions accountable, translating their concerns into systematic improvements.
Apart from providing direct help in personal cases, ALACs have accomplished numerous advocacy successes, for example, valuable changes to anticorruption provisions of laws on public procurement (Serbia, Bosnia i Herzegovina); convincing several state institutions and authorities to provide an official directly in charge of handling citizen’s complaints (Bosnia i Herzegovina); ministries creating their own hotlines (Moldova); achieving actual access to information (if necessary through Supreme Court decision as in Montenegro). They also put citizen concerns on the government’s agenda, e.g. harmful effects of certain privatizations (Montenegro), even achieving corrections to previously conducted illegal actions as in the case of overspending in election campaigning in Serbia where political parties, after an ALAC-based campaign, ended up reimbursing the state budget.
Project implemented in period between May 1st and September 30nd 2011 with support of OSCE Mission in SerbiaRegional ALAC-s
ALAC PUBLICATION (serbian only)
Total Opened Cases In Period 2007-2010
Number Of Total Opened Cases in 2012- Article Count:
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Savetodavna pomoć ponuđačima (en)
Zaštita prava ponuđača jeste jedan od najvažnijih oslonaca regularnosti javnih nabavki. Sistem zaštite prava u Srbiji uređen je Zakonom o javnim nabavkama i koncipiran je kao dvostepen. To znači da se, u prvom stepenu, ponuđač žali naručiocu, pa ukoliko naručilac odbije njegov zahtev, ponuđač upućuje žalbu Komisiji za zaštitu prava, kao drugostepenom organu koji može da odluči da se postupak u celini ili delimično poništi ili pak da odbaci žalbu ponuđača. Odluka Komisije je konačna i protiv nje se ne može izjaviti žalba niti voditi upravni spor.
Shvatajući značaj zaštite prava za uspostavljanje kredibilnog i efikasnog sistema javnih nabavki, Transparentnost Srbija (TS) je, u periodu april 2004 – april 2005. godine, realizovala projekat „Efikasne javne nabavke“ čija je ključna komponenta bila obuka ponuđača širom Srbije u oblasti zaštite prava u postupcima javnih nabavki.
Jedan od osnovnih nalaza ovog projekta bio je da je nivo poznavanja postupka zaštite prava relativno nizak kod ponuđača. To ima za posledicu da, zbog nedovoljnog poznavanja pravila i postupka, ponuđači propuštaju da zatraže zaštitu svojih prava ili da ulažu zahteve za zaštitu prava koji imaju formalne nedostatke zbog čega bivaju odbijeni od strane Komisije. Istovremeno, ne postoji neko telo kome se ponuđači mogu obratiti za konsultaciju kada su u pitanju konkretni slučajevi zaštite prava, već tu vrstu saveta pružaju samo advokatske kancelarije uz komercijalnu nadoknadu. Uočljiv je problem da manji ponuđači neretko odustaju od zaštite svojih prava jer treba da plate usluge advokatskih kancelarija kako bi otklonili nedoumice, kao i iznos od 40.000 dinara takse koju treba uplatiti da bi proces zaštite prava započeo.
Zbog toga je Transparentnost Srbija, u saradnji sa Misijom OEBS-a u Srbiji, pokrenula projekat koji ima za cilj da se ponuđačima pruži besplatna savetodavna pomoć u oblasti zaštite prava. Ponuđači se za savete mogu obratiti stručnjacima Transparentnosti Srbije na telefonski broj 0800-081-081 u vremenu od 11 do 15 svakog radnog dana, počev od 1. oktobra 2007.
Pomoć TS će biti isključivo savetodavnog karaktera i neće obuhvatati sastavljanje zahteva za zaštitu prava. Mišljenja i stavovi stručnjaka TS ne moraju se nužno podudarati sa stavovima donatora (OEBS) ili Komisije za zaštitu prava.
Planirani period pružanja savetodavne pomoći je deset meseci. Nakon toga, reprezentativni slučajevi će biti sakupljeni i objavljeni u publikaciji: „Slučajevi zaštite prava u postupcima javnih nabavki“. Rezultati projekta, kao i publikacija biće predstavljeni na završnoj konferenciji pod nazivom: „Ka boljoj zaštiti prava u postupcima javnih nabavki“.
Projekat je u potpunosti podržala Misija OEBS u Srbiji.
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Izgradnja kapaciteta javnih nabavki u Srbiji (en)
Na korupciju u oblasti raspolaganja javnim sredstvima javnih ugovora odlaze ogromne sume novca neopohodnog za funkcionisanje javnih službi. Ovo se najvećim delom dešava zbog činjenice da na nabavke javnih dobara, radova i usluga odlazi oko 16 % ukupnog b ruto doma ć eg proizvoda (procena za Srbiju). Upravo ovi veliki nov č ani iznosi predstavljaju isku š enje i nude š iroke mogu ć nosti za korupciju u javnom sektoru. U Srbiji, obim javnih nabavki je č ak i ve ć i nego u drugim zemljama usled velikog broja neprivatizovanih preduze ć a. Istovremeno , potencijalni rizik od korupcije je ve ć i usled jakog uticaja politi č kih partija na rad javnih preduze ć a i duboko ukorenjenu praksu i mehanizme za izigravanje zakona. Na globalnom planu, š teta do koje dolazi usled korupcije procenjuje se na između 10 i 25% od ugovorne vrednosti, dok nijedan pouzdan podatak tog tipa ne postoji za Srbiju.
Kapacitet organa vlasti koji se bave javnim nabavkama je naj češće bio zanemarivan prilikom borbe protiv korupcije u ekonomskoj oblasti. Ove institucije imaju nedovoljan broj zaposlenih koji često nemaju dovoljno iskustva. Transparentnost Srbija smatra da su rad zaposlenih u organima zaduženim za javne nabavke kao i njihove mogućnosti da svoje zadatke obavljaju u skladu sa zakonskim obavezama i efikasno među najvažnijim činiocima koji treba da osiguraju transparentnost i efikasnost javnih nabavki.
Srbija ima relativno moderno zakonodavstvo u oblasti javnih nabavki tek od 2002. godine. Zakon o javnim nabavkama je bio osnova za uspostavljanje Uprave za javne nabavke i Komisije za za š titu prava ponuđa č a tokom godina koje su usledile. Iako su ovaj zakon, institucije i procedure zna č ajno uticale da se poboljša ranija praksa, postoji mnogo problema u zakonu, njegovom sprovođenju i radu pomenutih institucija na koje se mora obratiti pažnja u periodu koji sledi.
Cilj projekta je takođe da dalje promoviše principe slobodnog protoka dobara i usluga, nediskriminacije i transparentnosti koji su sastavni deo sporazuma sa EU i koji se ponekad krše usled korupcije. Projekat će sadržati i sledeće aktivnosti:
• Procena aktuelnog zakonodavstva i procesa javnih nabavki u Srbiji; davanje preporuka za unapređenje
• Kreiranje metodologije za procenu kapaciteta i procena kapaciteta organa zaduženih za javne nabavke
• Izrada predloga amandmana na zakon, podzakonske akte i interne akte organa zaduženih za javne nabavke
• Organizacija treninga i pružanje tehničke pomoć i organima zaduženim za javne nabavke
• Praćenje postupaka javnih nabavki
• Zalaganje za obavezivanje nadležnih vlasti da prihvate i usvoje preporuke i podizanje nivoa svesti o pitanjima u vezi sa javnim nabavkama
• Završna konferencija sa učesnicima iz zemalja zapadnog Balkana
Ovaj projekat će se sprovoditi u saradnji sa Upravom za javne nabavke i Komisijom za za š titu prava ponuđaca Vlade Republike Srbije.
“Jačanje kapaciteta javnih nabavki u Srbiji“ nastavak je i nadogradnja ovog projekta.
Stupanjem na snagu novog Zakona o javnim nabavkama, 6. januara 2009, uvedene su nove obaveze za Upravu za javne nabavke ali i za sve naručioce. Transparentnost Srbija nastaviće sa aktivnostima započetim u prethodnom periodu kao što su praćenje postupaka javnih nabavki, izrada predloga amandmana na zakon, podzakonske akte i interne akte organa zaduženih za javne nabavke, podizanje nivoa svesti o pitanjima u vezi sa javnim nabavkama ali će svoje aktivnosti usmeriti i na pomoć organima zaduženim za javne nabavke u ispunjavanju njihovih obaveza kroz podnošenje inicijativa nadležnim organima za otklanjanjem uočenih problema u postupcima javnih nabavki i saradnju u izradi stručne literature za obuku službenika za javne nabavke.Projekat finansira Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Izloženi stavovi pripadaju autorima i ne moraju nužno predstavljati stavove donatora.
- Efikasne javne nabavke
- Press-clipping
- Zakon o javnim nabavkama
- Inicijativa Drzavnom vecu tuzilaca, vrednovanje tuzilackog rada u prekrsajnim postupcima[doc]
- inicijativa Ministarstvu finansija, izmene Zakona o javnim nabavkama[doc]
- Inicijativa Ministarstvu pravde oko prekrsajnog sankcionisanja [doc]
- Inicijativa Odboru za finansije u vezi sa izvestajem DRI [doc]
- Article Count:
- 0
Linija 481 (en)
U okviru ovog projekta, na kojem Transparentnost – Srbija sarađuje as Centrom za razvoj neprofitnog sektora iz Beograda I grupom nevladinih organizacija iz unutrašnjosti, ispituje se pitanje finansiranja nevladinih organizacija iz budžeta Srbije, I utvrđuje se šta se sve podvodi pod budžetsku klasifikaciju „481 – dotacije nevladinim organizacijama“ po kojoj je projekat I dobio ime.
Timocki klub- Knjazevac
Resurs centar- Majdanpek
Toplicki centar za demokratiju I ljudska prava
Gradjanski savet- Kraljevo
Svetionik- Loznica
Pirgos- Pirot Article Count:
- 0
Kampanja FOIA2008 (en)
Kampanja za usvajanje Zakona o klasifikaciji podataka i izmene Zakona o slobodnom pristupu informacijama od javnog značaja
Grupa nevladinih organizacija pokrenula je inicijativu za izmene Zakona o slobodnom pristupu informacijama od javnog značaja. Predloženim izmenama se, pored ostalog, planira uvođenje zaštite za "duvače u pištaljku" - osobe koje ukažu na nepravilnosti i korupciju u svojim organizacijama i institucijama, kažnjavanje odgovornih umesto ovlašćenih lica, kao i preciziranje pojedinih odredbi koje su u protekle tri godine proizvoljno tumačene.
Pored izmena Zakona o slobodnom pristupu informacija urađen je i Model zakona o klafisikaciji informacija koji treba da uredi oblast klasifikovanja i korišćenja tajnih informacija. Predlog izmena izradili su, kao i Model zakona o klasifikaciji informacija, poverenik Rodoljub Šabić, Vladimir Vodinelić i Saša Gajin iz Centra za unapređivanje pravnih studija i Dejan Milenković iz YUKOM-a. Predviđeno je da posle javne rasprave o modelima zakona, 26. novembra 2007. počne sakupljanje potpisa za građansku inicijativu za usvajanje zakona u Narodnoj skupštini Republike Srbije.
Inicijativu za izmenu zakona pokrenula su udruženja Narodni parlament iz Leskovca, Centar za unapređivanje pravnih studija iz Beograda, Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava, Sretenje iz Požege, Resurs centar iz Negotina i Građanski savet opštine Kraljevo, uz podršku Transparentnost Srbija, Komiteta pravnika za ljudska prava, Beogradskog centra za ljudska prava.
- Article Count:
- 0
Monitoring lokalnih izbora (en)
Monitoring lokalnih izbora u kontekstu Etičkog kodeksa lokalnih funkcionera
Ovaj projekat predstavlja podršku Savetima za praćenje primene Etičkog kodeksa kao deo programa Westminsterske fondacije za demokratiju u Srbiji da prate primenu Etičkog kodeksa lokalnih funkcionera.
Cilj ovog projekta je da se poveća transparentnost i odgovornost među lokalnim odbornicima. Projekat će pratiti kampanje kandidata na lokalnim izborima 2008 u osam opština u Srbiji (Smederevo, Plandište, Prokuplje, Pirot, Vranje, Arilje, Šabac, Mladenovac). Monitoring će se fokusirati na specifična pitanja poput finansiranja izborne kampanje i drugih oblasti na koje se odnosi Etički kodeks.
Najveći deo problema se odnosi na primenu odredaba Kodeksa (Članovi 10 i 11) koji se bave kampanjama za lokalne izbore i finansiranjem kampanja za lokalne izbore. Mnogi od Saveta za praćenje su sačinjeni od članova partija ili čak i kandidata na lokalnim izborima što otežava mogućnost da Saveti procene da li su se relevantne odredbe Kodeksa poštovale. Savetima takođe nedostaje sredstava da se bave ovim problemom nakon završetka izborne kampanje. U takvoj situaciji, građani ostaju neobavešteni da li su se ove bitne odredbe Kodeksa poštovale tokom izborne kampanje.
Opširnije, projekat se bavi problemima koji se tiču primene finansiranja izbornih kampanja. Na primer, u oblasti izborne regulative, u toku su diskusije o tome kako izmeniti izborni sistem da bi podstakli pravilnu zastupljenost građana u lokalnoj skupštini. Što se tiče finansiranja izborne kampanje, postoje problemi vezani za sve tipove izbora (nedovoljan nadzor Republičke izborne komisije, mnogo različitih tumačenja određenih zakonskih odredaba).
Ovaj projekat omogu ćen je donacijom Westminster Foundation for Democracy
Partnerske organizacije koje učestvuju na projektu:
- Centar za društvene inicijative – Smederevo
- Asocijacija građana Impuls – Plandište
- Toplički centar za demokratiju i ljudska prava – Prokuplje
- Građanska čitaonica Pirgos – Pirot
- ABC centar za mir, sigurnost i toleranciju – Vranje
- Centar kreativnog okupljanja – Arilje
- Osvit – Šabac
Arilje 1 i Arilje 2- Article Count:
- 0
Monitoring primene Nacionalne strategije (en)
Praćenje primene Nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv korupcije u radu Parlamenta Republike Srbije
Ovaj projekat Transparentnosti Srbija bavi se potrebom za poboljšanjem primene Nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv korupcije i akcionog plana, poboljšanjem kvaliteta rada Narodne Skupštine, podizanjem nivoa svesti građana o radu narodnih predstavnika i o primeni mera iz Nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv korupcije.
Korupcija u Srbije je identifikovana od strane internacionalnih organizacija (npr. Evropske komisije, Svetske banke, Saveta Evrope), nacionalnih vlasti (Narodne skupštine u Rezoluciji o usvajanju Nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv korupcije, Vlade u uvodnom govoru Premijera) i građana (istraživanja javnog mnenja) kao jedan od glavnih problema društva. Raličiti tipovi političke korupcije su posebno opasni, zbog svojih štetnih efekata u procesu donošenja odluka, gubitka poverenja u demokratske institucije i procese i gubitka legitimiteta donosioca odluka da će izvršiti neophodne reforme.
Ovaj projekat ima za cilj da osigura efikasan monitoring rada Parlamenta i naročito da li Parlament ispunjava u roku i na zadovoljavajući način svoje dužnosti koje proizilaze iz Nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv korupcije (NSZBPK, 2005) i Akcionog plana za implementaciju NSZBPK (AP, 2006).
Projekat pokriva različite aspekte Skupštinske uloge u implementaciji NSZBPK i AP, uključujući:
- Razvoj i usvajanje na odgovarajući način Akcionog plana za borbu protiv korupcije za rad Parlamenta
- Usvajanje novih zakona & amandmani na postojeće zakone u skladu sa NSZBPK i AP
- Primena dužnosti koje proizilaze iz NSZBPK i AP relevantne za sve državne institucije (npr. Odredbe o pristupu informacijama, poboljšanje vidljivosti rada Parlamenta, Odbora i narodnih poslanika) ili specifično za Parlament (rad sa godišnjim izveštajima nezavisnih državnih institucija koji se podnose Parlamentu, postavljanje članova nezavisnih institucija od strane Parlamenta u zakonom predviđenom roku)
Transparentnost Srbija će u okviru ovog projekta vršiti monitoring rada Parlamenta prilikom implementacije NSZBPK i AP; pripremiti i izdati konkretne preporuke kako da unapredi rad Parlamenta u implementaciji NSZBPK i AP; zalagati se da preporuke TS budu prihvaćene od strane Parlamenta i da NSZBPK i AP budu implementirani; i podizati svest građana o NSZBPK, AP i radu Parlamenta.
Jedna od komponenti projekta je i praćenje usaglašenosti predloženih zakona ( sa obavezama iz Nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv korupcije i formulisanje predloga izmena. U tom smislu pozivamo predstavnike civilnog sektora kao i sve zainteresovane građane da nam se obrate i svojim sugestijama, predlozima i zapažanjima ukažu na problematicne odredbe zakona sa stanovista moguce korupcije.
Predloge i sugestije mogu se uputiti putem maila This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ili slanjem komentara na posebnoj stranici web- sajta Transparentnosti Srbija.
Projekat finansira Institute for Sustainable Communities
- Article Count:
- 0
Podrška Antikorupcijskom savetovalištu ALAC (en)
U vezi sa državnom upravom često se govori o potrebi racionalizacije, pod kojom se obično podrazumeva potreba da se smanji broj zaposlenih. Međutim, po strani ostaje problem načina pripreme akata o sistematizaciji radnih mesta u organima državne uprave i drugim javnim institucijama. Ovo pitanje je takođe značajno u vezi sa trećim kriterijumom iz Kopenhagena i tzv. „administrativnim kapacitetima“ javnih institucija Srbije.
- Article Count:
- 0
Finansiranje političkih stranaka (en)
Finansiranje političkih stranaka – prva godina implementacije novog zakona
Netransparentno finansiranje političkih partija i izbornih kampanja je jedna od glavnih briga aktuelnih reformi u Srbiji, u smislu demokratskog razvoja, borbe protiv korupcije i integracija u EU. Usvajanje novog Zakona je već identifikovano kao jedan od prioritetnih zadataka u kontekstu evropskih integracija, budući da se postojeći pokazao kao neefikasan.
Imajući u vidu iskustva sa drugim anti-korupcijskim zakonima, donošenje novih pravila ne predstavlja garanciju napretka. Štaviše, predlog zakona koji je trenutno na raspravi u Vladi bi se mogao poboljšati, kao i dosta povezanih zakona. Zato je neophodno javno zagovaranje u parlamentu i drugim institucijama.
Implementacija pravila će zavisiti od nekoliko tela, uključujući Agenciju za borbu protiv korupcije, Državnu revizorsku instituciju, ali i mnogih drugih, kao što su Savet za radiodifuziju, organi vlasti koji vrše distribuciju subvencija iz budžeta, javni tužioci i sudovi za prekršaje. Njihovo iskustvo u praćenju finansiranja partija je nedovoljno i podrška koja dolazi kroz praćenje aktivnosti od strane civilnog društva je veoma korisna, ako ne i presudna.
Prvi izveštaji koji će biti provereni na osnovu odredbi novog zakonodavstva će biti oni za godinu 2010. Redovni izbori, i najveći test za novi zakon u praksi će se održati 2012, ali datum još uvek nije zakazan.
Imajući u vidu predstojeće izbore, neophodno je da se poboljša pravni okvir u najkraćem mogućem roku, ali i da se osigura, kroz aktivnosti javnog zagovaranja, da se njegove odredbe testiraju u praksi tokom 2011.
Antikorupcijska agencija je uradila nacrt novog zakona, koji je trenutno pred Vladom i očekuje se da bude usvojen u Narodnoj skupštini do juna. Ali, s obzirom da predstoje izbori, najkasnije do maja 2012, postoji značajna zabrinutost da stranke, vladajuće i opozicione, nisu spremne za transparentnije finansijsko izveštavanje. Stoga je od ključne važnosti da se održi pritisak NVO i javnosti radi obezbeđivanja transparentnijeg upravljanja.Transparentnost Srbija (uključena u javnu raspravu i proces monitoringa), poseduje odličan uvid u rešenja iz novog nacrta zakona, takođe i o statusu partija i poslanika koji su voljni da pomognu značajne izmene zakona.
Ovaj projekat će se odnositi na rad više javnih institucija, uključujući Parlament, Agenciju za borbu protiv korupcije, Državnu revizorsku instituciju, Agenciju za radio-difuziju ali i finansijski sektor centralne, pokrajinske i lokalne vlasti, javne tužioce i prekršajne sudove. Očekujemo da će se institucije uključiti u pojedine aktivnosti projekta, odnosno da će koristiti izveštaje organizacije Transparentnost Srbija u njihovom daljem radu.Materijal:
- Usluge opstina i gradova strankama.rar
- dopis budzeti gradova i opstina fin pol akt.doc
- zbirna lista opstine budzeti 2.xls
Projekat je podržan od strane Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, UK.
- Article Count:
- 0
Praćenje proaktivnog pristupa informacijama (en)
U okviru ovog projekta Transparentnost – Srbija će pratiti u kojoj meri organi javne vlasti poštuju Uputstvo za izradu i objavljivanje Infomatora o radu državnih organa, koje je septembra 2010, na osnovu svojih ovlašćenja doneo Poverenik za informacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti. Ovaj akt propisuje koje vrste informacija organi vlasti moraju objaviti na svojim internet prezentacijama i kada to niko od njih ne traži posebnim zahtevom. U okviru projekta ćemo pratiti postupanje najmanje 57 javnih institucija.
Projekat je podržan od strane Open Society Institute
- Article Count:
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Građanske povelje (en)
U okviru ovog projekta Transparentnost – Srbija ispituje međunarodna iskustva na polju objavljivanja podataka o pružanju usluga organa vlasti, kao mere za prevenciju korupcije, posebno imajući u vidu iskustva Velike Britanije i drugih zemalja u implementaciji Citizens Charters pristupa, s kojim se započelo tokom devedesetih godina prošlog veka. Osim toga, posvećujemo naročitu pažnju domaćem pravnom okviru za pružanje usluga i objavljivanje podataka o njima i pri tom se koncentrišemo na Uputstvo za izradu i objavljivanje informatora o radu državnih organa koje na osnovu Zakona o slobodnom pristupu informacijama od javnog značaja donosi Poverenik za infomacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti. Ovo uputstvo, između ostalog, uređuje i način na koji će organi vlasti prikazati usluge koje pružaju građanima i privredi i pre nego što im iko takve informacije zatraži. U okviru ovog projekta, na uzorku ćemo proveriti i poštovanje pravila o objavljivanju informatora o radu. Takođe, imajući u vidu širi značaj ove teme za borbu protiv korupcije, posvetićemo i pažnju tretmanu ovog pitanja u strateškim antikorupcijskim dokumentima Srbije (Nacionalna strategija za borbu protiv korupcije i Akcioni plan za njeno sprovođenje). U okviru projekta biće organizovane konferencije za štampu i okrugli stolovi, a predviđa se i izrada elektronske publikacije sa najzanimljivijim nalazima.
Nacionalna strategija za borbu protiv korupcije
Akcioni plan za primenu Nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv korupcije
Izveštaj o sprovođenju Nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv korupcije i Akcionog plana za primenu Nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv korupcije
Uputstvo za izradu i objavljivanje Informatora o radu državnog organa i komentar uputstva (Novo)
Uputstvo za izradu i objavljivanje Informatora o radu državnog organa i komentar uputstva (Staro)
Izveštaj Poverenika za 2010. godinu
Redovan godišnji izveštaj Zaštitnika građana za 2010. godinu
Zakon o izmeni i dopuni zakona o državnoj upravi
Konferencija Transparentnosti Srbija
Projekat finansira Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Izloženi stavovi pripadaju autorima i ne moraju nužno predstavljati stavove donatora.
- Article Count:
- 0
KRINIS (CRINIS) Zapadni balkan (en)
Transparentnost – Srbija započela sprovođenje novog međunarodnog istraživačkog projekta „KRINIS (CRINIS) Zapadni balkan – Osvetljavanje tokova novca u politici“.Ovaj projekat sprovodimo kao predstavnik Transparency International u Republici Srbiji. Transparency International ovaj regionalni projekat sprovodi uz podršku Norveškog ministrastva spoljnih poslova.
Ovo međunarodno istraživanje do sada je sprovedeno u zemljama Centralne i Južne Amerike kao i regiona Azije i Pacifika dok se u Evropi prvi put sprovodi sada, obuhvatajući pet zemlja Balkana.
Podatke o do sada urađenim istraživanjima ove vrste možete naći na adresi
Osnovno pitanje na koje ovo istraživanje traži odgovor jeste u kojoj meri su informacije o finansiranju političkih partija dostupne i to njenim članovima, državnim organima i javnosti. Istraživanje se zasniva na ispitivanju zakonskih rešenja ali i aktuelne prakse, a obuhvata finansiranje redovnog rada političkih partija kao i finansiranje kampanja za parlamentarne i predsedničke izbore. Metodologijom istraživanja obuhvaćene su oblasti kao što su preventivni mehanizmi, izveštavanje, državni nadzor itd. a za svaku od navedenih oblasti Transparency International je osmislila pitanja, koja se uzimaju u obzir pri proceni ispunjenosti standarda za uspešnu borbu protiv korupcije i javnosti u radu. Bitan deo istraživanja čine i intervjui sa predstavnicima relevantnih političkih partija, relevantnih državnih organa, medija, civilnog i biznis sektora.
Rezultati KRINIS istraživanja biće objavljeni u posebnoj publikaciji koja će dati i uporedni pregled situacije u zemljama Balkana obuhvaćenim ovim istraživanjem.
- Nacrt zakona o finansiarnju politickih aktivnosti.doc
- Pravilnik o sadrzini evidencija i zvestaja politickih stranaka.doc
- Zakon o finansiranju politickih stranaka.doc
- Usluge opstina i gradova strankama.rar
- Davanja iz republickog budzeta za
- Aleksandrovac - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Becej - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Beograd - izvestaj.xls
- Bujanovac - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Cacak - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Jagodina - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Kosovska Mitrovica - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Kragujevac - izvestaj.xls
- Kraljevo - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Lokalni izbori 2012 Leskovac.xlsx
- Lokalni izbori 2012 Zajecar.xls
- Loznica - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Nis - Izvestaj.xls
- Novi Sad - Izvestaj.xls
- Prokupllje - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Smederevo - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Sombor- Izvestaj.xlsx
- Subotica - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Ub - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Vranje - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Zrenjanin - Izvestaj.xlsx
- amandmani na krivicni zakonik TS, septembar 2012.doc
- analiza medijske strategije, Transparentnost Srbija.doc
- analiza nacrta zakona o referendumu i narodnoj inicijativi . doc
- cpi srbija 2012 za konferenciju za stampu.doc
- dopis Min fin, budzeti gradova i opstina fin pol akt.doc
- dopis Min za dr upravu, budzeti gradova i opstina fin pol akt.doc
- dopis RIK, budzeti gradova i opstina fin pol akt.doc
- dopis SAI, budzeti gradova i opstina fin pol akt.doc
- dopis SKGO, budzeti gradova i opstina fin pol akt.doc
- Godisnji finansijski izvestaji politickih stranaka 2.doc
- inicijativa mfin primena zakona o finansiranju politickih aktivnosti.doc
- Inicijativa Ministarstvu pravde oko prekrsajnog sankcionisanja 2011.doc
- javnost medijskog vlasnistva za ministarstvo.docx
- komentar izmene zakona o izboru narodnih poslanika izmenjeno.doc
- Komentari na Akcioni plan za ispunjavanje preporuka EK.docx
- Osvrt na koalicioni Sporazum.doc
- pitanja u vezi sa primenom Zakona o finansiranju politickih aktivnosti.doc
- prvi rezultati nove vlade u borbi protiv korupcije.doc
- troskovi finansiranja vanrednih izbora 2013.xlsx
- zakon o finansiranju političkih aktivnosti analiza slabosti.doc
- Article Count:
- 0
CRINIS Western Balkans – Shining a light on money in politics
CRINIS is a regional project of Transparency International that aims to curb corruption in political and campaign finance and to strengthen public trust in democratic institutions in Albania, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia. The project creates a demand for greater transparency and institutional change with the involvement of all key stakeholders through the evaluation of political finance practices.
CRINIS allows for the examination of different dimensions of transparency and accountability in political finance, such as internal reporting of parties and candidates, reporting to supervisory agencies, public disclosure etc.
The project activities target key stakeholders for the reform of political finance systems including political parties, the private sector, oversight institutions, the media and civil society. Beneficiaries and final target group are the citizens of the implementation countries, as the project seeks to strengthen the national political systems' accountability towards the electorate.Material:
- Usluge opstina i gradova strankama.rar
- Davanja iz republickog budzeta za
- Comment to EC report.doc
- EC progress report for 2012 in the light of fight against corruption.ppt
- Aleksandrovac - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Becej - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Beograd - izvestaj.xls
- Bujanovac - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Cacak - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Jagodina - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Kosovska Mitrovica - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Kragujevac - izvestaj.xls
- Kraljevo - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Lokalni izbori 2012 Leskovac.xlsx
- Lokalni izbori 2012 Zajecar.xls
- Loznica - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Nis - Izvestaj.xls
- Novi Sad - Izvestaj.xls
- Prokupllje - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Smederevo - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Sombor- Izvestaj.xlsx
- Subotica - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Ub - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Vranje - Izvestaj.xlsx
- Zrenjanin - Izvestaj.xlsx
- amandmani na krivicni zakonik TS, septembar 2012.doc
- analiza medijske strategije, Transparentnost Srbija.doc
- analiza nacrta zakona o referendumu i narodnoj inicijativi . doc
- cpi srbija 2012 za konferenciju za stampu.doc
- dopis Min fin, budzeti gradova i opstina fin pol akt.doc
- dopis Min za dr upravu, budzeti gradova i opstina fin pol akt.doc
- dopis RIK, budzeti gradova i opstina fin pol akt.doc
- dopis SAI, budzeti gradova i opstina fin pol akt.doc
- dopis SKGO, budzeti gradova i opstina fin pol akt.doc
- Godisnji finansijski izvestaji politickih stranaka 2.doc
- inicijativa mfin primena zakona o finansiranju politickih aktivnosti.doc
- Inicijativa Ministarstvu pravde oko prekrsajnog sankcionisanja 2011.doc
- javnost medijskog vlasnistva za ministarstvo.docx
- komentar izmene zakona o izboru narodnih poslanika izmenjeno.doc
- Komentari na Akcioni plan za ispunjavanje preporuka EK.docx
- Osvrt na koalicioni Sporazum.doc
- pitanja u vezi sa primenom Zakona o finansiranju politickih aktivnosti.doc
- prvi rezultati nove vlade u borbi protiv korupcije.doc
- troskovi finansiranja vanrednih izbora 2013.xlsx
- zakon o finansiranju političkih aktivnosti analiza slabosti.doc
- Analiza uporednog pregleda podataka iz finansijskih izvestaja politickih stranaka za 2010 i 2009 god..doc
- Komentari prvog izvestaja o kontroli kampanje ACASa.doc
This project is supported by Norwegian MFA- Article Count:
- 10
Procena sistema društvenog integriteta (en)
Procena sistema društvenog integriteta u Srbiji
(National Integrity System – NIS)
Glavna aktivnost u okviru ovog projekta jeste istraživanje, zasnovano na metodologiji koju je osmislio i razvio Transparency International, koja je na međunarodnom nivou poznata pod nazivom National Integrity System, ili skraćeno „NIS“.NIS istraživanja su do sada sprovedena u preko 70 država širom sveta.
NIS metodologija predviđa, između ostalog, analizu zakonskih rešenja, aktuelnu praksu njihove primene i međusobne odnose širokog spektra institucija relevantnih za uspešno funkcionisanje borbe protiv korupcije u jednom društvu. NIS metodologija polazi od institucija i ispituje da li one imaju na raspolaganju odgovarajuća ovlašćenja, finansijske i druge resurse za ostvarivanje svoje uloge u borbi protiv korupcije, ali i da li zakonom predviđeni mehanizmi funkcionišu u praksi. Institucije se posmatraju kao „noseći stubovi“ sistema društvenog integriteta. Polazeći od pretpostavke da se slabost bilo kojeg stuba odražava na stabilnost čitavog sistema, cilj istraživanja je ne samo da utvrdi gde leže problemi, već, u meri u kojoj je to moguće i način na koji bi se ti problemi mogli prevazići. Uporedno gledano, NIS istraživanja najčešće sadrže preporuke za izmenu strateških antikorupcijskih akata, donošenje ili izmenu relevantnih propisa, ali i druge sugestije koje se tiču prakse primene zakona.
Kao „noseći stubovi“ na međunarodnom nivou su utvrđeni sledeći:
- Zakonodavna vlast
- Izvršna vlast
- Sudska vlast
- Državna uprava
- Političke partije
- Telo nadležno za sprovođenje izbora
- Vrhovna institucija za reviziju
- Ombudsman
- Tužilaštvo i policija
- Specijalizovane antikorupcijske agencije
- Mediji
- Civilno društvo
- Biznis sektor
U okviru svake države, moguće je istraživanje proširiti i na druge relevantne grupacije (npr. lokalna samouprava, regionalne vlasti, drugi specijalizovani organi koji se bave pitanjima borbe protiv korupcije).
Detaljne podatke o metodologiji možete naći na adresi
Podatke o do sada urađenim istraživanjima ove vrste možete naći na adresi
Druga komponenta ovog projekta je monitoring napretka u borbi protiv korupcije u Srbiji i priprema nalaza i zapažanja koji će biti jedan od izvora informacija za godišnji izveštaj Evropske komisije o napretku Srbije.
Projekat će trajati 12 meseci (jun 2010- jun 2011). Završna analiza sa nalazima NIS istraživanja biće objavljeni u posebnoj publikaciji na srpskom i engleskom jeziku.
ProjekatsesprovodiuzpodrškuDelegacijeEvropskeunijeuRepubliciSrbijiuokviruprojekta „JačanjedijalogaizmeđuorganizacijacivilnogdruštvaSrbijeiEU“.
- 3. NIS key findings and recommendation, 20.09.2011.docx
- Input for EC April update Sept 2011 (1).doc
- NIS kljucni nalazi i preporuke, 13.09.2011.doc
- Kljucne oblasti napretka u borbi protiv korupcije u odnosu na antikorupcijsko poglavlje u izvestaju EK za 2010, 13. 09.2011.doc
- Input for EC April update Sept 2011.doc
- National Integrity System Assessment Serbia 2011.pdf
- Article Count:
- 0
Ispitivanje transparentnosti budžeta (en)
Međunarodni projekat Ispitivanje transparentnosti bud žeta, u kojem je učestvovala i Transparentnost Srbija, ima dva široko rasprostranjena cilja. Prvi je namenjen da pomogne istraživačima iz nevladinih organizacija da pravilno razumeju i primene odabrane međunarodne primere dobre prakse na situaciju u njihovim zemljama. Drugi, upitnik je namenjen povezivanju istraživačkih napora civilnog društva na temu transparentnosti budžeta velikog broja zemalja, sa namerom da utiče na individualne napore u svakoj od tih zemalja u cilju pobuđivanja međunarodnog interesovanja za značaj ove teme. Međutim, projekat Ispitivanje transparentnosti budžeta se bavi ograničenim setom tema koje se odnose na ključna pitanja efikasnog javnog finansijskog menadženta, učešća građana i odgovornosti.
Materijali za 2009:
Materijal za 2010
Materijal za 2013
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Pravosudje protiv korupcije (en)
Transparenci International - Češka i Transparentnost Srbija pokrenule su projekat „Pravosudje protiv korupcije“ koji finansira Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Češke Republike. Ovaj projekat obuhvata nekoliko aktivnosti, uključujući i pripremu publikacije Pravosuđe u borbi protiv korupcije - najbolje prakse, kao i organizovanje konferencije u Beogradu o razmeni iskustava u primeni zakonodavstva za borbu protiv korupcije, uz učešće stručnjaka i predstavnika relevantnih pravosudnih institucija iz Srbije i Češke.
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- 0
Effects of the new Law on Public Enterprises – politicization or professionalization
This project will deal with issue of implementation and improvement of the Law on Public Enterprises (hereinafter: “PE”), the law which was supposed to lead to professionalization of public enterprises and thus prevent misuse of public funds and corruption. Law entered into force on December 25th 2012 and introduced elements of professionalization of PE management, but left the mechanisms through which it is possible to preserve the status quo - a strong party influence on the management of PEs and thus create room for corruption risk.
In this project, TS will conduct a thorough and proper monitoring of law enforcement in following areas:
- election of directors upon public competitions
- preparation of annual plans of public enterprises
- reporting on implementation of annual plans,
- rewarding or sanctioning of management, depending on the results of the implementation of plans,
- comparison of PEs’ expenditures for sponsorships and marketing before and during the implementation of the new law,
- comparison of the performance of PEs in the period before and after the election of new supervisory boards and directors
Project is implemented with the financial assistance of the Netherlands Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Material:- Article Count:
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Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres - ALAC
Providing of legal advices to people that are victims of corruption is an ongoing activity since 2006, through Advocacy and Legal Advice Center of Transparency Serbia. Team of lawyers deals with each case individually offering solutions to the problem, while the issues that are recorded as the most frequent problems are addressed through initiatives before authorized state organs. Thus, addressing the problem from both sides, helping clients to act, raising awareness on existing legal instruments and systemic solution to the problem. Since March 2017 this project is supported by German Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Stability Pact for South-eastern Europe.
One of the reasons why the fight against corruption does not give the full results so far is the fact that many citizens who are faced with this phenomenon does not know enough legal options that are available to them, or do not have sufficient confidence in the work of institutions these problems should be addressed to.
The main objective of the project anti-corruption legal advice centers therefore is to increase citizen participation in the fight against corruption, and to increase both the number of reported, and the number of solved cases of corruption. ALAC, (volunteers will work in cooperation with legal advisers) will receive calls from citizens, CSO and entrepreneurships who are victims or witnesses of corruptionand want to prevent it, or expose the corruption mechanisms.
ALAC operates in the following ways:
• Receiving a call through telephone number 069 - 1978 - 158, weekdays from 11 am to 15 pm. Calls to this number are possible from any number Serbia and are charged according to your operator's tariff. A citizen who call this number can choose to remain anonymous or leave contact details. Volunteers from the ALAC will carefully note the contentious situation or problem that a citizen indicate and after consultation with lawyers, provide advice, in order to solve the problem.
• Receive e-mail at the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. where citizens will be able to present contentious situation, submit documentation and seek advice. Received e-mails will be treated in a confidential manner.
• Receiving postal mail to the address Palmoticeva no. 31, 11000 Belgrade. All received correspondence will be treated in a confidential manner.
• Schedule a meeting with legal counsel (free counseling for citizens).
Transparency - Serbia has no legal or financial means represent ALAC clients before the authorities. However, TS will monitor the outcome of cases initiated and removal of mechanisms that allow corruption to occur.
Your addressing to the ALAC will allow us to gain a better insight into the extent of corruption in certain areas and problems in the implementation of anti-corruption laws. Based on that, we will get a chance and compelling arguments to publicly engage it in the future to solve problems in the most urgent areas.
An important element of this project is cooperation with media that are specifically involved in the monitoring of corruption and the fight against corruption in Serbia. Our wish is to help citizens who are willing to discuss their problems and speak out, to easier access to media
In 2015, this project was implemented in partnership with organizations Bečejsko Youth Union - BOOM Bečej ( ) and the Centre for Social Innovation - NIIT Niš ( ) in which the Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre were established from January 2015.
The project is implemented with the financial support of the EU Delegation in Serbia. All views and opinions presented belong exclusively to the organization Transparency - Serbia, official representative of Transparency International in Serbia, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the EU Delegation to Serbia.
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Serbian procurements, public-private partnerships and state aid on the basis of international agreements – case studies and advocacy
Within this project Transparency Serbia will conduct a research that will be focused on the compliance of public procurements, public-private partnerships and state aidpractice with Serbian obligations within the context of European integration, in particular in the context of the Interim agreement on trade and trade-related and SSA. The research will cover cases from previous years that are known in the public as problematic for favouring either national firms (from the Republic of Serbia) or firms from another particular country (from EU, CEFTA region or from elsewhere). The reason to conduct this research is to identify to which extent the rules aimed to guarantee equal access to the market are demonstrated in practice and to which extent various mechanisms of favouring and circumvention are in place. The research will include up to 5 biggest investment projects that are related to the energy sector, including investments of companies from China, investments related to the Kostolac power plant, Belgrade Waterfront project and South Stream.
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Strengthening National Integrity System in the Western Balkans and Turkey, as well as monitoring developments in the fight against corruption
The main activity in this project is research, based on a methodology which was designed and developed by Transparency International, which is internationally known as the National Integrity System, or abbreviated "NIS". NIS research has been conducted so far in over 70 countries worldwide. NIS methodology provides the analysis of legal solutions, the current practice of their application and relationships of a wide range of institutions relevant for the successful functioning of the fight against corruption in a society. NIS methodology is based on the institutions and examines whether they have access to the appropriate authority, financial and other resources for the achievement of its role in the fight against corruption, but also whether the legal mechanisms work in practice. Institutions are viewed as "pillars" of the system of social integrity. Starting from the assumption that the weakness of any column reflects the stability of the entire system, the goal of the research is not only to identify where the problems lie, but how these problems could be overcome. Comparatively speaking, NIS studies usually include recommendations to amend the strategic anti-corruption laws, the adoption or amendment of the relevant regulations, and other suggestions concerning the practice of law implementation.
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Position RBA cash flows of media
Media situation in Serbia is extremely difficult and both national associations of journalists see it as the worst in the last fifteen years. The media are exposed to strong political and economic pressures, expressed censorship and self-censorship. Media strategy from 2011 is not implemented, adoption of media laws is delayed, media ownership is not transparent. A large number of media, both print and electronic, competes in a relatively small market. In such circumstances, regulations on advertising are often violated, which regulator (RBA when it comes to electronic media) doesn’t always respond by initiating proceedings for punishment. The aim of the project is to establish a transparent flow of money that is collected from the media on the basis of collection of broadcast licenses, and money is distributed to the media from the budget of the Republic of Serbia. Transparency Serbia will investigate the flow of money that RRA collected from the media, paid to the budget of the Republic of Serbia and that the budget allocated to the media. TS will then formulate and initiate changes to regulations and practices in order to improve the system of distribution of money and established a direct link between collecting money from licenses and allocation of assets to the media competitions. Another aspect of this project is to determine the cash flows within the RRA and functionality of RRA work related to internal cash flow and efficiency of the services and the RBA Council.
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State aid - calculated investment or hidden corruption?
The Law on Control of State Aid is effective from 1 January 2010. System of awarding and control of state aid is in collision with some of the most important principles for the prevention of corruption or risks for corruption - legal certainty, violation of competition, management of public funds. Legal solutions were such that the law has not solved the major problems concerning the allocation of state aid in Serbia (absence of standards on control how the funds are allocated as state aid spending, limiting the concept of state aid to some its forms and lack of control of all forms of government assistance not covered by European regulations, the absence of preconditions for effective control), and with the introduction of significant confusion in the domestic legal system, particularly in relation to the institutional framework (unclear legal status of the Commission for state aid control). The aim of the project is to establish an effective mechanism of state aid control in line with European regulations, and determining the appropriateness of spending public funds that are allocated in the form of state aid. In particular, determine to what extent the observed prescribed norms concerning the registration and approval of state aid and comply with the relevant European standards, whether it is achieving the purpose for which the state aid has been granted. Transparency Serbia will advocate for amending regulations and practices in order to establish an effective mechanism for determining the appropriateness of spending public funds to be allocated in the form of state aid and respecting the norms concerning the registration and approval of state aid as well as to raise awareness among the public, especially in the media about the importance of the subject and instructing the media to monitor this area.
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Monitoring Flood Aid Public Procurement in Serbia
The project Monitoring Flood Aid Public Procurement in Serbia is aimed to enlighten the process of reconstruction of Serbia after disastrous floods that occurred in May 2014, with special focus on public procurement implemented by the Government Office for Reconstruction and Flood Relief, public enterprises and municipalities. Monitoring would thus allow citizens of Serbia (many of whom donated money for renewal), national and international donors, and public institutions, to obtain an independent assessment of the way aid funds are used and whether special procurement procedures were implemented in accordance with the law. Furthermore, the very fact that monitoring will be conducted is expected to influence actions of government bodies, public enterprises and municipalities and to increase their transparency, accountability in general and effectiveness, providing in that way better use of scarce funds. The ultimate goal of monitoring is to increase the trust of citizens and other potential donors in the system and thus to influence the collection of a greater amount of aid. Parliament adopted the Law on post-flood Rehabilitation in the Republic of Serbia (Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia, No. 75/14), defining competences of newly established Government’s office and special public procurement procedures in July 2014.
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Improvement of Administrative Court’s role in the fight against corruption
Administrative Court is one of key institutions in overall system that should hold government (executive) accountable for its actions, being either last instance that unsatisfied citizen may address (after unsuccessful appeal) or even the only one (when the possibility to appeal is excluded by the law and only administrative dispute is allowed).
Moreover, Administrative Court has significant role in implementation of several anti-corruption preventive laws, most prominently in Free Access to Information Law, where an unsuccessful requestor may address only that body against decisions of the Government, Parliament, President, Constitutional Court, Supreme Cassation Court and State Prosecutor.
Administrative Court is also in charge to decide about some decisions of Anti-corruption Agency (e.g. conflict of interest or political party financing decisions), and about decisions of Republican Commission for Protection of Rights in Public Procurements.
However, the capacity of administrative dispute protection is poorly used by the citizens (the reasons range from more complicated procedure (then the one to appeal to the Commissioner for Information), lack of confidence in efficiency of court protection to lack of knowledge)
Transparency Serbia will provide support to the Administrative Court to improve transparency of its work, to the citizens and other CSO to better recognize role of the Administrative Court in implementation of anti-corruption legislation, thus improving overall government’s accountability and environment for the work of independent bodies.
Implementation of this project is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). All given statements are the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
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Together against Corruption
The Transparency International – Czech Republic and Transparency Serbia co-operate within the project Together against Corruptionfunded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic through the Transition Programme 2015.It’s main objectives are to exchange experiences with specific procedures ensuring the transparency of the work of law enforcement in corruption cases and to formulate specific recommendation for further training of police officers, prosecutors and judges in the investigation and prosecution of corruption cases.
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Local transparency index - LTI
In the past decade, Transparency Serbia has been dealing with various aspects of local-self-governments' transparency - public debates, free access to information, local budgets, transparency of election of public officials in local public enterprises etc. Transparency is recognized as one of the most powerful tools for fighting corruption, and lack of transparency at all levels of government in Serbia had been noted in past researches and studies, either by Transparency Serbia, or other organizations, institutions and authorities. Regarding local authorities, major problems were identified in the areas of publishing information on the web sites of local governments, the content and accuracy of information booklets, presenting information about budget, about local utility companies, organizing public debates.
In 2014. Transparency Serbia decided to make a comprehensive study on the state of transparency in the work of all local governments. It is something that was never done in Serbia. Project "Local Government Transparency Index 2015" was supported by Anti-corruption Agency, Ministry for Administration and Local Self-government and Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, and financed by the British Embassy.
In March 2016 Transparency Serbia completed this project, after evaluating and ranking all Serbian municipalities (168) by transparency.
First of all, Transparency Serbia established methodology for measuring the Local Government Transparency Index (LTI). LTI was measured by questionnaire with 87 Y/N questions, indicating existence of good regulations and practices from several areas (transparency of local assembly and mayor's work, budget, citizens friendly local administration, free access to information, public procurement, information booklet, public utility enterprises and public institution's transparency, public debates, public competitions, plans and reports, anticorruption mechanisms etc). Data for these indicators was collected through desk research, FOI requests (more then 500) and visits to all 168 municipalities (more than 12.000 km). After completing research and evaluation, TS wrote and sent analyses to each municipality on how to improve its transparency, and produced analysis identifying systemic flaws and containing recommendations for improvement of transparency (and, consequently, of LTI). The latter analysis was sent to all municipalities and to Anti-Corruption Agency, Ministry for Local Administration, Direction of e-government, Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, Anti-corruption Council and Commissioner for Information of Public Importance in order to invite them all to contribute, in their fields of jurisdiction, to eliminate barriers for improving transparency and accountability of local government.
TS organised workshops with local governments on improvement of transparency. It is very important to note that several municipalities accepted some of the TS recommendations within the process of data collecting, changed some of the procedures, and thus immediately improved their LTI. Dozens of municipalities vowed to accept recommendations and to improve their transparency in months to come. Representatives of municipalities which attended meetings with TS confirmed that ranking also initiated a competitive spirit between the neighboring municipalities, which will certainly have a positive effect on further improvement of transparency.
Final conference, organized on March 22nd 2016, brought together representatives of state administration, CSOs, media, independent authorities, international organizations: Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Serbia, Minister for State Administration and Local Self-government, Director of the Anticorruption Agency, Deputy Commissioner for Public Information, Secretary General of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, Representative of the Directorate for e-Government, Representative of the Anticorruption Council, mayors of best ranked municipalities.
TS also organized six round tables with local CSOs and media about LTI, pointing out importance of monitoring if local authorities maintain the level of transparency, and importance of making pressure to increase the level further. Local CSOs and media were also invited to report to TS (and to address public) if some municipalities made claims in their responses to TS which do not match the real situation, or if some norms, evaluated as positive, are not implemented in the practice. Couple of such reports were made to TS and those will be treated thoroughly in next LTI evaluation. Finally, several local CSOs approached TS for support and cooperation in small scale projects, regarding local transparency, they wish to develop, based on LTI methodology. TS responded positively, as we are ready to involve in such projects in order to support local CSO to go even further and deeper (as they will focus on one or several municipalities), but to maintain quality of LTI methodology, which is TS's brand.
As for LTI, covering all 168 municipalities, and advocating at national level, TS hopes that LTI evaluation and ranking will become traditional, annual. Namely, this is important in order to make additional pressure on municipalities lagging behind in the area of transparency, and to recognize efforts by those which improved their transparency, and to encourage them to make additional action.
This way LTI would become mighty tool for improving transparency of local administration. It should be noted that, once higher level of transparency of local administration is reached, it will increase demand and expectations of the public (citizens, media, local CSOs). Therefore, the effect cyclic LTI measuring, ranking and recommendations’ implementation has long-term effect.
All data, interactive map of all municipalities with their results, and analysis (in Serbian), on TS web site:
In the past decade, Transparency Serbia has been dealing with various aspects of local-self-governments' transparency - public debates, free access to information, local budgets, transparency of election of public officials in local public enterprises etc. Transparency is recognized as one of the most powerful tools for fighting corruption, and lack of transparency at all levels of government in Serbia had been noted in past researches and studies, either by Transparency Serbia, or other organizations, institutions and authorities. Regarding local authorities, major problems were identified in the areas of publishing information on the web sites of local governments, the content and accuracy of information booklets, presenting information about budget, about local utility companies, organizing public debates.
In 2014. Transparency Serbia decided to make a comprehensive study on the state of transparency in the work of all local governments. It is something that was never done in Serbia. Project "Local Government Transparency Index 2015"[1] was supported by Anti-corruption Agency, Ministry for Administration and Local Self-government and Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, and financed by the British Embassy[2].
In March 2016 Transparency Serbia completed this project, after evaluating and ranking all Serbian municipalities (168) by transparency.
First of all, Transparency Serbia established methodology for measuring the Local Government Transparency Index (LTI). LTI was measured by questionnaire with 87 Y/N questions, indicating existence of good regulations and practices from several areas (transparency of local assembly and mayor's work, budget, citizens friendly local administration, free access to information, public procurement, information booklet, public utility enterprises and public institution's transparency, public debates, public competitions, plans and reports, anticorruption mechanisms etc). Data for these indicators was collected through desk research, FOI requests (more then 500) and visits to all 168 municipalities (more than 12.000 km). After completing research and evaluation, TS wrote and sent analyses to each municipality on how to improve its transparency, and produced analysis identifying systemic flaws and containing recommendations for improvement of transparency (and, consequently, of LTI). The latter analysis was sent to all municipalities and to Anti-Corruption Agency, Ministry for Local Administration, Direction of e-government, Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, Anti-corruption Council and Commissioner for Information of Public Importance in order to invite them all to contribute, in their fields of jurisdiction, to eliminate barriers for improving transparency and accountability of local government.
TS organised workshops with local governments on improvement of transparency. It is very important to note that several municipalities accepted some of the TS recommendations within the process of data collecting, changed some of the procedures, and thus immediately improved their LTI. Dozens of municipalities vowed to accept recommendations and to improve their transparency in months to come. Representatives of municipalities which attended meetings with TS confirmed that ranking also initiated a competitive spirit between the neighboring municipalities, which will certainly have a positive effect on further improvement of transparency.
Final conference, organized on March 22nd 2016, brought together representatives of state administration, CSOs, media, independent authorities, international organizations: Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Serbia, Minister for State Administration and Local Self-government, Director of the Anticorruption Agency, Deputy Commissioner for Public Information, Secretary General of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, Representative of the Directorate for e-Government, Representative of the Anticorruption Council, mayors of best ranked municipalities.
TS also organized six round tables with local CSOs and media about LTI, pointing out importance of monitoring if local authorities maintain the level of transparency, and importance of making pressure to increase the level further. Local CSOs and media were also invited to report to TS (and to address public) if some municipalities made claims in their responses to TS which do not match the real situation, or if some norms, evaluated as positive, are not implemented in the practice. Couple of such reports were made to TS and those will be treated thoroughly in next LTI evaluation. Finally, several local CSOs approached TS for support and cooperation in small scale projects, regarding local transparency, they wish to develop, based on LTI methodology. TS responded positively, as we are ready to involve in such projects in order to support local CSO to go even further and deeper (as they will focus on one or several municipalities), but to maintain quality of LTI methodology, which is TS's brand.
As for LTI, covering all 168 municipalities, and advocating at national level, TS hopes that LTI evaluation and ranking will become traditional, annual. Namely, this is important in order to make additional pressure on municipalities lagging behind in the area of transparency, and to recognize efforts by those which improved their transparency, and to encourage them to make additional action.
This way LTI would become mighty tool for improving transparency of local administration. It should be noted that, once higher level of transparency of local administration is reached, it will increase demand and expectations of the public (citizens, media, local CSOs). Therefore, the effect cyclic LTI measuring, ranking and recommendations’ implementation has long-term effect.
All data, interactive map of all municipalities with their results, and analysis (in Serbian), on TS web site:
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Integrity plans - inbetween risks related to corruption and anti-corruption practices
Project deals with the strengthening of integrity, responsibility and improving the fight against corruption within public authorities who have experienced problems with corruption cases during the implementation of integrity plans from 2013 through the development of improved integrity plans during 2017 and improving regulations and practice of handling applications, in particular through the mechanism of whistleblowing. Based on data collected from the media about corruption within authorities and collected integrity plans of entities that are covered by the sample, analyze the quality and objectivity of integrity plans entities covered by the sample with a special focus on areas that are associated with identified cases of corruption or suspected corruption. Results of the analysis will be used to raise awareness of the public, especially the media, regarding the preventive measures to be implemented after the detection of corruption cases or suspected corruption and the importance of developing and implementing integrity plans in this regard.
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Public procurement under scrutiny
Within the efforts of Transparency Serbia to strengthen the rule of law, institutions, accountability in public affairs and protection of public resources, the project focuses on public procurement mechanism for punishing corruption in public procurement and the removal of its harmful effects. In addition to initiating/monitoring specific cases of public procurements and proceeding of institutions, the project will affect the changes in the system of public procurement in the context of European integration, fight against corruption and reform of public administration. The aim is to increase the number of identified problematic practices, verify that established system functions, focus the attention of citizens to the most important issues in public procurements, and institutions presented with a systemic solution to identified problems.
- Građanski nadzor nad nabavkom usluge prigradskog prevoza u Beogradu – potez 500
- Konkursna dokumentacija za javnu nabavku usluge: „Javni prevoz putnika na teritoriji grada Beograda (potez 500)”
- Dopis TS upućen Sekretarijatu za saobraćaj povodom konkursne dokumentacije
- Odgovor Sekretarijata za saobraćaj
- Drugi dopis TS Sekretarijatu - dodatna pitanja
- Odgovor Sekretarijata za saobraćaj na dodatna pitanja
- Pitanja i odgovori 1
- Pitanja i odgovori 2
- Pitanja i odgovori 3
- Pitanja i odgovori 4
- Zahtev za zaštitu prava TS kao gradjanski nadzornik
- Odgovor na zahtev za zaštitu prava
- Komentar odgovora na zahtev
- Dopis Komisije za zaštitu prava Sekretarijatu
- Odluka Komisije za zaštitu prava o delimičnom poništavanju nabavke
Promotivni materijal povodom 100 dana Vlade
- 100 dana Vlade zahtev UZZP
- 100 dana Vlade zahtev Kancelarija za saradnju sa medijima
- 100 dana Vlade odgovor UZZP
- 100 dana Vlade žalba Kancelarija za saradnju sa medijima
Poslovno tehnička saradnja ministarstava i javna nabavka usluga Pošte
- Zaključak Vlade
- Sporazum MUP-a i MDULS
- Zahtev TS upućen MUP-u
- Odgovor MUP-a
- Zahtev TS upućen Ministarstvu državne uprave i lokalne samouprave
- Odgovor MDULS na zahtev
- Dopis TS povodom odgovora MDULS na zahtev
Oglašavanje gradonačelnika u listu Politika
Javno privatno partnerstvo - koncesija za aerodrom "Nikola Tesla"
- Zahtev TS upućen Ministarstvu
- Odgovor Ministarstva
- Žalba Povereniku na rešenje Ministarstva
- Zahtev TS upućen Komisiji za JPP
- Žalba Povereniku zbog nepostupanja KJPP
- Rešenje Poverenika KJPP
- Odgovor KJPP povodom rešenja Poverenika
- Dopis Ministarstvu saobraćaja
- Odgovor Ministarstva na dopis
- Zahtev TS upućen Vladi Srbije
- Urgencija upućena Vladi Srbije
- Tužba protiv Vlade Srbije
- Presuda Upravnog suda
Predlog za izmene ZoJN i za postupanje državnih organa - MUP tajne nabavke
- Zahtev UJN - godišnji Izveštaji o sprovedenim nabavkama u oblasti odbrane i bezbednosti
- Zahtev Skupštini Srbije - Izveštaji o sprovedenim postupcima javnih nabavki u oblasti odbrane i bezbednosti
- Zahtev Vladi Srbije - godišnji Izveštaji o sprovedenim nabavkama u oblasti odbrane i bezbednosti
- Zahtev Vladi Srbije - dokumenata na osnovu kojih je utvrđeno da bi primena postupka javne nabavke za kupovinu 710 vozila za MUP dovela do otkrivanja informacija koje se smatraju ključnim za bezbednost
- Zahtev MUP-u - kopije dokumenata u vezi sa nabavkom 710 vozila za potrebe policije
Konkurs za SOS telefon - Ministarstvo za rad - kršenje zakona
Članci i inicijative:
- Inicijativa UJN za nadzor - gradska uprava - novogodišnja jelka
- Inicijativa u vezi sa najavljenom državnom stanogradnjom - dopis Ministarstvu građevinarstva đ
- Zakon o javnim nabavkama i priprema hrane za škole - analiza
- Inicijativa za dopunu Zakona o JN - član 7 i 7a
- Inicijativa UJN - dopuna Pravilnika- objavljivanje svih dokumenata u vezi sa pripremom tehničke specifikacije
- Inicijativa za nadzor nad nabavkom opštine Tutin - prihvatilište za pse lutalice
- Inicijativa CEBEF - dopuna Pravilnika o postupku JN - izbor muzičara
- Inicijativa za nadzor nad nabavkom Aerodroma Nikola Tesla - novogodišnji ukrasi
- Inicijativa za nadzor nad nabavkom MUP-a - vozila za pograničnu policiju
- Inicijativa za izmenu registra javnih ugovora
- Inicijativa - nabavka usluge obezbeđenja
- Inicijativa - nadzor nad nabavkom zaštitnih prsluka MUP
- Inicijativa - nabavka MUP - poslovni kapacitet
- Jelka kao simbol javnih nabavki u Beogradu
- Javna nabavka za KC Niš
- Lažni eksploziv, nesuđeni koncesionari i skriveni podaci
- Državna izgradnja stanova – hoće li biti javnih nabavki?
- Tajne javne nabavke
- Procena pogrešna, novac izgubljen
- Da li su nam potrebne javne nabavke? Da li Srbija želi u EU?
- Najave, vesti, izjave, ali ne i dokumenti
- Poništen nezakonito raspisani konkurs za SOS telefon
- Problemi u sistemu javnih nabavki
- Ugovor o auto-putu Preljina-Požega
- Nadzor pri izvršenju javnih nabavki
- Nabavka vozila za MUP - analiza
- Javno privatno partnerstvo za Vinču
- Nova komisija
- Kakve se izmene Zakona o javnim nabavkama mogu očekivati
- Objavljeni dokumenti o JPP - deponija u Vinči
- Zakon o javnim nabavkama i priprema hrane za škole - analiza
- Ministarski obilasci i stručni nadzor
- Nelogičan i štetan uslov u nabavci usluga prigradskog prevoza
- Praćenje nabavke usluge prigradskog prevoza
- Objavljivanje podataka o najmanjim nabavkama - zašto da ne?
- Izveštaj Komisije za zaštitu prava - nepotpuni zaključci skupštinskog odbora
- Osuda zbog zloupotreba sa javnim nabavkama
- Ko priznaje, a ko je neobavešten
- Ko je kriv i ko laže
- Laganje u oči
- Vulinovo Ministarstvo godinama obnavlja vozni park ustupljenim kolima
- Kakav tender i zašto tender za „Kulu Beograd“
- Liste
- Manje javnosti kada se ne primenjuje Zakon o javnim nabavkama
- Afera „očitavanje brojila“
- Održavanje puteva - dobra vest za početak godine
Izjave i vesti o javnim nabavkama
- Nameštanje tendera bez kazne
- Javne sumnje zbog tajne nabavke
- Ne znamo zašto je dobra koncesija za “Nikolu Teslu”
- Gordijev mokri čvor
- Brojila očitava ista firma kao i kada su bili uvećani računi
- Kako je tender za izgradnju zgrade RTV uspeo „iz prve“
- Zakonski treba smanjiti obim tajnih javnih nabavki
- Propisi mrtvo slovo na papiru posebno kod javnih nabavki
- Komisija delimično poništila nabavku usluga prevoza putnika u prigradskom saobraćaju
- Mnogo sjaja, ali i mnogo nejasnoća oko nabavke rasvete
- Problemi sa javnim nabavkama
- Da li su Transparentnosti Srbije dostavljene tražene informacije u vezi sa koncesijom za aerodrom
- Pritisci države dostigli neverovatne razmere
- Šta je sve sporno u tajnoj nabavci 710 „škoda“ za policiju
- Zašto je nabavka 700 "škoda" za MUP tajna?
- GSP ostao bez 14 linija
- Vlada što pre da saopšti detalje o gradnji stanova
- Nenadić: Zašto poklanjaju jelku ako je nabavka po zakonu
- Uprava za kapitalna ulaganja krije dokumentaciju u vezi sa tenderom za izgradnju zgrade RTV-a
- Article Count:
- 0
- Građanski nadzor nad nabavkom usluge prigradskog prevoza u Beogradu – potez 500
Political influence in public enterprises and media
Two major problems are identified in the area of corruption - related issues: political influence on public enterprises and political influence on media. This project aims to diminish political influence on public enterprises by electing professional management and creating environment for diminishing political influence on media by regulating state advertising. On the sample of 30 public enterprises founded by the Government of Serbia, Vojvodina government, municipalities, TS will monitor adoption of by-law, election of PEs' directors and supervisory boards, criteria for election, transparency of election process, adoption of annual plans, which include plans for advertising, marketing, sponsorships and donations, and reporting on implementation of annual plans. Collected data will then serve for creating of the report with recommendations that will be widely disseminated.
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The Open Budget Index
The Open Budget Index (OBI) is the world’s only independent, comparative measure of central government budget transparency. The OBI assigns countries covered by the Open Budget Survey a transparency score on a 100-point scale using 109 of the 140 questions on the Survey. These questions focus specifically on whether the government provides the public with timely access to comprehensive information contained in eight key budget documents in accordance with international good practice standards.
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Monitoring of the election campaign in 2017
Transparency Serbia monitored promotional activities of public officials during the election campaign for presidential elections in 2017, as well as their representation in the media. The focus was also on the proceedings of the state authorities. Emphasis is put on what were the responsibilities of certain authorities and related to what issues Public Prosecutor, National Assembly, Regulatory Body for the Electronic Media, Anticorruption Agency failed to react.
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Anticorruption Reforms and Their Effects - Implementing Recommendations for Combating Corruption under the Chapter 23 of European Integration
This project envisages the preparation of reports on the implementation of certain obligations of the authorities, that is, the activities that they need to implement, which are prescribed by the Action Plan for Chapter 23, subsection Fight against corruption. The subject of monitoring will be activities whose deadline for implementation expired in 2015 or 2016, those whose deadline will expire in 2017 as well as activities whose implementation takes place continuously during the entire implementation of AP.
This project is financed through the Anti-Corruption Agency, with the funds from the budget of the Republic of Serbia. Stated opinions expressed during this project do not necessarily represent the views of the Anti-Corruption Agency
Transparentnost Srbija izvestaj o monitoringu AP 23 mart 2018
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Constituencies for Judicial Reform in Serbia
The overall objective of the USAID supported „Constituencies for Judicial Reform in Serbia“ project, is to strengthen citizens' confidence in the work of judicial institutions in the Republic of Serbia by improving communication between the citizens and the judiciary.
The Project is implemented by a coalition of 12 organizations engaged in human rights and the development of democracy, as well as professional judicial associations:
- Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights (YUCOM);
- European Policy Centre (CEP);
- Association of Public Prosecutors and Deputy Public Prosecutors in Serbia;
- The Network of the Committee for Human Rights in Serbia (CHRIS Network);
- Judges' Association of Serbia;
- Transparency Serbia;
- Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP);
- Partners for Democratic Change Serbia (Partners Serbia);
- Belgrade Centre for Human Rights,
- Judicial Research Center (CEPRIS);
- National Parliament Leskovac;
- Forum of Judges of Serbia.
One of the three main goals that the project aims to achieve is to establish proactive relationship between the representatives of the judiciary and the citizens and their better acquaintance with the system itself, which would help citizens to better meet and understand their rights, as well as how to reach them. The project aims to establish this type of relationship through several channels of communication with citizens, which have been adapted to the different social structure of the population, age and education level. This includes communication through a digital platform, digital media and blog posts, as well as through local councils in 15 cities and municipalities in Serbia. Led by the spirit of developed democracies, the project wants to adopt the principle of open dialogue between citizens and the judiciary, and to encourage their greater engagement in local communities. The task of the project is to help citizens to understand their rights, guaranteed by the Constitution, and also to inform citizens how the judicial system works and how judges and prosecutors make fair and rational decisions.
The second goal of the project involves organizations to work on researching and detecting the primary needs of citizens in their everyday practice with the judiciary in Serbia. This activity will try to understand and investigate citizens' reasons for low level of trust in the judicial system, widely monitoring citizens' experiences in meeting with the judiciary. As a result of this activity, the coalition on the project will create three comprehensive reports that would serve as a mean of further public policies formulation that support citizens' needs.
The last goal of the project is to raise the accountability and integrity of judicial institutions. The project aims to work with judicial and civil society stakeholders to enhance the integrity and accountability of judicial institutions through an improved methodology of integrity plans and an open procedure for appeals and free citizens' complaints, making them more transparent, more accessible and engaging citizens themselves.
Project duration is from January 2019 – January 2022
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Dismissal of acting status in state-owned enterprises
The general goal is to improve transparency and accountability in the work of state owned companies (SOEs) and their founders (the Government of Serbia, the Assembly of Vojvodina province and local authorities).
Specific objectives:
1) improving the implementation of the Law on Public Enterprises, through the professionalization of management (reduced scope of the "acting state") and increasing the transparency of work (publication of missing documents);
2) creating preconditions for improving the legal framework for accountability and transparency of the work of public enterprises (draft amendments to laws and lower acts, prioritization in public policies);
3) increasing the awareness of institutions and the public to the dangers brought by violations of the rules on the work of SOEs (initiating proceedings to determine the nullity of legal acts concluded by illegal acting directors).
Duration: 12 months, starting from July 1, 2020.
SOEs have been under party control for decades. The laws from 2012 and 2016 did not bring significant changes. Professionalization has not been implemented, although (mostly at the local level) competitions have been formally conducted, and the necessary bylaws have not been adopted. Many competitions announced in 2013 and 2017 have not been completed or canceled. On January 17, 2020, the Prime Minister, in response to the IMF's request to stop the practice of managing SOEs through acting officials, promised to hold public competitiona.Acting status that lasts longer than allowed entails the invalidity of decisions, which is proven by a court judgment in one case. A new cycle of local director elections is expected after the 2020 elections.
Monitorings conducted by TS in 2013-2019 show progress in the transparency of SOEs (although it is still below the legal minimum), and the research itself encourages the publication of data.
Within the project, we will determine the state of professionalization in the PE (director, supervisory board, bylaws). We will also investigate the transparency of PEs, based on the PETRA methodology, applied for the first time in 2019.
We will determine in which SOEs the acting status lasts longer than the legal limit. To resolve this, we will challenge the validity of the decisions of the illegal acting director. We will prepare and advocate for proposals to improve the Law on POEs, enact bylaws, and proposals for planning these changes in public policy acts (POU, AP for Chapter 23, APSJU, LAP).
Supported by:
- Article Count:
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Improving the legal framework for public sector advertising and other non-project types of media financing
Current legislative framework for media financing (based on the set of media laws adopted in 2014) envisages prevalence of competitive project based funding of the programmes that should contribute to the fulfilment of public interest, from the budget. Other types of media financing (e.g. sponsorships, procurement of services etc.) are allowed as well, but are only partially regulated. This regulation is neither comprehensive nor sufficient to prevent improper influence over the work of the media, to maintain their equal position on the market nor to prevent various types of abuses of public resources. The last media reform efforts (2014) failed to address this issue.
The overall goal of this project is to improve the legal environment for advertising, sponsorships and other non-project based media financing of public sector in Serbia.
Expected results of this project are as follows:
- a) to draft a proposal of a comprehensive legal act that would regulate key issues of advertising, sponsorships and other non-project based media financing of public sector in Serbia, that would fit with the rest of the legal system in Serbia (or propose necessary changes in other laws and regulations) and within the general framework of the new (soon to be adopted) Media Strategy;
- b) to discuss thedraft proposal with all relevant stakeholders (government institutions, media associations and media operating at central and local levels, media experts, advertisers and their associations, academia, interested international organizations) and promote proposed solutions through individual meetings and outreach meetings in Belgrade and three other regional centres in Serbia.
The project will include following activities: 1) Analysingof current strategic and legal framework; 2) Analysing of best international practices and key international documents; 3) Identification and analysing of existing studies and researches; 4) Identification of key stakeholders; 5) Establishing of the expert working group; 6) Drafting of legislative proposal by the group; 7) Meetings with individual stakeholders and outreach activities aimed to promote draft proposal and to collect input; 8) Finalization of legislative proposal; 9) Submission of legislative proposal; 10) Public outreach activities (press statements, social networks etc.)
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Strengthening Parliamentary Democracy and Inclusive Political Dialogue
Project Title: Strengthening Parliamentary Democracy and Inclusive Political Dialogue
Start Date: January 2020 End Date: December 2023
Transparency Serbia (TS) proposed activities:
Outcome 1: The National Assembly in Serbia fosters a culture and implements systems that ensure effective and routine dialogue (cross-party dialogue between MPs and with citizens) and access to information in order to ensure better and more inclusive policy-making processes
Activity 1.1: Support to the GOPAC national branch, the Parliament and its committees in organization of public hearings and adoption of draft laws and amendments promoting transparency and public participation
Outcome 2: Local assemblies are transparent in providing information to citizens and civil society and empowered to better fulfill their democratic role and respond to citizen’s needs.
Activity 2.1: Support to local assemblies, CSOs and relevant national stakeholders in organization of public hearings on local level
Activity 2.2. Support to local assemblies and their chairs to establish policies for greater transparency and to promote greater engagement
Outcome 3: Citizens and civil organizations, especially women, engage more actively with parliaments at the central and local level as conveners of inclusive dialogue and by providing inputs to law and policy-making.
Activity 3.1: Forum on political dialogue between GOPAC, Parliament and civil society on anti-corruption issues
The project was supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) office in Belgrade. All views expressed belong to the TS and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNDP
- Article Count:
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Monitoring 2020 elections
Transparency Serbia is monitoring the election campaign for the local and parliamentary elections, scheduled for April 26, 2020 (postponed for June 21 2020).
As part of the monitoring, TS will monitor the financing of the campaign, the functionary campaign and its placement in TV diaries, the presentation of party leaders on the press pages of the press, advertisements on the Internet and especially on social networks.Supported by:
Najava predstavljanja izveštaja 26. juna 2020.Izveštaj sa video konferencije za novinare 26 juna 2020.Snimak video konferencije 26. juna 2020.Nelogičnosti u izveštajima o finansiranju kampanje
Agencija: Tehnički problemi u prikazivanju troškova kampanje
Prvi podaci o finansiranju kampanje
- Monitoring izbora 2020: Predsednički izbori za Skupštinu Srbije jun 2020 - konačni izveštaj
Saopštenje: Intenzivna funkcionerska kampanja odnela primat nad predstavljanjem izbornih lista 17. juna 2020.Prvi nalazi monitoringa finansiranja izborne kampanje i postupanja državnih organa - glavni nalazi - sažetak- Zahtevi u vezi sa Pravilnikom REM-a o načinu izvršavanja obaveza javnih medijskih servisa tokom predizborne kampanje i Preporukom komercijalnim pružaocima medijske uslugeo obezbeđivanju zastupljenosti bez diskriminacije u toku predizborne kampanje registrovanih političkih stranaka, koalicija i kandidata- Zahtev Agenciji za borbu protiv korupcije - obaveštavanje REM-a
- Zahtev - RIK - članovi biračkih odbora
- Zahtev - RIK - sredstva iz javnih izvora
- Zahtev - Min. fin. - sredstva iz javnih izvora
- Zahtev АCAS - jemstvo
- Zahtev PIK - sredstva iz javnih izvora
- Zahtev - Pokr. sekretarijat za fin. - sredstva iz javnih izvora
- Zahtev REM-u
- Zahtev Ministrastvo poljoprivrede - aktivnosti ministra
- Zahtev i ogovor Batut - zaraženi članovi biračkih odbora
- Zahtev Ministarstvu kulture i informisanja
- Zahtev Republičkom sekretarijatu za zakonodavstvo
- Zahtev ACAS - obaveštavanje REM o odlukama
- Zahtev Skupštini Srbije - nadzorni odbor za izbore 2020
- Odgovor Skupštine Srbije - dodatni rok
- Odgovor Skupština Srbije - Nadzorni odbor
- Inicijativa Skupštini Srbije - Nadzorni odbor za izbore 2020
- Dopis Nadzornom odboru - SNS zdravstveni radnici
- Dopis Nadzornom odboru - SPS ministar spoljnih poslova
- Dopis Nadzornom odboru - SNS predsednik i članovi Vlade
Slučaj Kukulovce - Putevi Srbije
- Zahtev JP Putevi Srbije
- Zahtev grad Leskovac
- Dopis VJT Niš Posebno odeljenje
- Prijava Agenciji - Drobnjak
- Prijava Agenciji - sajt predsednika Srbije
- Prijava Agenciji - Zaječar javne ustanove i službe u kampanji
- Prijava Agenciji - korišćenje javnih objekata i imovine javnih preduzeća u spotu SNS
- Prijava Agenciji - EPS u predizbornom spotu SNS
- Zahtev ACAS - obaveštavanje REM o odlukama
- Prijava Agenciji - opština Zvezdara - bilbord
- Prijava Agenciji za borbu protiv korupcije - spot SNS zdravstvene ustanove - maj 2020
- Prijava Agenciji za borbu protiv korupcije - SPS FB - ministar Dačić u izbornoj kampanji - maj 2020
- Prijava Agenciji za borbu protiv korupcije - SNS FB - ministri u izbornoj kampanji - maj 2020
- Inicijativa TS Agenciji za ispitivanje finansiranja bakljade
- Inicijativa Agenciji - ispitivanje mogućeg nezakonitog finansiranja stranke POKS
Analiza - Finansiranje izborne kampanje iz budžeta (mart 2020)
Analiza - Finansiranje političkih stranaka od donacija (mart 2020)
- Proračun izdvajanja iz budžeta za izbornu kampanju 2020 - prva procena
- Proračun izdvajanja iz budžeta za izbornu kampanju 2020 stanje 9. jun
- Proračun izdvajanja iz budžeta za izbornu kampanju 2020 konačno stanje 21 lista
- Proračuni izbornih kampanja 2020 - gradovi
TRANSPARENTOST FINANSIRANJA IZBORNE KAMPANJE:Stranica sa ocenama svih učesnika na izborima - zbirno i po oblastima
Upitnik za prikupljanje podataka za ocenjivanje
Najava konferencije za novinare - predstavljanje istraživanja
Izveštaj sa konferencije za novinare
Snimak konferencije na YT kanalu TS
Transparency of Financing of Election Campaign Participants – During and After Elections December 2020
Analyses of the legal framework for party and election campaign finance - November 2020
- Article Count:
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Transparency of election campaign financing
Transparency Serbia, in cooperation with colleagues from Transparency International of the Czech Republic, conducted a monitoring of the transparency of election campaign financing.
All participants in the elections (parties, coalitions, groups of citizens) were rated on a scale from 1 (completely non-transparent) to 5 (completely transparent).
The final grade represents the arithmetic mean of the grades in 6 areas, based on clearly defined criteria.
The following areas are covered:
1. Planned campaign expenditures.
2. Internet presence and planned Internet presence costs.
3. Payments / withdrawals to/from special account to finance the election campaign
4. Structure of planned revenues.
5. List of pre-election events.
6. Election teams, volunteers and engaged PR and marketing agencies.The TS searched for information on the fulfillment of the criteria on the websites of political entities, their profiles on social networks, in the media, but also through questionnaires sent to all parties, coalitions and groups of citizens.
The specificity of this monitoring is that the focus is on the data that are published before the elections, so that the citizens, even before they decide who to trust, have an insight into these data. Grades are, therefore, presented before the election. Given that the publication of data before the vote, according to current regulations in Serbia, refers to a very small amount of data, this monitoring is also a promotion of good practice and an attempt to encourage political entities to higher standards. TS plans to make this monitoring a permanent practice within the broader monitoring of election processes, which our organization has been conducting for more than 15 years.
Stranica sa ocenama svih učesnika na izborima - zbirno i po oblastima
Upitnik za prikupljanje podataka za ocenjivanje
Najava konferencije za novinare - predstavljanje istraživanja
Izveštaj sa konferencije za novinare
Snimak konferencije na YT kanalu TS
Transparency of Financing of Election Campaign Participants – During and After Elections December 2020
Analyses of the legal framework for party and election campaign finance - November 2020
Analiza pravnog okvira finansiranja stranaka i kampanja decembar 2020
Istraživanje je deo projekta "OPPOFIN - OPen POlitical FINances – Open accces to information as a main vehicle for transparency of election campaigns in Serbia", u okviru programa "Transition Promotion Program" Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Češke. Istraživanje se radi u saradnji sa Transparency International Češka po metodologiji koju ova organizacija već sedam godina redovno primenjuje na izborima u toj zemlji, a primenjivana je i na izborima u Slovačkoj.Metodologija je prilagođena zakonskom okviru, standardima i praksi u Srbiji.
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COVID-19 related initiatives
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Eye on public procurements and public private partnerships in Serbia
Transparency Serbia will closely monitor the process of adoption of new rules in the areas of public procurement and public-private partnerships in Serbia, envisaged for year 2019, in the government internal plans and documents related to the Republic of Serbia EU integration (chapters 23 and 5). The envisaged changes should align Serbian legislation with the latest EU directives, but also remove corruption risks.
TS will also monitor implementation of selected number of public procurement cases and public-private partnerships. The selection will be partly random-based, and partly based on the cases that involve huge amount of funds and public resources or where suspicion on possible wrongdoings is raised in the public. TS will also monitor implementation of selected number of public procurement and PPP contracts, that is currently beyond the scope of the Public procurement i.e. PPP law.
The project will also involve monitoring of the work of key institutions in the field, i.e. Public procurement office, Commission for protection of rights in public procurements, Ministry of finance, public prosecution etc.
Based on the monitoring, Transparency Serbia will initiate procedures about identified irregularities before the competent authorities and inform the public through public statements and communication through social networks. Furthermore, TS will communicate its findings with relevant authorities in Serbia and in EU, and with the rest of civil society organizations, in particular through EU Convent – working group for the chapter 5, that is coordinated by Transparency Serbia.
TS will issue also general recommendations for the improvement of draft legal provisions, that will be discussed with stakeholders on round table debates. Findings of the research will be prepared in bilingual publication in Serbian and English and discussed in the final month of the project on national conference.
Dopis poslaničkim grupama: Poseban zakon izuzima najvrednije javne nabavke
Zahtevi po Zakonu o slobodnom pristupu informacijama od javnog značaja:
- Zahtev Vladi Srbije - zaključak o JN tokom epidemije
- Javne nabavke - zdravstvo - januar-mart 2020:
- Zahtev Skupštini Srbije - nadzor nad primenom ZoJN
- Zahtev Vladi Srbije - Predlog zakona o javnim nabavkama
- Zahtev Skupštini Srbije - Predlog zakona o javnim nabavkama
- Zahtev Grad Beograd - prijem radova na Trgu Republike
- Zahtev Putevi Srbije - ugovor NBGD - Surčin
- Zahtev Vlada Srbije - ugovor NBGD - Sučin
- Urgencija Vlada - Ugovor auto-put NBGD - Surčin
- Zahtev UJN nabavke socijalna pitanja i socijalni kriterijumi
- Zahtev Ministarstvo GSI - sporazumi
- Mfin zahtev - studija opravdanosti za nacionalni stadion
- Zahtev Koridori - dokumentacija iz ugovora u vezi sa ustupanjem automobila
- Odgovor Skupština Srbije - KZK
- Zahtev Niš - JN medijskih usluga
- Odgovor Pošta - JN medijskih usluga
- Zahtev Vlada Srbije - izveštaji o radu privatnog partnera - Aerodrom
- Zahtev Ministarstvo finansija - aerodrom koncesija izveštaji
- Zahtev Vladi Srbije - izveštaji o radu privatnog partnera - Beograd na vodi
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Business Integrity Country Agenda (BICA)
Transparency - Serbia in cooperation with Transparency International and with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), implements the research project "Business Integrity Country Agenda (BICA)"
The main activity within this project is research, based on the methodology developed and developed by Transparency International, which, among other things, includes analysis of legal solutions and current practice of their implementation in a wide range of areas relevant to successfully fighting corruption in the business environment.
BICA research starts from three key groups that have a great impact on the integrity and responsibility in the business of the business sector:
- public sector: The regulatory environment in which companies operate is influenced by factors such as laws and regulations, financial and audit requirements, etc.
- business sector: The way in which companies themselves contribute to business with integrity, such as compliance with the code of ethics, transparency in work, etc.
- civil society: The environment in which companies operate is also influenced by activities for monitoring business behavior, various types of cooperation with companies, providing support, etc.Each of these groups is assessed through selected key thematic areas and pre-designed indicators that are taken into account when assessing the fulfillment of standards for the successful fight against corruption in the business sector. The findings of the research should provide data for formulating changes in regulations and / or changes in practice in order to improve the fight against corruption in this area.
In addition to research, a number of other activities are planned aimed at strengthening the business sector (round tables and workshops, assistance in formulating internal procedures, etc.) and promoting research findings and recommendations.
BICA Conference 16 December 2020 on TS Youtube channel:
BICA konferencija 16. decembra 2020. na Youtube kanalu TS:
Conference on Public Procurement and Public-Private Partnerships - May 31, 2021
TS initiatives for solving problems identified in the BICA report (initiatives in Serbian): .
- Inicijativa BICA Ministarstvo kulture informisanja - sufinansiranje medija
- Inicijativa BICA - Min. finansija - Komisija za HOV - Komora računovođa - transparentnost izveštavanja
- Inicijativa BICA - Min finansija - Poreska uprava - transparentnost izveštavanja
- Inicijativa BICA - Ministarstvo pravde - zaštita uzbunjivača
- Inicijativa BICA - Vlada Srbije - transparentnost međudržavnih ugovora
- Inicijativa BICA - Ministarstvo pravde - lobiranje
- Inicijativa BICA - Min. finansija - finansiranje političkih aktivnosti(maj 2021)
- Inicijativa BICA - reagovanje VIsokog saveta sudstva povodom neizbora sudija
- Inicijative BICA - proaktivne istrage:
- Inicijativa - Skupština - Zakon o rudarstvu
- Inicijativa TS objavljivanje plana vakcinacije i planiranje nabavki vakcinajanuar 2021
- TS inicijativa KJN za monitoring - ugovori o JN i planovi JN u JP nakon isteka mandata direktora
- Dopis KJN - oprema za bolnice
- TS inicijativa - Odlaganje svečanog otkrivanja spomenika
- Inicijativa TS za povećanje transparentnosti Skupštine - amandmani i lobiranjedecembar 2020
- Komentari TS na Predlog strategije reforme javne upravedecembar 2020
- Dopis Agenciji za sprečavanje korupcije povodom predloga Kodeksa narodnih poslanika
- Dopis Narodnoj skupštini povodom predloga Kodeksa narodnih poslanika
- TS obaveštenje KJN - monitoring nedonošenje posebnih akatadecembar 2020
- Dopis Narodnoj skupštini - razmatranje zaključaka odbora
- Dopis predsedniku i gen. sekretaru Skupštine Srbije - inicijativanovembar 2020
- Inicijativa Agenciji - objavljivanje podataka o gubitku prava na finansiranje
- Zahtev Agenciji - davanje mišljenja - funkcioneri - radni doručak septembar
- Mišljenje Agencije
- Zahtev - Ministarstvo za rad - obuke septembar
- Inicijativa Direkciji za imovinu - oglas
- Dopis -Ministarstvo građevine - podaci o izdvajanju za regulisanje rečnih tokova
- Zahtev - Ministarstvo poljoprivrede - korišćenje budžetske rezerve
- Zahtev Vladi Srbije - ugovor Moravski koridor
- Inicijativa OCD - odlaganje primene novog Zakona o javnim nabavkama(maj 2020)
- Inicijativa MUP-u - objavljivanje podataka o prijavljenim skupovima(maj 2020)
- Inicijativa za poslanike - javnost podataka o nabavkama i prikupljenim donacijama(april 2020)
- Dopis Ministarstvu finansija - podaci o donacijama(april 2020)
- Pismo TS predsedniku Republike povodom izjava o nabavkama respiratora(april 2020)
- Dopis poslaničkim grupama: Poseban zakon izuzima najvrednije javne nabavke
- Dopis Narodna skupština - vanredno stanje(25. mart)
- Predlozi TS za rešavanje problema u vezi sa informisanjem građana o aktivnostima i programima učesnika na izborima
- Transparentnost Srbija - mediji i nadzor - prilog za razmatranje akata REM
- Predlozi Odboru za kulturu i informisanje u vezi sa izveštajem Poverenika
- Predlog za zaključke Skupštine povodom izveštaja Poverenika za informacije
- „Funkcionerska kampanja“ i druga povezana pitanja – predlog za jasnije razdvajanje političke i javne funkcije
- Dopis poslanicima - Predlog zakona o konverziji stambenih kredita indeksiranih u švajcarskim francima
- Komentari na Prvi nacrt revidiranog Akcionog plana za Poglavlje 23 - februar 2019
Analysis of drafts and law proposals, which are related to the subject of BICA research and TS proposals for their improvement (in Serbian):
TS proposed amendment to the Law on Electronic Invoicing - April 2021
TS commentary and suggestions regarding ODIHR recommendations - March 2021
TS proposals for amending the draft Law on Prevention of Corruption - May 2019
TS analysis and proposed amendments to the proposed amendments to four anti-corruption laws - December 2019
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Ending Impunity For Grand Corruption In The Western Balkans And Turkey
Transparency International is implementing a regional project in the Western Balkans and Turkey. This project deals with particularly dangerous forms of corruption, namely "grand corruption", in connection with the definition of this term that Transparency International has defined at the global level. The goal is to ensure easier prosecution and international cooperation of perpetrators of such crimes through the incrimination of corruption cases that cause particularly great damage to society or seriously endanger human rights and the environment. The definition promoted by TI is: "Grand corruption is the abuse of high-level power that benefits the few at the expense of the many."
Within this project, we monitor normative solutions and the practice of prosecuting the most serious forms of corruption in the countries of the region, which includes both cases that have been prosecuted and those for which there were suspicions in the public, but have not been investigated. The observation period will cover a period longer than a decade.
Another aspect of the project is monitoring the phenomenon that laws and other general legal acts are adapted to individual interests. The subject of the research is known cases of that kind for which there is evidence or publicly expressed suspicions that have not been properly investigated, as well as regulations that should represent a barrier to such phenomena.
The project is implemented with the support of the European Commission and lasts for two years.
Grand Corruption and Tailor-made Laws in Serbia
Funded by European Union.
The project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Transparency Serbia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
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Local Transparency Index 2020
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National Convention on the European Union, Chapter 5 Working Group - Public Procurement and Public-Private Partnerships
Public procurement is an important segment of the functioning of the economy, due to the fact that they significantly participate in the gross national product of most countries in the modern world. The organization of the public procurement system therefore has a great impact on ensuring the principle of free competition, if that system is not set on rules that discriminate between economic operators according to the country of origin or other irrelevant criteria.
The EU acquis on public procurement is based on the principles of transparency, equal treatment, free competition and non-discrimination. In addition, there are specific EU rules that apply to coordination in the selection of the most favorable tenderer and the award of public contracts for works, services and goods. Special rules also apply to individual sectors. The acquis also contains rules on how decisions of public sector bodies are reviewed and given the possibility of remedies. These rules also require the existence of specialized bodies to ensure their implementation.
The procedure prior to the award decision is governed by Directive 2014/24 / EU on so-called "traditional contracting authorities" ("classic sector") and Directive 2014/25 / EU on bodies and entities operating in the water, energy and transport sectors. and postal services ("utility sector"). In addition, Directive 2009/81 / EC stipulates that the procedures for the award of certain works contracts, supply and service contracts are coordinated by contracting authorities or entities in the field of defense and security. EU regulations also regulate the issue of electronic procurement, which includes electronic means of communication, dynamic purchasing systems and electronic auctions. The rules also provide for a Common Procurement Vocabulary, as well as standard forms for publication.
In addition to public procurement procedures, the public procurement system in the EU in a broader sense consists of procedures for concluding concessions and other forms of public-private partnership. Directive 2014/23 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the award of concession contracts defines for the first time clear and unambiguous rules for the award of concession contracts at EU level.
EU member states had until 18 April 2016 to transpose these directives into national law. In general, the aim of the current directives compared to the previous ones was to simplify the procurement procedure and make it more flexible. Among the new rules is the unique electronic proof of eligibility for bidders (ESPD), which, through the digitization of public procurement, can significantly increase the efficiency of the system (only the company that wins the tender submits the entire documentation). The new rules limit the requirements placed on bidders in terms of previous turnover, which favors the possibility for smaller companies to participate in procurement. Rules on the division of procurement into lots should have a similar effect. The possibility of public procurement to serve as a means of implementing public policies, especially in the field of environmental protection, social integration and innovation, is also emphasized.
In order to comply with public procurement directives, states need to have adequate administrative capacity to implement them. These capacities should be sufficient to ensure the functioning of the public procurement system, the creation of public policies in this area, the functioning of operational resources, support services, monitoring and statistics, as well as harmonized controls for all areas related to public procurement. Capacities should exist not only with state bodies that have competencies in the field of public procurement, but also with the main procuring entities at all levels of government, because they should effectively enforce public procurement rules.
The acquis also contains rules on redress and remedies in public procurement procedures. State authorities should ensure the implementation of adopted regulations and an effective system of legal protection in cases when the rights of participants in public procurement procedures are endangered.
Given the development of the public procurement system since 2002, which was largely based on monitoring EU standards, Serbia was invited to submit a negotiating position without criteria for opening a chapter.
What is the benefit and result for Serbia?
Improving the public procurement system in the context of EU accession, if the potentials of the accession process are used in the best way, will enable Serbia to save public funds through free bidding of bidders for public sector contracts, economic growth and development of open market businesses in Serbia. and the EU, using standard procedures, learning from the experiences of EU member states and other candidates for accession and strengthening the system for preventing corruption and combating other irregularities in public procurement and public - private partnerships.
In Serbian:
Radni sastanak Nacionalnog konventa za EU – grupa za poglavlje 5 (24. januara 2020)
Sedma plenarna sednica Nacionalnog konventa o Evropskoj uniji i panel o korupciji (10. jun 2019)
Kompletan video snimak panela dostupan je ovde.
- Inicijativa - odlaganje primene novog Zakona o javnim nabavkama (maj 2020)
- sumiran pregled situacije u 2018 i prioriteti u oblasti javnih nabavki i jpp za 2019
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Technical Assistance for Increasing Transparency of LSGs through Improving Information Booklets in the City of Sombor and Municipality of Žabalj
GAI provides various technical assistance initiatives to counterpart LSGs for improved transparency. The main indicator used to identify deficiencies and measure improvements of transparency is the Local Transparency Index (LTI) of LSGs in Serbia, developed by Transparency Serbia, that offers the most comprehensive methodology for measurement of various indicators of transparency of LSGs that is currently available in Serbia. The LTI for all LSGs in Serbia is available for 2015, 2019 and 2020. Besides enabling comparison of results between local governments and monitoring their progress over time, the LTI identifies areas that are problematic and that should be addressed to increase transparency, availability of data, and improved communication with citizens.
The LTI 2020 indicates an overall increase in local transparency as the average score was increased from 40 to 46 with overall improvement in all areas measured by the indicator. The only area in which results were worse than in 2019 relates to content and update of the Information Booklets– with overall average decrease of 16.4%.
Information Booklets represent the most comprehensive way to provide proactive transparency in Serbian public institutions. The 2004 Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance obliged all public entities to publish Information Booklets. This document should contain all relevant information about a public entity in a user-friendly manner and should be published and updated regularly. Based on LTI 2020, almost 52% of LSGs had updated Booklets published on their websites, but only one fifth of them published three types of information that are mandatory by the law and that are included in LTI (annual public procurement plan, salaries of local public officials and list of services provided by LSG). As described in the TS LTI 2020 report, “even 16 years after the beginning of implementation of the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance, Information Booklets are often poor in quality. These documents are often bulky, with unnecessary information (such as complete budgets from a few years ago), with a huge number of hard-to-read images (scanned documents) instead of text or tables (a typical example are public procurement reports), with data 5-6 years old, although the information booklets are allegedly "updated", according to a note in the booklet itself. Furthermore, LSGs do not even publish within these documents information that they are ready to publish on other sections of the web page”.
The goal of the assignment is to provide technical assistance to two GAI counterpart local governments – the Municipality of Žabalj and the City of Sombor, to develop new structure and content of their Information Booklets that will meet all legal requirements and best practices and that will serve as models for other GAI counterpart LSGs, as well all other LSGs in Serbia to support transparency improvements.
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Improving Local Transparency Index (LTI) Scores in GAI Counterpart Local Self-Governments (LSGs)
Government Accountability Initiative supports efforts to increase public participation in local government decision making and oversight and enhance the transparency and accountability of LSGs operations. GAI is providing technical assistance to 13 LSGs: Vranje,Sabac, Sombor, Vrnjacka Banja, Raska, Dimitrovgrad, Sjenica, Nis, Kragujevac, Novi Pazar, SremskaMitrovica, Stari Grad, Zabalj. The aim is to increase overall transparency, citizen engagement in local decision making, improve government responsiveness in public service delivery, institutionalize whistle-blower protection programs and reinforce anti-corruption efforts.
The Local Transparency Index (LTI) of LSGs in Serbia, developed by Transparency Serbia, offers the most comprehensive methodology for measurement of various indicators of transparency of LSGs that is currently available in Serbia. Besides enabling comparison of results between local governments and monitoring their progress over time, the LTI identifies areas that are problematic and that should be addressed to increase transparency, availability of data, and improved communication with citizens. Transparency Serbia produced and published overall LTI reports with results for all LSGs in Serbia that presents state of transparency as it was in the first half quarter of 2019.
The methodology that is being used and volume of collected data allows in-depth and comprehensive analysis for each LSG and for each area covered by the survey. The LTI methodology uses various indicators of transparency that correspond to areas of technical assistance provided by GAI. As such, it represents one of main performance indicators of GAI.
The goal of this assignment is to develop detailed analyses with recommendations for each of the GAI counterpart LSGs, and to conduct workshops with LSGs to present findings and facilitate development of action plans by each LSG with detailed steps to improve LTI ranking.
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Technical Assistance for developing, revising, implementing and monitoring of Local Anti-corruption Action Plans
Transparency Serbia will provide assistance to the cities of Sabac and Vranje and the municipalities of Vrnjacka Banja, Raska and Sjenica in drafting and revising local anti-corruption plans and in the process of forming bodies to monitor the implementation of the plans.
New LAPs will be built in Vranje and Raska, while an audit will be carried out in Sjenica and Vrnjacka Banja, in order to harmonize the plans with the standards prescribed by the Anti-Corruption Agency.
The TS will also monitor and support the process of forming a commission to select members of the body to monitor the implementation of the LAP, monitor the selection process of the body and support the body in developing internal procedures and methodologies.
In Sabac, where the formation of the body has been completed, the TS will provide the transfer of experiences from other cities and support the development of work plans, including additional tasks and the role of the body, in accordance with the Model.In Serbian:
- Vranje
Rešenje o imenovanju Komisije za izbor članova Tela za praćenje primene LAP-a grada Vranja
Lokalni antikorupcijski plan za grad Vranje
Zaključak Skupštine o usvajanju LAP-a
Aktivnosti iz modela LAP-a koje su već realizovane
Poziv na javnu raspravu o Nacrtu LAP-a za grad Vranje
Nacrt Lokalnog antikorupcijskog plana za grad Vranje
Rešenje o formiranju radne grupe za reviziju LAP-a
Poziv na konferenciju za novinare - LAP Vranje 15. januar
Obrazloženje za izmenu i dopunu LAP_a 2017
Rešenje o formiranju komisije za izbor članova LAFa
Rešenje o imenovanju Koordinatora
Poslovnik Skupštine grada Vranja
- Vrnjačka Banja
Lokalni antikorupcijski plan za opštinu Vrnjačka Banja
Poziv na javnu raspravu o Nacrtu Lokalnog antikorupcijskog plana za opštinu Vrnjačka Banja
Nacrt Lokalnog antikorupcijskog plana za opštinu Vrnjačka Banja
Lokalni antikorupcijski plan za period 2017-2020
Radna grupa za izradu LAP-a 2017
Statut opštine Vrnjačka banja i Poslovnik SO Vrnjačka banja (Službeni list)
- Sjenica
Rang lista kandidata za članove radnog tela za praćenje sprovođenja LAP-a Sjenica
Lokalni antikorupcijski plan za opštinu Sjenica (Službeni glasnik)
Sjenica poziv na okrugli sto - završna javna rasprava
Sjenica poziv na javnu raspravu
Nacrt revidiranog Lokalnog antikorupcijskog plana za opštinu Sjenica
Javni poziv na sednicu radne grupe za reviziju LAP-a opštine Sjenica 12. i 13. marta
Javni poziv na sednicu radne grupe za reviziju LAP-a opštine Sjenica 4. marta
Javni poziv na sednicu radne grupe za reviziju LAP-a opštine Sjenica 6. i 7. februara
Rešenje o formiranju radne grupe za reviziju Lokalnog antikorupcijskog plana za opštinu Sjenica
Službena beleška o kandidatima za radnu grupu
Javni poziv za učešće u radnoj grupi za reviziju Lokalnog antikorupcijskog plana za opštinu Sjenica
Lokalni antikorupcijski plan decembar 2017
- Raška
Odluka o osnivanju Lokalnog antikorupcijskog foruma Raška
Rang lista kandidata za članove Lokalnog antikorupcijskog foruma opštine Raška
Konkurs za izbor članova Lokalnog antikorupcijskog foruma
Rešenje o imenovanju koordinatora za sprovođenje LAP-a
Rešenje o izboru komisije za izbor tela za praćenje sprovođenja LAP-a
Izveštaj o usvajanju LAP-a Raška
Tabelarni pregled mera iz Modela LAP_a koje su izostavljene iz LAP-a za opštinu Raška
Pregled mera koje su uvrštene u LAP za opštinu Raška a ne postoje u Modelu LAP-a
Odluka o usvajanju LAP-a za opstinu Raska
Lokalni antikorupcijski plan za opštinu Raška
Raška poziv na javnu raspravu - maj 2019
Nacrt Lokalnog antikorupcijskog plana za opštinu Raška
Javni poziv na sednicu radne grupe za izradu LAP-a opštine Raška 4. marta
Javni poziv na sednicu radne grupe za izradu LAP-a opštine Raška 25. februara
Javni poziv na sednicu radne grupe za izradu LAP-a opštine Raška 8. februara
Rešenje o formiranju radne grupe za izradu LAP-a Raška
Kandidati za radnu grupu - Raška
Poziv na konferenciju za novinare - LAP Raška 26. decembar
- Šabac
Lokalni antikorupcijski plan (u skladu sa Modelom)
Rešenje o imenovanju Komisije za izbor članova foruma
Rešenje o imenovanju osobe zadužene za koordinaciju
Poslovnik o radu Komisije za izbor članova foruma
Zapisnici sa sednica Komisije: prva, druga, treća, četvrta, peta
Odluka o utvrđivanju kriterijuma
Odluka o raspisivanju javnog konkursa
Javni konkurs za izbor članova LAF-a
Odluka o formiranju Lokalnog antikorupcijskog foruma
Dodatni dokumenti:
Izveštaj o reviziji odazivnog izveštaja Grada Šapca
LTI rangiranje opština i gradova
Vranje - transparentnost lokalne samouprave - LTI 2015/2016 - analiza i preporuke
Raška - transparentnost lokalne samouprave - LTI 2015/2016 - analiza i preporuke
CESID - istraživanje zadovoljstva građana
Projekat za odgovornu vlast (GAI)
- Article Count:
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Anti-corruption Assistance Centre - ALAC
Since 2006, Transparency Serbia has been providing legal advice to victims of corruption through the Center for Legal Aid and Advocacy (ALAC - Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre). The team of lawyers offers possible solutions to the problem, while certain problems that have been identified as the most common are solved by submitting initiatives to the competent authorities for changes in practices and regulations. In this way, the irregularity is treated from two angles, by offering help to the citizens to solve their problem, by teaching about the existing legal mechanisms and by systematically solving the problem from the other side.
Why Counseling
One of the reasons why the fight against corruption is not yielding full results so far is the fact that many citizens who face this phenomenon do not know enough about the legal possibilities available to them in such cases, or do not have enough confidence in the work of institutions that they should solve those problems.
The main goal of the anti-corruption legal counseling project is to increase the participation of citizens in the fight against corruption, and to increase both the number of reported and resolved cases of corruption. The counseling center, where volunteers will work and with which legal advisers will cooperate, will receive calls from citizens who feel like victims of corruption or who have learned about corrupt behavior in another way and want it to be prevented or the mechanisms of corruption to be shattered.
The counseling center works in the following ways:
• You can contact the legal advisor by phone 0800 - 081 - 081 every Monday from 3 pm to 6 pm. Calls to this number are possible from all fixed telephony numbers from Serbia and are completely free for citizens, as well as the assistance provided to the citizen by the Counseling Center. The citizen who calls this number chooses whether to remain anonymous or leave his data. Volunteers from the counseling center will carefully note the disputed situation or problem that the citizen points out and in the shortest possible time, after consulting with experts, instruct the citizen on what steps he can take, alone or in cooperation with the counseling center, to solve the problem.
• Receiving e-mails at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., where citizens will be able to present controversial situations, submit documentation and seek advice. Emails received will be treated confidentially.
• Receiving classic mail to the address Palmotićeva no. 31, 11000 Belgrade. The received letters will be treated in a confidential manner.
• Schedule a meeting with a legal advisor (free counseling for citizens).
Transparency - Serbia does not have the legal or financial ability to represent citizens before the competent authorities. However, we will be interested in the outcome of the initiated cases and the elimination of mechanisms that enable corruption to occur in the competent authorities.
Your addresses to the Anti-Corruption Counseling Center will enable us to gain a better insight into the prevalence of corruption in certain areas and the problems in the implementation of anti-corruption laws and plans. Based on that, we will get the opportunity and strong arguments to publicly advocate for solving problems in the most urgent areas in the future.
An important element of this project is the cooperation with the media, which are especially engaged in monitoring corruption and the fight against corruption in Serbia. We want to make it easier for citizens who are ready to talk about their problems and speak publicly about such media, in order to start solving corruption - one of the biggest problems plaguing our society.
Antikorupcijsko savetovalište - booklet
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Open Budget Index
The Open Budget Index is the world's only independent survey of comparative measures to increase the transparency of national government budgets. The survey assigns transparency scores on a scale of up to 100, based on 109 out of 140 questions from the questionnaire. These issues focus on whether the authorities inform the public about information from eight key budget documents in accordance with international good practice standards.
In Serbian (2015 and 2018 in English):
Srbija pala na listi Indeksa otvorenosti budžeta april 2020
Srbija nazadovala po otvorenosti budžeta januar 2018 (Serbia has fallen in the openness of the budget)
Srbija i dalje loše ocenjena po otvorenosti budžeta septembar 2015 (Serbia still ranked low on budget transparency)
Srbija lošije rangirana po otvorenosti budžeta januar 2013
Srbija u srednjoj grupi zemalja po „otvorenosti“ budžeta oktobar 2010
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Coalition prEUgovor - monitoring reforms under Chapters 23 and 24
The prEUgovor coalition consists of seven civil society organizations from Serbia that are experts in various policies within Chapters 23 and 24 of the negotiations on membership in the European Union.
The mission of the prEUgovor coalition is to monitor the implementation of policies in the field of justice and fundamental rights (Chapter 23) and justice, freedom and security (Chapter 24) and propose measures to improve the situation, using the EU integration process to make substantial progress in further democratization of Serbia.
In May 2013, civil society organizations gathered in the prEUgovor coalition based on the expertise they had built through their long-term specialization in certain issues covering Chapters 23 and 24.
The Coalition prEUgovor arose from the need for synergy of potentials and knowledge of these organizations in order to faster and more efficiently achieve and successfully apply European values and standards.
The main product of the pre-agreement is the semi-annual independent progress report on Serbia in Chapters 23 and 24. In addition, the pre-agreement is published by REUformator - a specialized monthly bulletin dedicated to developments in Serbia and the EU in the areas covered by Chapters 23 and 24.
The prEUgovor coalition consists of:
• ASTRA Action against trafficking in human beings
• Autonomous Women's Center (AWC)
• Belgrade Center for Security Policy (BCSP)
• Center for Investigative Reporting in Serbia (CINS)
• Center for Applied European Studies (CPES)
• Group 484
• Transparency Serbia (TS)Coalition prEUgovor in accordance with the mission, goals and specific fields of expertise of member organizations during Serbia's negotiations for EU membership implements the following activities:
1) Development of methodology, criteria, indicators and techniques for monitoring policies and processes within Chapters 23 and 24;
2) Formulation of recommendations and monitoring of the course of negotiations using a common methodology and report format in the areas from Chapters 23 and 24;
3) Work on achieving the basic preconditions for the participation of the coalition prEUgovor and other CSOs in the process of European integration, which is conditioned by Serbia's negotiations for EU membership;
4) Presenting specific proposals for amendments to laws in the areas covered by Chapters 23 and 24 and monitoring the implementation of newly adopted laws;
5) Providing authentic sources of information on the process of Serbia's accession to the EU;
6) Carrying out activities of presenting and advocating the application of analysis findings and recommendations, seeking the support of key actors and informing the public about the negative consequences of not involving CSOs in the negotiation process;
7) Define and implement a communication strategy both within the coalition and in communication with other actors in Serbia and the EU;
8) Improving the knowledge of coalition members on the EU accession process, the content of negotiation chapters and ways of representing the views and recommendations of the coalition.In setting the criteria for assessing the harmonization of the social, economic, political and legal space of Serbia with European standards and norms, the prEUgovor coalition is guided by European values and standards contained in the Acquis communautaire.
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Public Enterprises' Transparency - PETRA
Index transparency of public enterprises and state-owned enterprises (PETRA2 2019 - Public Enterprises Transparency Index 2019) is the evaluation and ranking of 40 companies at national and local level, based on 37 indicators. The study includes an analysis of the legal framework (primarily the Law on Public Enterprises), the realization of the obligation of bylaws' adoption and the creation of conditions for the professionalization of the management of public enterprises.
The project is implemented in cooperation with Transparency International of the Czech Republic, which made identical analysis, and includes the exchange of experiences related to legal frameworks and their use and the abilities of acceptance of good legislative solutions and/or practices. Rating and ranking in both countries is conducted with identical indicators, so it is possible to compare enterprises' transparency as a whole as well as by specific companies. Namely, in most cases, sample included companies in the same field of action and with the same or similar responsibilities.
The project is financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic within the project "Transition"
- SOEs and MOEs Transparency index (SAMET Index - PETRA) - Preliminary Report November 2019
- SOEs and MOEs Transparency index (SAMET Index - PETRA) Final Report
- Indeks transparentnosti javnih preduzeća i preduzeća u državnom vlasništvu PETRA 2019 - preliminarni izveštaj novembar 2019
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Lobbying before the Law on Lobbying
From July to October 2019, within the project "Lobbying before the Law on Lobbying", Transparency - Serbia tried to determine the patterns and characteristics of lobbying practices in Serbia in the period from the re-establishment of democracy (1990) to the adoption of the first Law on Lobbying (2019).
Our goal was also to acquaint as many journalists, civil society activists, officials and officials at all levels of government with the importance and key provisions of this law, as well as the possibilities to use it in their work. Within the project, five round tables were held - in Novi Pazar, Novi Sad, Nis, Sabac and Belgrade.
The project was implemented with the support of the OSCE Mission to the Republic of Serbia. All views and opinions expressed belong to Transparency Serbia and do not necessarily reflect the views of donors.
Okrugli sto u Novom Pazaru 8. oktobra 2019.
Novi Zakon o lobiranju - radionica u Beogradu
Novi Zakon o lobiranju - radionica u Novom Sadu
Novi Zakon o lobiranju - izgradnja kapaciteta lokalnih samouprava i podizanje svesti javnosti - radionica u Šapcu
- Article Count:
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Anti-corruption regulations and monitoring of their implementation (enforcement) – contribution and insight
Transparency Serbia, which has been monitoring and encouraging anti-corruption reforms since 2002, will provide concrete and reasoned proposals for improving key regulations and public policies during public and parliamentary debates. This is a key period for tracing the further path of Serbia's EU integration and the fight against corruption (AP revision for Chapter 23). The TS will monitor the implementation of key anti-corruption acts, especially in areas that are not sufficiently treated by planning documents (public companies and institutions, the work of inspection bodies). We will continue to monitor the key indicators of transparency in the work of the Government, in the area of enacting regulations and individual legal acts, when concluding contracts, with regular informing of citizens through the website, media and social networks.
In Serbian:
Konferencija za novinare - predstavljanje istraživanja - 8. jun 2020:
- Poziv
- Izveštaj
- Izveštaj o javnost rada Vlade 2019 i 2020 - maj 2020
- Istraživanje o javnim raspravama u 2019. februar 2020
- Državna uprava i dalje u vd stanju - saopštenje
- Postavljanje vršilaca dužnosti na položaje u državnoj upravi 2019 - tabela maj 2020
- Izveštaj o vd stanju u javnim preduzećima - maj 2020
Javne rasprave u pripremi zakona 2019
Transparentne donacije neophodne za fer i efikasnu pomoć u pandemiji
TS pozvale poslanike da zatraže javnost podataka o donacijama i nabavkama
Darovanje državnih zastava Beograđanima - anonimnost donatora budi sumnju
Transparentnost i rizici od korupcije u doba korone
Vanredno stanje i koruptivni rizici
Procedura proglašenja vanrednog stanja – zašto je važno?
Šta znači najava forenzičke revizije „Krušika“
Ulaganja za realizaciju nepostojećeg plana
Nameštena nabavka rekonstrukcije Pančevačkog mosta
Korupcija u određivanju obaveza paušalaca
Dokumenti o rekonstrukciji Trga Republike
Vlada ne poštuje pravila koja je sama donela
Nije stvar u registru lobista već u procesu lobiranja
Najavljeni Zakon o utvrđivanju porekla imovine ne uliva optimizam
Šta je i čija je „Srbija 2025“?
Sukob interesa kod postavljenja v.d. direktora koji otkriva krupnije probleme
Još jedan leks specijalis koji otvara prostor za zloupotrebe
Ministar najavio, ministarstvo ne zna o čemu priča
Izjava o davanjima za sportske klubove – priznanje zloupotrebe javnih resursa
Učiniti javnu raspravu zaista javnom
REM izveštaji – šta je zakonska obaveza.
Partnerstvo sa očekivanim ishodom
Korupcija nije neizlečiva bolest
Odgovorni na zahteve da se dostave kopije evidencije o lobiranju:
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstvo trgovine
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstvo državne uprave i lokalne samouprave
Lobiranje odgovor Đukić Dejanović
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstvo poljoprivrede
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstvo evropskih integracija
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstvo kulture
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstvo zaštite životne sredine
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstvo prosvete
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstvo odbrane
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstvo omladine i sporta
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstvo zdravlja
Urgencija Generalni sekretarijat Vlade
Lobiranje odgovor Generalni sekretarijat Vlade
Lobiranje odgovor predsednik Republike
Lobiranje odgovor Skupština Srbije
Lobiranje Ministarstvo za rad - žalba Povereniku
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstvo za rad
Lobiranje Ministarstvo finansija - žalba Povereniku
Lobiranje Ministarstvo rudarstva - žalba Povereniku
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstvo rudarstva
Lobiranje Ministarstvo pravde - žalba Povereniku
Lobiranje odgovor Ministarstva pravde
Zahtevi su podneti sledećim organima:
Predsednik Srbije
Prvi potpredsednik Vlade i ministar spoljnih poslova
Potpredsednica Vlade i ministarka građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture
Potpredsednik Vlade i ministar trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija
Ministar poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede
Ministar zaštite životne sredine
Ministar državne uprave i lokalne samouprave
Ministarka za evropske integracije
Ministar prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja
Ministar kulture i informisanja
Ministarka bez portfelja zadužena za demografiju i populacionu politiku
Ministar bez portfelja zadužen za regionalni razvoj i koordinaciju rada javnih preduzeća
Ministar bez portfelja zadužen za inovacije i tehnološki razvoj
Ministar odbrane
Ministar omladine i sporta
Ministar unutrašnjih poslova
Ministar zdravlja
Generalni sekretarijat Vlade Srbije
Ministar finansija
Ministar rudarstva i energetike
Ministarka pravde
Ministar za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja
Narodna skupština
- Article Count:
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Budget Credibility: Extended Track
project supported by International Budget Partnership
Joint Project on Budget Credibility: Extended Track - Final report - November 2019
The research "Multi-Country Study on Budget Credibility" in the first phase proofed all previously identified weaknesses of the system of contingency funds (budget reserve) and exposed some that the public was not aware of. Using of contingency funds in Serbia, by the Executive has significant impact to the budget during the fiscal year. Essentially, Government plans in advance that significant part of the original budget would not be spent for the original purposes. Government does not provide explanation on consequences of to the original budget programs from which money was taken. These funds are used for other purposes, either entirely new or for those where original funds were insufficient. Significant part of these funds is transferred to the municipalities selected in an arbitrary manner and without the explanation.
Since the Government did not submit its financial end – year report to the Parliament for several years, the ratio of contingency funds’ transfers is not explained even post festum. State Audit Institution is providing an overview of these expenditures. Individual Government decisions on transfers, without explanatory note are published in the Official Gazette papers, but not on-line and for free. This all reduces the level of transparency of this decision making.
Another problem is lack of information about effects of the budget reserve transfers to the original programs.
Our key recommendations are:
For the Government following:
- to publish all decisions on budget contingency reserve transfers on – line
- to draft and publish detailed explanatory note for these decisions
- to establish criteria for distribution of contingency funds to the municipalities with “reduced income”
- to publish these criteria and information about the selection process, where needs of municipalities is greater than available funds
State Audit Institution to perform performance audit of programs affected by transfers to the budget reserve and compliance audit of decisions related to the further distribution of these funds to municipalities;
Fiscal Council, to perform a more detailed analyze of phenomenon researched here and to initiated more strict fiscal rules
We would like to achieve following goals in a longer term:
- to publish all decisions on budget contingency reserve transfers on – line
- to draft and publish detailed explanatory note for these decisions
- to establish criteria for distribution of contingency funds to the municipalities
- to publish these criteria and information about the selection process, where needs of municipalities is greater than available funds
Supreme Audit Institution to conduct performance audit of programs affected by transfers to the budget reserve and compliance audit of decisions related to the further distribution of these funds to municipalities;
In a mid-term (2020) we expect:
State Audit Institution to perform either compliance or performance audit regarding the allocation of contingency funds
Fiscal Council, to perform a more detailed analyze of phenomenon researched here and to initiated more strict fiscal rules
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Local transparency index - LTI 2019
- Article Count:
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Access to information - amendments to the Law and election of commissioner
From December 2018 to September 2019, Transparency Serbia, in cooperation with other civil society organizations, carried out the following activities:
Monitoring the publicity of the work of state-owned enterprises - by sending requests for access to information
Organizing workshops for media and civil society organizations on the topic of publicity of the work of state-owned enterprises
Analysis of drafts and proposals for amendments to the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance and drafting of amendments
Monitoring the practice of the Commissioner and the Administrative Court regarding access to documents that contain classified information or relate to public finances
Monitoring the actions of the National Assembly in the process of electing a new commissioner
Analyzes of previous proposals and opinions of international organizations on changes to the rules for free access to information
Analysis of relevant international experiences regarding the selection of commissioners
Analysis of the provisions of other regulations that affect the exercise of the right of access to information and formulation of proposed amendments.
Glavni nalazi istraživanja
Izveštaj sa konferencije - predstavljanje rezultata projekta
Transparentnost Srbija pristup informacijama ključni izazovi - sažetak
Primeri (ne)postupanja javnih preduzeća i preduzeća u državnom vlasništvu
Analiza propisa koji utiču na ostvarivanje prava na pristup informacijama – propisi o zaštiti konkurencije avgust 2019
Analiza propisa koji utiču na izvršenje rešenja Poverenika za informacije avgust 2019
Analiza propisa o tajnosti i njihovom uticaju na pristup informacijama od javnog značaja avgust 2019
Neizvršena rešenja Poverenika: 2016, 2017 i 2018
- Analiza misljenja eksperata SIGMA
- Pristup informacijama u Srbiji - glavni problemi u praksi, sporna rešenja u novom Nacrtu zakona i Nacrtu Akcionog plana za poglavlje 23 i postupak izbora novog Poverenika za informacije od javnog značaja
- Analiza misljenja eksperata SIGMA.docx
- Predlozi Odboru za kulturu i informisanje u vezi sa izveštajem Poverenika
- Predlog za zaključke Skupštine povodom izveštaja Poverenika za informacije
- Komentari i sugestije na Nacrt Zakona o sprečavanju korupcije - pristup informacijama
- Komentar nacrta izmena Transparentnost Srbija januaru 2019
- Comment on the Draft law on Amendments to the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance (ENG)
- Komentari na Prvi nacrt revidiranog Akcionog plana za Poglavlje 23 - februar 2019
- Prioriteti u borbi protiv korupcije u Srbiji 2019.pdf
- Sažetak radnog izveštaja: Slobodan pristup informacijama u Srbiji: iskustva, problemi i perspektive
- Priorities in fight against corruption for year 2019 (ENG)
- Komentar nacrta izmena Transparentnost Srbija januaru 2019
- Comment on the Draft law on Amendments to the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance (ENG)
Javnost uskraćena za debatu o kandidatima za poverenika 3. jul 2019
Civilno društvo predlaže da Nevena Ružić rukovodi institucijom Poverenika 19. jun 2019
Skupština da povuče sporni uslov za izbor novog poverenika 16. jun 2019
Izveštaj EK ukazao na bitne probleme za borbu protiv korupcije 31. maj 2019
Javnost rada organa centralne i lokalne vlasti u Srbiji 28. februar 2019
Pogoršanje neispunjenog plana za borbu protiv korupcije 11. februar 2019
Skupština još nije pokrenula izbor novog Poverenika 16. januar 2019
Nacrt izmena Zakona o slobodnom pristupu informacijama od javnog značaja i dalje sadrži štetne odredbe 5. januar 2019
Međunarodni dan borbe protiv korupcije – podsetnik na neispunjene obaveze 9. decembar 2019
Komentari TS:
Koliko vredi zemljište "Beograda na vodi"? 15. septembar 2019.
Pošto put? 23. avgust 2019.
Povodom otvaranja deonice auto-puta 18. avgust 2019.
Darovi izvođača radova 23. jul 2019.
Sakrivanje podataka o državnim preduzećima 10. jul 2019.
Značajan stav Prekršajnog suda za kažnjavanje organa koji ignorišu zahteve za pristup informacijama 8. jul 2019
Tajnost ugovora sa Fijatom i drugima 4. jul 2019
Javnost uskraćena za debatu o kandidatima za poverenika 3. jul 2019
Za prijatelje sve, za neprijatelje ništa, za strance zakon 25. jun 2019
Komentar predloga zaključaka povodom razmatranja izveštaja Poverenika za 2018. 20. jun 2019
Spalionica životinjskog otpada zgrće novac po partijskoj liniji 18. jun 2019
Povučen nezakoniti uslov za kandidovanje poverenika 17. jun 2019
TS uputila predlog zaključka o izveštaju Poverenika 17. jun 2019
Građani su shvatili da političari troše njihove pare, a da oni tu ništa ne mogu 16. jun 2019
Problem v.d. mandata direktora javnih preduzeća stigao do suda 12. jun 2019
Tragikomedija oko ugovora za aerodrom 25 mart 2019
Koliko ima logike i informacija oko prodaje Luke Novi Sad 23 mart 2019
Srbija tri meseca bez poverenika 22 mart 2019
Propisati zakonsku obavezu 15 mart 2019
Ko je kriv za zloupotrebe u Železnicama? 13 mart 2019
Netransparentnost koncesije za aerodrom 19 februar 2019
Nije počeo postupak izbora novog poverenika 15 februar 2019
Auto-put BG - ZR ipak preko zemljišta PKB-a ili okolo, pa 25 km duže? 10 februar 2019
Objaviti celokupnu dokumentaciju 06 februar 2019
Koridori 03 februar 2019
Uvesti zakonsku obavezu, ne obećanja 01 februar 2019
Srbija postavlja nove rokove za Poglavlje 23 25 januar 2019
Iz budžeta izdvojeno 33 miliona evra za otkup zemljišta za Beograd na vodi 17 januar 2019
Ko je kandidat za Poverenika? 26 decembar 2018
Koncesija bez objavljenog ugovora i studije koja pokazuje opravdanost 24 decembar 2018
Četrnaest godina Poverenika za informacije 22 decembar 2018
EPS, Kotež i „Duing biznis“ lista 06 decembar 2018
Izmene Zakona o slobodnom pristupu informacijama - nacrt iz decembra 2018
- Nacrt zakona umanjuje postignute slobode
- Nacrt izmena Zakona o slobodnom pristupu informacijama dec 2018 Ministarstvo državne uprave
- Komentar nacrta izmena Transparentnost Srbija januaru 2019
- Mišljenje o Nacrtu izmena Zakona o slobodnom pristupu - Poverenik - 28.12.2018.
Zahtevi i odgovori:
- Zahtev Putevi - autoput plakati (31. oktobar)
- Zahtev - Krušik - akt o zaštiti tajnih podataka (17. oktobar)
- Zahtev Infrastruktura železnice -studija tunel
- Zahtev Koridori - audi 6
- Zahtev Koridori - svi automobili
- Zahtev Koridori - dokumentacija iz ugovora u vezi sa ustupanjem automobila
- Zahtev Autotransport Pančevo
- Zahtev Beogradski metro i voz - internet prezentacija
- Zahtev Putevi Srbije - auto put Obrenovac - Ljig naplata
- Zahtev Putevi Srbije auto-put Obrenovac - Ljig upotrebna dozvola
- Zahtev Putevi Srbije - ugovor za auto-put NBGD - Surčin
- Zahtev Aerodromi Srbije sistematizacija
- Zahtev Rembas trans naplata potraživanja
- Zahtev Đula doo naplata potraživanja
- Zahtev MSK Kikinda naplata potraživanja
- Zahtev JPPEU Resavica naplata potraživanja
- Zahtev Čistoća Novi Sad - vozila u vlasništvu
- Zahtev Lasta - rashod autobusa
- Zahtev Parking servis partijska pripadnost
- Zahtev Parking servis - troškovi advokatskih usluga
- Zahtev Parking servis uklanjaje automobila Ušće
- Zahtev Zavod za udžbenike - stimulacije direktorima
- Zahtev Jugoimport SDPR - stimulacije direktorima
- Zahtev Skijališta - stimulacije direktorima
- Zahtev Vojvodinašume - stimulacije direktorima
- Zahtev Vode Vojvodine - stimulacije direktorima
- Zahtev Infrastruktura železnice - stimulacije direktorima
- Zahtev Aerodrom Niš stimulacije direktorima
- Zahtev Železnice Srbije stimulacije direktorima
- Odgovor Železnice Srbije na zahtev
- Dopuna zahteva Železinice Srbije stimulacije direktorima
- Zahtev Fruška gora - stimulacije direktorima
- Zahtev Aerodrom Niš - stručno usavršavanje članova NO
- Zahtev Pošta - šest pitanja
- Odgovor Pošta
- Dopuna zahteva
- Odgovor Pošte nakon dopune
- Zahtev Fruška gora - stručno usavršavanje članova NO
- Zahtev Službeni glasnik stručno usavršavanje članova NO i još 4 pitanja
- Zahtev Skijallišta stručno usavršavanje članova NO
- Zahtev Zavod za udzbenike usavršavanje članova NO
- Zahtev Vode Vojvodine stručno usavršavanje članova NO
- Zahtev Vojvodina šume stručno usavršavanje članova NO
- Zahtev Putevi Srbije - pet pitanja
- Zahtev Srbija kargo
Zahtevi - odazivni izveštaji
- JKP Gornji Milanovac
- Regulacije Sremska Mitrovica
- Veterina Beograd
- JKP Put Novi Sad
- Vodovod Vlasotince
- JKP Komrad Vranje
- Zelenilo Beograd
- JKP Šumadija Kragujevac
- Vodovod Novi Sad
- JVP Vode Vojvodine
- JKP Naissus Niš
- KJP Morava Svilajnac
- JP Grejanje Smederevo
- JKP Badnjevo Negotin
- JKSP Zaječar
Žalbe zbog nedostavljanja odgovora (odazivni izveštaji)
- Жалба Суботичка топлана
- Жалба Тврђава Бач
- Жалба Стара Планина
- Жалба Комуналац
- Жалба Сремгас
- Жалба Паркинг сервис
- Жалба Погребне услуге
- Жалба Прогрес
- Жалба Инфостан технологије
- Жалба Комуналац Пирот
- Жалба Институт за физику
- Жалба Градско зеленило
- Жалба ЗОО врт
- Жалба Градска агенција за сaобраћај
- Жалба Водовод Зајечар
- Жалба Галовица
- Article Count:
- 0
Support to the development of the Local Anti-Corruption Plan and the establishment of a body to monitor the implementation of the LAP in the City of Novi Pazar
The following activities are planned within the project:
1. Analysis of the environment for project implementation and formation of the project team.
2. Initial agreements on the manner of project implementation, promotion of LAP development and call for involvement of civil society, media, representatives of other sectors.3. Proposals regarding the formation and manner of work of the working group.
4. Support the working group in analyzing the Model and selecting the elements to be taken from the Model into the LAP.
5. Support to the working group for the development of other elements of the LAP (activities, deadlines, responsible persons).
6. Support to the organization of a public debate on the Draft LAP.
7. Support to the working group in drafting the final report on the adoption of the LAP
8. Support in the formation of the Commission that will conduct a competition for the selection of members of the body for monitoring the implementation of the LAP.
9. Support to the work of the Commission in the procedure preceding the election of members of the body for monitoring the implementation of the LAP.
10. Support to the body for monitoring the implementation of the LAP for defining the area of work, its own rules of procedure and development of a methodology for monitoring the implementation of the LAP.
11. Support to the body for monitoring the implementation of the LAP in defining other activities and areas of activity of that body (in addition to monitoring the implementation of the LAP) - e.g. own initiatives, advisory activities and the like.
12. Trainings for representatives of local self-government regarding the development and implementation of LAP.
13. Promotion of the project in public.
In particular, we will cooperate with the Municipality of Raska, which has also expressed interest in receiving assistance from the TS in connection with the development of LAP, and specific modalities will be agreed in cooperation with the beneficiary (City of Novi Pazar), and may include the presence of Raska representatives Meetings and advisory assistance on certain issues, participation in trainings and the like were held with the representatives of Novi Pazar.
In Serbian:
Konferencija za novinare povodom izbora LAF-a :
Rešenje o formiranju Lokalnog antikorupcijskog foruma
Predlog liste članova Lokalnog antikorupcijskog foruma
Odluka o raspisivanju javnog konkursa za izbor članova Lokalnog antikorupcijskog foruma za praćenje primene Lokalnog antikorupcijskog plana grada Novog Pazara
Pravilnik o postupku izbora članova Lokalnog antikorupcijskog foruma grada Novog Pazara
Poslovnik o radu komisije za izbor članova tela za praćenje primene Lokalnog antikorupcijskog plana grada Novog Pazara
Izveštaj o usvajanju Lokalnog antikorupcijskog plana za grad Novi Pazar
Lokalni antikorupcijski plan za grad Novi Pazar - konačni, usvojeni tekst
Nacrt Lokalnog antikorupcijskog plana za grad Novi Pazar
Javni poziv - okrugli sto o Nacrtu Lokalnog antikorupcijskog plana za grad Novi Pazar
Javni poziv - javna rasprava o Nacrtu Lokalnog antikorupcijskog plana za grad Novi Pazar
JAVNI POZIV udruženjima, da predlože svoje predstavnike za kandidate, odnosno pojedincima da se kandiduju za članstvo u radnoj grupi za izradu LAP-a.
JAVNI POZIV za uključenje u postupak izrade LAP-a po pojedinim oblastima
Poziv na konferenciju za novinare - LAP Novi Pazar 31. avgust
Poziv za prisustvo tematskim sednicama za oblasti 1, 2, 3 i 4 LAP-a 2. i 3. oktobra
Poziv za prisustvo sednicama radne grupe za izradu LAP-a Novi Pazar 6. i 7. novembra
Poziv za prisustvo sednicama radne grupe za izradu LAP-a Novi Pazar 26. i 27. novembra
Rešenje o formiranju radne grupe
- LTI 2017 analiza
- LTI 2017 tabela
- LTI 2016 analiza i preporuke
- DRI - Izveštaj o reviziji Gradska uprava za naplatu javnih prihoda NP za 2016.godinu
DRI - Izveštaj o reviziji Predškolska ustanova „Mladost“ NP za 2016.godinu
- DRI - Izveštaj o reviziji Kulturni centar NP za 2016.godinu
- CESID - istraživanje zadovoljstva građana
- Prezentacija sa obuka za članove tela koje prati primenu LAP
- Prezentacija sa obuka za članove radne grupe koja sadrži podatke iz izvršenih analiza povezanih sa izradom LAP
- Prezentacija modela LAP za predstavnike lokalne samouprave modela LAP za predstavnike lokalne samouprave
- Article Count:
- 0
Local and central government - transparency, anti-corruption potential and corruption risks/ monitoring public procurement and public - private partnerships
As part of Transparency's efforts to improve access to information and increase publicity and accountability in public procurement and public-private partnerships, in this project the TS will determine the degree of compliance with standards for transparency of central and local authorities (proactive and providing information on request). to stop retrograde processes in the field of access to information and respect the rules on publicity of work. We will fight to strengthen the mechanisms for punishing abuses in public procurement and eliminating their harmful consequences.
The TS will also determine the methodology for quantitative assessment of the situation in the field of public procurement and PPP, ie the index on the basis of which the corruption risk of individual public procurements will be assessed and ranked using indicators and precisely prescribed criteria.
In Serbian:
- Javnost rada organa centralne i lokalne vlasti u Srbiji – glavni zaključci o stanju
- Javnost rada organa - Informatori o radu, budžet, konkursi za sufinansiranje medijskih projekata
- Javne rasprave - izmene propisa i praksa sprovođenja tokom 2018
- Tabele:
- Kadrovska rešenja
- Article Count:
- 0
Open Data in Public Procurements
The project starts from the observed problems related to the functioning of the public procurement system in the Republic of Serbia and the importance of the functioning of the state apparatus, impact on overall economic life and meeting the needs of citizens. The project builds on Serbia's plans to fight corruption and EU integration.
In general, the aim of this project was to increase the openness of public procurement data and their usability in practice.
Pursuant to the Law on Public Procurement from 2012, as well as on the basis of previous laws regulating this area, it is envisaged to publish advertisements and other documents that are explicitly listed in the Law on the Public Procurement Portal, maintained by the Public Procurement Directorate.
Most of the data published on the Portal is in a form that does not provide the possibility of further use. As a result, the usefulness of these posts is reduced, and searches are limited to parameters that are predefined by the Portal settings. Another problem, which is related to the subject of this research, is the insufficient connection of the data that exist on the Public Procurement Portal with the data on public procurement that are in the possession of other authorities.
The opportunity to improve the situation existed during 2018, when the research was conducted on several axes. First, the Public Procurement Directorate is one of the state administration bodies that has voluntarily joined the work of the Open Data Group. Accordingly, the Public Procurement Directorate published certain data sets on the national open data portal.
The improvement of the Public Procurement Portal, ie the development of a new Portal is part of the action plan adopted by the Management within the Strategy for the Improvement of the Public Procurement System for 2018.
The third opportunity is reflected in the fact that in 2018 the procedure of revision of the Action Plan of the Republic of Serbia in negotiations with the European Union for Chapter 23 should have started. This revision could have resulted in devising new measures for opening and crossing data on public procurement data. in the context of controlling public procurement procedures, linking databases and better cooperation between institutions.
In addition, the opportunity to improve the openness of public procurement data arises from broader activities in this field carried out at the national level, primarily through the Open Government Partnership initiative, and the implementation and adoption of bylaws under the Law on Electronic Government, for which the deadline was October 14, 2014. The mentioned bylaws were supposed to regulate the functioning of the Open Data Portal and the publication of web presentations of government bodies. Both acts were in preparation during the implementation of this project.
It is clear that there is interest from citizens and journalists in public procurement research. Transparency Serbia, as an organization that has systematically monitored the field of public procurement since 2002, participates in numerous global and regional initiatives related to public procurement and public finances in general, which is active in designing and promoting anti-corruption mechanisms and using EU integration to improve the situation. in this area, as a co-founder of the coalition prEUgovor and coordinator of the National Convention for the EU, in connection with Chapter 5 (public procurement), undertook the following activities within the project:
Analysis of the current situation regarding the openness of data on public procurement, existing plans from strategic acts and institutions;
identification and analysis of foreign experiences regarding the opening of data on public procurement and selection of those that could be relevant for Serbia;
consultations with representatives of target groups regarding the possibilities to publish additional data in an open format even before the changes in the legal framework;
submission of proposals during the public debate on the new Law on Public Procurement;
drafting and submitting proposals for amendments to relevant planning acts of the Republic of Serbia that were current at the time of project implementation;
formulation of proposals - initiatives to the Ministry of Finance and the State Audit Institution and other bodies, in order to improve the situation in Serbia according to the parameters from the international survey Budget Openness Index;
analysis of open data and their crossing. As part of this activity, we tested whether there are statistically significant correlations between individual published data that could be the subject of further analysis in order to draw conclusions about the public procurement system.The Open and Cross-Public Procurement project was implemented by Transparency - Serbia in the period from July to November 2018.
The project was supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) office in Belgrade. All views expressed belong to the TS and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNDP
- Article Count:
- 0
Local transparency index - LTI 2017
- Article Count:
- 0
Multi-Country Study on Budget Credibility: Using of contingency funds in Serbia 2014-2017
project supported by International Budget Partnership
case study Serbia: Using of Contingency Funds
Using of “current budget reserve”, i.e. contingency funds by the government during the fiscal year has significant impact to the budget.
Government is transfers funds from approved budget appropriations to the contingency funds, but does not provide explanation on consequences of to the original budget programs. Similarly, Government re-transfer significant part of these funds to the selected municipalities in arbitrary way and without explanation.
Since 2015, there is a legal threshold for such reserve funds, that is 4% of overall budget income. In practice, the level of contingency funds is significantly smaller in the adopted budget, but the Government increases it by transferring funds from approved budget appropriations that “cannot be used”, to the contingency funds and thereafter to other budget beneficiaries and other purposes, either entirely new or those where original funds were insufficient.
It is worth to mention that this worrying practice is also supported by the changes in the Budget system law. Namely, before the budget for 2015, it was allowed to spend at most as 2% for the “current contingency funds” and 0,5% for the permanent budget reserve. If the original budget planed less than 2%, it was possible to increase it during the fiscal year, but only up to 1% of total budget. Amended Budget system law provides for possibility to assign 4% of the budget to the “current contingency funds” or to transfer funds during the fiscal year till the same level. This increased several times the amount of contingency funds and transfers made during the year.
For instance, in 2016 government maximally used this possibility. Namely, the original budget income was 997,4 billion RSD, and the maximum allowed contingency fund 39,9 billion RSD. However, original approved budget had only 1,14 billion contingency funds. During the fiscal year, Government issued more than 70 decisions about contingency funds, and used the total of 38,9 billion RSD in that way. Out of that amount, only 0,063 billion was for the purpose to finance newly established administrative units of the government and 1 billion for extraordinary elections. So huge amount of funds spent for other purposes, indicates poor planning in the original budget. Furthermore, 1,6 billion of contingency funds was spent for forbidden purpose – funds dedicated to the executive were spent for judiciary.
Within this project TS will try to find out:
- What was the total amount of money transferred to the contingency funds, from the contingency funds, and what were the biggest individual transfers to the fund and from the fund to local authorities?
- Why some budget appropriation, transferred to the contingency fund, remained unspent and in which way that affected achievement of budget program goals?
- On the basis of which information Government selected municipalities to be given transfers from the contingency funds and amounts of transfers?
- What was the ultimate purpose that contingency funds were used for?
We will also try to find out what are Ministry of finance, State Audit Institution and relevant parliamentary committee doing regarding:
What are SAI conclusions regarding the legal ground of using the contingency funds for municipal transfers?
How did SAI evaluated effects of budget transfers to the contingency funds and consequences for the original budget programs?
Did SAI consider to perform performance audit or to evaluate budget planning process that would be related to the identified practice with contingency funds transfers?
Does MF check whether municipalities need transfers from contingency funds due to decreased income and what information collects in that regards?
Does MF perform pre-selection of municipal requests for financial support from the central budget?
In which way MF identifies approved budget appropriations to be decreased in favor of contingency funds?
Parliamentary committee for public finances:
Did parliament asked information from the Government on modification of the original budget that is related to the contingency funds transfers?
Did parliament asked government to explain consequences of budget reserve transfers for the affected programs?
Does finance committee, when discussing the new draft budget, compares it with previous years appropriations for the same purpose, in particular when funds were unspent in previous budget year and transferred to the budget reserve?
- Article Count:
- 0
More effective prosecution of revealed corruption
Transparency Serbia followed cases where there was suspicion on corruption raised by independent state authorities, whistleblowers, investigative journalists or NGOs and further actions of the police and public prosecutors in that regards.
When investigative journalists followed such cases, TS provided insight on systemic problems that stayed behind the individual cases, systemic measures that should be conducted by relevant authorities.
At the very beginning of the project, TS contacted investigative journalists and media which deal with this topics and offered them assistance in selected stories/cases. Stories (cases) were selected according to several criteria - public interest, possible impact of the story and the case on population, impact of the story in order to reach goals set by the project, previous TS experience on the subject, actuality of the topic in the light of anti-corruption agenda and EU integration agenda.
TS advocated legal actions to be taken following investigative journalism stories. In order to accomplish this, TS addressed responsible authorities.
TS drafted report about monitored cases and follow up actions taken by the police and prosecution. TS also drafted recommendations with systemic measures that should be conducted by relevant authorities.
Finally, TS drafted final report with recommendations, analysis of all cases, systematic measures, and analysis of work of police and prosecution in the context of chapter 23 of Serbia/EU negotiations.
TS promoted project findings and results on press conference, in press issues, on social networks. Final findings were presented at the press conference in 9th month of the project, on December 20th. According to TS’s press clipping, there were 46 news following this presentation.
TS analysed Action plan for chapter 23, reports on their implementation and produced overall conclusions on quality of AP 23 measures, activities, indicators, reporting results. Furthermore, we produced the list of concrete measures to improve current version of the AP and informed relevant stakeholders about it.
When it comes to the results of reorganization of public prosecution and court offices after March 1st 2018, TS made effort to collect information from all offices in charge, with partial success. While some of them provided copies of indictments other refused to do so, by invoking various reasons (alleged secrecy of documents, alleged request of “too many” documents or inability to provide access due to lack of documents in public prosecution office. We also collected all available information on prosecution and court statistics in years before the project and during the project implementation. We did not identify any improvement over the time, but even some negative tendencies, through decreased number of final criminal charges, indictments and verdicts in 2012/2017 period, and increased number of verdicts in 2018 due to controversial “plea bargaining” practice.
Izveštaj: Ka efikasnijem procesuiranju obelodanjenih sumnji na korupciju - finalni
Ka efikasnijem procesuiranju obelodanjenih sumnji na korupciju - sažetak, decembar 2018
Tabela: Postupanje tužilaštva za organizovani kriminal i Višeg javnog tužilaštva u Novom Sadu
Kada se suoče sa aferama i problemima, predstavnici vlasti najčešće izbegavaju odgovor i odgovornost porukom da nadležne organe treba pustiti da na miru rade svoj posao. Transparentnost Srbija (TS) je na nekoliko desetina primera dokumentovala kako to organi (ne) rade svoj posao. U dva tekstu objavljena na portalu Peščanik prikazano je nekoliko primera:
Tužilaštva - (ne)postupanje i inicijative TS:
- Zahtev VJT udžbenici prijava Verbić
- Zahtev VJT Beograd - postupanje po prijavi za novogodišnju jelku
- Zahtev VJT Kragujevac donacija Yura
- Zahtev VJT Beograd donacija Yura
Drugi organi - dopisi, inicijative:
- Zahtev Vladi Beograd na vodi - objekti javne namene
- Zahtev Grad Beograd - Beograd na vodi - objekti javne namene
- Zahtev Savski venac - Beograd na vodi - objekti javne namene
- Dopis Agenciji za borbu protiv korupcije - moguća kršenja zakona u kampanji
- Zahtev Agenciji - postupak protiv Zorane Mihajlović
- Zahtev Ministarstvo krivično delo gradnja bez građevinske dozvole
- Zahtev Grad Beograd- gradnja bez građevinske dozvole
SNS - pozivi građanima na mobilne u kampanji
Analiza slučaja: Da li je SNS u kampanji imala baze podataka o građanima
- Zahtev SNS
- Zahtev MTS
- Odgovor MTS
- Žalba Povereniku SNS
- Rešenje Poverenika SNS
- Odgovor advokata SNS
- Dopis Povereniku - inicijativa
- Dopis MTS - prijava uzmerivanja
TS i mediji:
- Zahtev Ministarstvu zdravlja - aplikacija "Izabrani doktor"
Procesuiranje krivičnih dela u vezi sa korupcijom:
TOK i VJT NS optužnice i presude tabela
Zahtev RJT:
Odgovor RJT:
RJT ne poseduje optuznice i sporazume o priznanju krivice
- -Zahtev VJT Beograd
- Odgovor VJT Beograd
- Zahtev RJT
- Dodatni zahtev VJT Beograd
- Odgovor na dodatni zahtev
- Zahtev VJT Niš
- Odgovor VJT Niš optužnice i sporazumi o priznanju krivica 2017
- Odgovor VJT Niš optužnice sporazumi o priznanju krivica 2018
- Zahtev VJT Novi Sad
- Odogovor VJT NS:
- Ispravljena optuznica bez broja i datuma
- Optuznica bez broja i datuma
- Optuznica bez broja i datuma
- SK 50-17
- SK 23.06.2017
- KT 25.09.2017
- KTI 01.04.2016
- KT 28.9.2017
- SKKO 07.06.2018
- SKKO 07.06.2018 2
- SKKO 22.05.2018
- SKKO 14.09.2018
- SKKO 16.04.2018
- SKKO 16.08.2018
- SKKO 15.03.2018
- SK 24-18
- sporazum 15.08.2018
- sporazum 27.09.2018
- КТKО 1069 18
- KTIKO 12 18
- KTKO 978-18
- КТ Ruma 28 02 2017
- KT Sremska Mitrovica 09.11.2017
- КТКО 14818
- KTKO 695-18
- KTKO 25.05.2018.
- KTKO 12.09.2018.
- KTKO 22.05.2018
- KTKO 11.07.2018
- KTKO 10.07.2018
- KTKO 24.04.2018
- KTKO 11.05.2018
- КТIКО 10-18
- KTKO 655-18
- КТКО 15.10.2018
- КТКО 16.10.2018
- КТКО 03.10.2018
- KT Ruma 18.11.2018
- КТКО 01.10.2018
- КТКО 02.04.2018
- КТКО 28.09.2018
- КТКО 861-18
- KTKO 322-18
- Zahtev VJT Kragujevac
- Odgovor VJT Kg 2017
- Odgovor VJT Kg 2018 do marta
- Odgovor VJT Kg 2018 od marta
- Žalba Povereniku
- Zahtev TOK
- Odgovor TOK:
- KTO 6-14 I PRESUDA SPK.PO1 24-17 24.03.2017.-27.03.201724.03.2017.-27.03.2017
- I PRESUDA SPK.PO1 81-16 15.12.2016.-19.12.2016
- I PRESUDA SPK.PO1 15-17 02.03.2017.-03.03.2017
- KTO 28-17 OPTUŽNICA OD 25.05.2017
- KTO 38-17 OPTUŽNI PREDLOG OD 13.04.2017
- KTO 38-17 I PRESUDA SPK.PO1 38-17 13.04.2017.-27.04.201713.04.2017.-27.04.2017
- KTO 52-17 OPTUŽNI PREDLOG OD 19.05.2017
- KTO 71-17 OPTUZNI PREDLOG OD 09.08.2017
- PRESUDA SPK-PO1 78-17 OD 10.08.2017
- KTO 100-17 OPTUŽNI PREDLOG (5 STRANA) OD 14.11.2017
- KTO 55-18 OPTUŽNICA OD 01.06.2018
- KTO 55-18 I PRESUDA SPK.PO1 50-18 05.06.2018.-11.06.2018
- KTO 56-18 OPTUŽNICA OD 01.06.2018
- KTO 56-18 I PRESUDA SPK.PO1 51-18 06.06.2018.-13.06.2018
- KTO 57-18 OPTUŽNICA OD 01.06.2018
- KTO 57-18 I PRESUDA SPK.PO1 52-18 05.06.2018.-12.06.2018
- KTO 83-18 OPTUŽNI PREDLOG OD 14.09.2018
- KTO 83-18 I PRESUDA SPK.PO1 75-18 26.09.2018.-26.09.2018
- Article Count:
- 0
Inspections - selectivity and control of the media
Transparency Serbia conducted a survey aimed at determining whether the inspections acted impartially or were abused in some way to put pressure on the media, ie their founders and publishers, and on other legal entities - advertisers or potential advertisers in the media. In addition, the research dealt with the issue of transparency of the work of inspection bodies, as a precondition for public control and determination of possible bias in the control of economic entities.
- Inspekcije i mediji - izveštaj sažetak novembar 2018
- Inspekcije i mediji - izveštaj novembar 2018
- Inspekcije i mediji - prezentacija
TS monitoring inspekcije i mediji konferencija maj 2018
Zahtevi - mediji
Inspektorat za rad:
Beograd Bor Čačak Kikinda Loznica Niš Vranje
Poreska inspekcija:
Beograd Bor Čačak Kikinda Loznica Niš Vranje
Uprava za preventivu:
Beograd Bor Čačak Kikinda Loznica Niš Vranje
Odgovori na zahteve - mediji:
Inspektorat za rad odgovor mediji i preduzeća
Inspektorat za rad odgovor mediji Beograd
Inspektorat za rad odgovor mediji Vranje i Bor
Inspektorat za rad odgovor mediji Kikinda 1 Kikinda 2 Kikinda 3 Kikinda 4
Insepktorat za rad odgovor Politika 1 Politika 2
Poreska inspekcija odgovor na zahtev 40 dana
Poreska inspekcija resenje odbijen zahtev mediji Niš (istovetno obrazloženje za sve gradove)
Poreska inspekcija - žalba Povereniku - mediji Beograd (istovetne žalbe za sve odbijene zahteve za sve gradove)
Rešenje Poverenika - prihvaćena žalba - mediji Bor
Rešenje Poverenika - prihvaćena žalba - mediji Beograd
Rešenje Poverenika - prihvaćena žalba - mediji Loznica
Rešenje Poverenika - prihvaćena žalba - mediji Niš
Rešenje Poverenika - prihvaćena žalba - mediji Čačak
Rešenje Poverenika - prihvaćena žalba - mediji Kikinda
Rešenje Poverenika - prihvaćena žalba - mediji Vranje
Poreska inspekcije odgovor mediji Bor
Poreska inspekcije odgovor mediji Beograd
Poreska uprava odgovor mediji: Loznica
Poreska inspekcije odgovor mediji Niš
Poreska inspekcije odgovor mediji Čačak
Poreska inspekcije odgovor mediji Kikinda
Poreska inspekcije odgovor mediji Vranje
Poreska inspekcija rešenje Poverenika - Južne vesti
Uprava za preventivu - Protivpožarna inspekcija - žalba Povereniku
Zahtevi - preduzeća
Inspektorat za rad:
mesna industrija mlečna 1 mlečna 2 mlečna 3 nameštaj
Poreska inspekcija:
mesna industrija mlečna 1 mlečna 2 mlečna 3 nameštaj
Uprava za preventivu:
Tržišna inspekcija:
Veterinarska inspekcija:
mesna industrija mlečna 1 mlečna 2 mlečna 3
Odgovori na zahteve - preduzeća:
Rešenje Poverenika - nameštaj - MUP Uprava za preventivu
Inspektorat za rad odgovor mediji i preduzeća
Poreska inspekcija odgovor na zahtev 40 dana
Rešenje Poverenika Poreska uprava mlekare 1
Odgovor Poreska uprava: mlekare 1
Rešenje Poverenika Poreska uprava mlekare 2
Odgovor Poreska uprava: mlekare 2
Rešenje Poverenika Poreska uprava mlekare 3
Odgovor Poreska uprava: mlekare 3
Rešenje Poverenika Poreska uprava mesna
Odgovor Poreska uprava: mesna industrija
Rešenje Poverenika Poreska uprava nameštaj
Odgovor Poreska uprava: nameštaj
Tržišna inspekcija odgovor: mesna industrija nameštaj
Veterinarska inspekcija zapisnici o nadzoru:
Veterinarska inspekcija Uprava za veterinu uputstvo za uređenje zahteva
Veterinarska inspekcija zahtev za uređenje odgovor
mesna industrija:
Famis 1 Famis 2 Famis 3 Famis 4
PKB Imes 01 PKB Imes 02 PKB Imes 03 PKB Imes 04 PKB Imes 05 PKB Imes 06 PKB Imes 07 PKB Imes 08 PKB Imes 09 PKB Imes 10 PKB Imes 11 PKB Imes 12 PKB Imes 13 PKB Imes 14 PKB Imes 15 PKB Imes 16 PKB Imes 17 PKB Imes 18 PKB Imes 19 PKB Imes 20 PKB Imes 21 PKB Imes 22 PKB Imes 23 PKB Imes 24 PKB Imes 25 PKB Imes 26 PKB Imes 27 PKB Imes 28 PKB Imes 29 PKB Imes 30 PKB Imes 31 PKB Imes 32 PKB Imes 33 PKB Imes 34 PKB Imes 35 PKB Imes 36 PKB Imes 37 PKB Imes 38 PKB Imes 39 PKB Imes 40Zlatiborac 1 Zlatiborac 2 Zlatiborac 3 Zlatiborac 4 Zlatiborac 5 Zlatiborac 6 Zlatiborac 7 Zlatiborac 8 Zlatiborac 9 Zlatiborac 10 Zlatiborac 11 Zlatiborac 12 Zlatiborac 13 Zlatiborac 14 Zlatiborac 15mlekare:
Gložane 2015 Gložane 2016 Gložane 2017
Leskovac 2015 Leskovac 2016 Leskovac 2017
Pančevo 1 Pančevo 2 Pančevo 3 Pančevo 4 Pančevo 5
Spasojević 1 Spasojević 2 Spasojević 3 Spasojević 4 Spasojević 5 Spasojević 6 Spasojević 7
Granice 1 Granice 2 Granice 3 Granice 4 Granice 5 Granice 6 Granice 7 Granice 8 Granice 9 Granice 10
Stara planina 1 Stara planina1a Stara planina 2 Stara planina 3 Stara planina 4 Stara planina 5
Planovi rada i izveštaji o radu:
Inspektorat za rad
Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2015. Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2016. Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2017. Plan rada za 2018.
Poreska inspekcija
Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2015. Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2016. Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2017. Plan rada za 2018.
Poreska inspekcija zahtev planovi rada i izveštaji o radu
Poreska inspekcija rešenje odbijanje zahteva - planovi rada i izveštaji o radu
Poreska inspekcija dodatni zahtev planovi i izveštaji o radu
Poreska inspekcija - odbijanje dodatnog zahteva
Poreska inspekcija žalba Povereniku - planovi rada i izveštaji o radu
Poreska inspekcija žalba Povereniku - odbijanje dodatnog zahteva
Uprava za preventivu
Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2015. Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2016. Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2017. Plan rada za 2018.
Pozarna inspekcija planovi rada i izveštaji o radu - obaveštenje 40 dana
Odgovor na zahtev - planovi rada i izveštaji
Tržišna inspekcija
Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2015. Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2016. Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2017. Plan rada za 2018.
Veterinarska inspekcija
Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2015. Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2016. Plan rada i Izveštaj o radu za 2017. Plan rada za 2018.
Umesto planova za 205, 2016. i 2017. godinu:
Veterinarska inspekcija Minimalna dinamika službene kontrole
Veterinarska inspekcija Planiranje sluzbenih kontrola bezbednost hrane
Veterinarska inspekcija Plan godišnjih kontrola 2018
Veterinarska inspekcija odgovor na zahtev planovi rada i izveštaji o radu
Veterinarska inspekcija Uprava za veterinu Informator o radu 2018 - umesto izveštaja o radu za 2017
Veterinarska inspekcija Uprava za veterinu Informator o radu 2016 - umesto izveštaja o radu za 2015
Koordinaciona komisija - Izveštaj o radu 2016
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Raising Transparency of Local Authorities in Six Municipalities in Pcinja and Raska Counties
In 2015 Transparency Serbia conducted a project "Local Transparency Index - LTI[1]" in which it evaluated transparency of all municipalities in Serbia and ranked them by LTI. Ranking was done by the methodology developed by TS. The research included evaluation of web sites, visit to municipalities and evaluation of information available to citizens at local administration premises, gathering information from local self-government and from other sources (such as Official Gazette, Anti-Corruption Agency, Commissioner for Information, State Audit Institution).
Municipalities from Raska and Pcinja region were ranked poorly - Bujanovac had LTI score 47, Novi Pazar 39, Tutin 35 and Presevo15 (on a scale from 0 to 100). On the other hand, municipality Vranje was among 10 best ranked local self-governments with LTI score 60, while Raska municipality had LTI score 57. Nevertheless, even with these municipalities, there are still a lot of areas which could be further improved.
In order to improve their LTI rank and thus improve transparency of selected local self-governments, within the proposed project TS will produce an analysis of current status in transparency of six municipalities - Novi Pazar, Bujanovac, Presevo, Raska, Tutin and Vranje - involved in the project. The analysis will be based on their results in the 2015 LTI research which would then be updated.
Based on the analysis, TS will produce recommendations to each municipality involved on how to improve its transparency. This would include recommendations for changes in documents and local acts (such as statutes, rulebooks), modifications of websites (adding new sections), changes in website administration practices (regular publishing of certain information, documents), placing notifications and information in administration premises (citizens' service centers) and other changes in practice of local self-governments. The analysis would also include deviations from obligations set up by laws or by-laws (such as Guidelines for creating web presentations of state organs and local self-governments, Instruction for the creation and publication of the information booklet on public authority work, Anti-Corruption Agency Law, Law on Budget System, Law on Consumers Protection, Law on Public Procurement, Law on Public Enterprises) noted in the research.
The project will raise awareness of local administration about importance of transparency and point to specific actions to raise transparency if there is a political will to act in accordance with the proclaimed anti-corruption principles. Beneficiaries of this project are selected local self-governments which would receive analysis of the problems and obstacles for increasing their transparency with recommendations for the removal of barriers in either normative framework or practice. Citizens of selected municipalities, local CSOs and the media will also benefit from improved transparency of local self-governments.
This project will also contribute, to a large extent, to the fulfillment of several specific objectives set by the Serbia’s Strategy for Reform of the Public Administration: IIIv, IIIg and IIId - improvement of public financial management and procurement, increase of legal certainty and improvement of the business environment and the quality of public services, as well as strengthening transparency, ethics and accountability in the performance of public administration. Thus, it will affect, in a positive way, the work of the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government in this area. Project stakeholders are selected local self-governments, citizens of selected municipalities, local CSOs and the media (which are also beneficiaries of the project), Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (the organization that brings together all the municipalities and cities in Serbia), Anti-Corruption Agency(that will be interested to learn about implementation of Anti-Corruption Strategy provisions in practice (N.B. the Agency is in charge of oversight of this Strategy and Action plan), Commissioner for Information (related to the information booklets of selected municipalities).
In Serbian:
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Local transparency index - LTI 2015/2016
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Financial investigations as a tool to fight organized crime and corruption
The project is being implemented to strengthen the capacity of public prosecutors, judges and police officers from Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to conduct financial investigations into corruption and organized crime cases. The second goal is to strengthen cooperation and coordination among institutions that have responsibilities in this area, both within countries and within the region.
The three components of the project are - examination of the existing legal framework and practice in conducting financial investigations in the three observed countries; organizing training and capacity building programs for public prosecutors, judges and police officers from three countries; improving cooperation in conducting financial investigations with a special focus on the exchange of experiences among members of the institutions involved in this process.
As for Serbia and Montenegro, these activities will be carried out in the context of EU accession negotiations, ie Chapters 23 and 24 of European integration.
The project is implemented in partnership by the Center for Monitoring and Research from Podgorica, Transparency Serbia from Belgrade and the Association for Democratic Initiatives from Sarajevo. The project is implemented from 15.4.2017. until April 14, 2018, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
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Corruption in focus - building media capacity and raising public attention
The project envisages organizing round tables for representatives of local media and CSOs, local authorities, as well as organizing workshops for journalists and CSOs. Topics discussed at these roundtables are:
- Public-private partnerships;
- Local anti-corruption plans
- Integrity plans.
Round tables and workshops are organized in Kraljevo (May 4), Nis (May 16), Novi Sad (May 18), Belgrade (May 28) and Novi Pazar (June 19)."Pod lupom - prva petoletka" - materijal za novinare za okrugle stolove i radionice - elektronska verzijaLokalni antikorupcijski planovi:Planovi Integriteta (2017)Projekat je podržala Misija Organizacije za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju u Srbiji.
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Law on Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions - How to Improve Anti-Corruption Potentials
Public-private partnerships, as long-term business agreements between state bodies and private investors, represent an area of high risk of corruption, so the goal of this project is to further improve anti-corruption mechanisms (transparency and competition) in the Law on Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions.
Transparency Serbia analyzes the current Law on Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions with a special focus on the risks of transparency and corruption in order to identify gaps in legislation and provide recommendations for further improvement.
Also, the TS analyzes the relevant legal framework from the region and potential anti-corruption mechanisms in its relevant laws that can be transposed into the domestic legal framework.
In Serbian:
Analiza rizika od korupcije u propisima o javno – privatnom partnerstvu
Uporedna analiza pojedinih odredbi zakona o javnom privatnom partnerstvu i koncesijama u zemljama regiona (Crna Gora, Hrvatska i Bosna i Hercegovina)
- Zakon o javno-privatnom partnerstvu i koncesijama - kako unaprediti antikorupcijske potencijale - sažetak
Projekat je podržala Misija Organizacije za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju u Srbiji.
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Integrity plans - between corruption risk and anti-corruption practices
The project addresses the strengthening of integrity, accountability and improvement of the fight against corruption in public authorities that have experienced problems with corruption situations during the implementation of integrity plans from 2013, through the development of improved integrity plans during 2017 and improving regulations and practices for handling complaints, especially through the mechanism alarms.
Based on the data collected from the media on cases of corruption in government bodies and the collected integrity plans of the sampled entities, the quality and objectivity of the integrity plans of the sampled entities are analyzed with special reference to areas related to identified cases of corruption or suspected corruption. corruption.
The results of the analysis will be used to raise the attention of the public, especially the media, regarding the preventive measures to be implemented after the detection of a corruption case or suspicion of corruption and the importance of developing and implementing integrity plans in this regard.
Konferencija za novinare 26. decembra 2017: Planovi integriteta - između korupcijskog rizika i antikorupcijske prakse
TS planovi integriteta maj 2018
TS planovi integriteta maj 2018 sažetak
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Political influence on public enterprises and media
For this reason, Transparency Serbia researched the implementation of the Law on Public Enterprises of 2016. We analyzed the professionalization of public enterprise management through the selection of directors and supervisory boards, transparency of their work, and compliance with legal obligations, as well as the relationship of public enterprises with the media, where we observed advertising costs, sponsorships and donations, and accompanying reports. The research covered the legal framework in general and the documents collected for 30 public enterprises.
Public enterprises have been identified as the most problematic area in the fight against corruption in Serbia1 . The system of party control and coalitional “share of prey” in these companies, which functioned for decades, have not ceased by the adoption of the Law on Public Enterprises of 2012, which proclaimed the depoliticization and greater transparency and accountability, as showed by the Transparency Serbia research from 20142 . Bearing in mind the inherent purpose of public enterprises, their dominant position in the market and the ability to buy media influence, the costs of sponsorship and marketing emerge as their most disputable expenditures. The problems pointed out by TS and other actors3 have only partially been resolved by the new Law on Public Enterprises of 2016.
- Politički uticaj na javna preduzeća i medije - istraživanje - septembar 2017
- Začarani krug oglašavanja javnog sektora - prilog za debatu
- Začarani krug oglašavanja javnog sektora - letak
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Monitoring local elections in Belgrade 2018
ransparency Serbia has monitored all election campaigns since 2004. We monitored the activities in the campaigns, through direct monitoring, campaign financing, through our estimates of funds spent, which we then compared with the reported costs, the work of competent institutions and bodies (formerly the Assembly Board, REC, Anti-Corruption Agency, Prosecutor's Office, RBA, ie RE etc).
Since 2012, TS has been regularly monitoring the functionary campaign, and since the 2017 elections, the "placement" of that campaign in the electronic media, as well as the representation and context (positive / negative) of candidates' appearances on the front pages of the daily press.
This monitoring of the functionary campaign was performed according to the same methodology as for the previous elections. After 2012, the methodology was changed and improved, with the introduction of five categories of activities of officials, and in 2017, a sixth category was introduced.
The activities of a number of officials during the four weeks of the election campaign were observed and the number of activities was compared with the number of activities in the corresponding period of the previous non-election year. We also presented comparative data for all years from 2013 until today.
In the analysis, we pointed out the characteristic cases of the functionary campaign and specific cases of violations and circumvention of regulations, which we also reported to the authorities responsible for further action.
For the purposes of analyzing the placement of the functionary campaign in the electronic media, the central news programs of five TV stations (RTS, N1, Prva, Studio B and Pink) were observed in two days of the campaign and one day of election silence on February 20 and 28 and March 2. ). We determined how many seconds and how many contributions the president of Serbia (whose name is the list gathered around the SNS, the party he also heads), republic and city officials from the parties from that list, republic and city officials from the SPS, received in the observed shows, and how many lists they received within the pre-election blocs. We also determined which promotional and other activities of officials were included in the observed news, and which were left unanswered in these media and in these terms. The front pages of nine dailies published in Belgrade (24 sata, Alo, Blic, Danas, Informer, Kurir, Novosti, Politika, Srpski Telegraf) in the period from January 15 to March 3 were analyzed.
TS monitored the appearance of officials and candidates, ie electoral lists on the front pages, the context of the appearance (negative / neutral / positive), as well as the main topics on the front pages in that period.
We also made an estimate of the costs of advertising on TV and in the press, based on the obtained data on the number, duration, ie size, and position of the vote, price lists and determined, ie estimated discounts.
As part of the monitoring and analysis of the results, we also identified several election paradoxes, which we pointed out in a special section.In Serbian:
- Izveštaj o izbornoj kampanji 2018 Beograd
- Dopis Agenciji za borbu protiv korupcije - moguća kršenja zakona u kampanji
- Zahtev TS Odeljenje za zdravstvenu inspekciju
- Zahtev TS Gradski sekretarijat za inspekcijske poslove
- Zahtev TS Prosvetna inspekcija
- Zahtev TS Upravna inspekcija - Obrenovac
- Zahtev TS Budžetska inspekcija
- Zahtev TS Upravna inspekcija SDPS
- Zahtev TS Upravna inspekcija Voždovac
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Monitoring election campaign 2017
Transparency Serbia monitored promotional activities of public officials during the election campaign for presidential elections in 2017, as well as their representation in the media. The focus was also on the proceedings of the state authorities. Emphasis is put on what were the responsibilities of certain authorities and related to what issues Public Prosecutor, National Assembly, Regulatory Body for the Electronic Media, Anticorruption Agency failed to react.
In Serbian:
Izveštaji i prilozi:
- Funkcionerska izborna kampanja 2017, njeno medijsko praćenje i nepostupanje državnih organa april 2017
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Monitoring election campaign financing 2016
Within this project, TS monitored the activities of the participants in the 2016 elections and determined the most important campaign expenses (meetings, billboard advertising, media advertising)
Also, the TS monitored the activities of public officials at all levels (in a certain sample) in order to determine the extent of abuse of office for the needs of the campaign (official campaign). After the election, TS analyzed the financial statements and compared the reported activities and costs with those registered in the monitoring.In Serbian:
- Monitoring (finansiranja) kampanje za parlamentarne, pokrajinske i lokalne izbore sažetak maj 2016
- Monitoring izborne kampanje prezentacija ppt
- Monitoring izborne kampanje prezentacija slike ppt
- Funkcionerska kampanja 2016 izveštaj maj 2016 pdf
- Funkcionerska kampanja tabela
- Monitoring izborne kampanje - prezentacija
- Monitoring (finansiranja) kampanje za parlamentarne, pokrajinske i lokalne izbore sažetak jul 2016
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Monitoring election campaign financing 2014 - Belgrade
Within the project, TS collected, analyzed and promoted conclusions on the most significant costs of political parties and candidates in the campaign for the Belgrade elections in 2014, (mis)use of public functions and public resources for party promotions and overall implementation of campaign financing rules.
The overall goal of the project was to facilitate the implementation of the rules on campaign financing for the 2014 city elections in Belgrade and to prevent the misuse of public resources for campaign purposes.
The individual goals of the project are:
1. assessment of the level and type of campaign financing of each political entity participating in the elections
2. Assessment of the impact of the election campaign on the activities of state bodies and public officials, including potential misuse of public resources
3. inform the relevant state institutions (especially the Anti-Corruption Agency), national and international actors and citizens about the findings and recommendations of the TS on how to solve the identified problems.
In Serbian:
- Nalazi monitoringa izborne kampanje 2014 grad Beograd sa osvrtom na parlamentarne izbore, jun 2014.
- Aktivnosti javnih funkcionera tokom kampanje za izbore 2014, jun 2014.pdf
- Aktivnosti funkcionera skracena verzija, mart 2014.xls
- Aktivnosti javnih funkcionera tokom kampanje za izbore 2014, kraca verzija.doc
- CG zakon izmene.PDF
- Makedonija Izborni zakonik clan 8a.doc
- Procena troskova TV oglasavanja u kampanji za parlamentarne i beogradske izbore 2014
Projekat je omogućen podrškom američkog naroda putem Američke agencije za međunarodni razvoj (USAID) kroz Projekat za reformu pravosuđa i odgovornu vlast i ne mora neophodno odslikavati stavove USAID ili Vlade Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.
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Monitoring election campaign financing in Serbia 2012
Monitoring the financing of national, provincial and local elections in Serbia - 2012
On May 6, 2012, local, parliamentary, presidential and provincial elections were held in Serbia. The new Law on Financing Political Activities was adopted in June 2011.Within the project, the TS collected, analyzed and promoted conclusions on the most significant costs of political parties and candidates in the election campaign, (mis)use of public functions and public resources for party promotions and the overall implementation of campaign financing rules.
Through the project, the TS supported, directly or indirectly, the activities of independent state bodies, such as the Anti-Corruption Agency and the State Audit Institution.
In Serbian:
- Izvori finansiranja izborne kampanje.doc
- Finansiranje izborne kampanje iz budzeta samouprava
- Pregled izdvajanja iz budzeta opstina za finansiranje politickih stranaka 2012
- Finansiranje izborne kampanje monitoring (3)
- Opsti osvrt na finansijske izvestaje stranaka sa majskih izbora 2012
- Prihodi parlamentarni izbori
- Prihodi predsednicki izbori
- Rashodi parlamentarni izbori
- Rаshodi predsednicki izbori
- Sumarno prihodi i rashodi parlаmentarni i predsednicki izbori
- Tabela troškovi prevoza uporedivanje TS izveštaji agenciji
- Zakup prostorija za potrebe izbornih kampanja mart, maj 2012
- Zakup prostorija, po strankama, mart, maj 2012
- Poredjenje TV oglasavanja parl i pred 2
- Izvestaji o troskovima izborne kampanje 2012
- Finansijska tabela-Mediji izbori 2012.xls
- Finansijski izvestaji stranaka za 2011 .pptx
- Godisnji finansijski izvestaji stranaka.docx
- Izvestaj-mediji.xls
- Prioriteti u borbi protiv korupcije jun 2012.ppt
- Zakup prostorija za potrebe izbornih kampanja mart-maj 2012 bez Beograda.xls
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Financing political parties 2012
Non-transparent financing of political parties and election campaigns is one of the main concerns of current reforms in Serbia, in terms of democratic development, the fight against corruption and EU integration. The adoption of the new Law has already been identified as one of the priority tasks in the context of European integration, as the existing one has proved ineffective.
Given the experience with other anti-corruption laws, the adoption of new rules does not guarantee progress. Moreover, the bill currently under discussion in the Government could be improved, as well as many related laws. That is why public advocacy in parliament and other institutions is necessary.
Implementation of the rules will depend on several bodies, including the Anti-Corruption Agency, the State Audit Institution, but also many others, such as the Broadcasting Council, public prosecutors and misdemeanor courts. Their experience in monitoring party funding is insufficient and the support that comes through monitoring activities by civil society is very useful, if not crucial.
The first reports to be reviewed on the basis of the provisions of the new legislation were those for 2010. Regular elections, and the largest test for the new law in practice are planned for 2012. Given these forthcoming elections, TS wanted to the project ensures that the legal framework is improved as soon as possible and that the provisions of the new Law are tested.
The project related to the work of several public institutions, including the Parliament, the Anti-Corruption Agency, the State Audit Institution, the Broadcasting Agency, but also the financial sector of central, provincial and local authorities, public prosecutors and misdemeanor courts.
In Serbian:
- Usluge opstina i gradova strankama.rar
- Dopis budzeti gradova i opstina fin pol akt.docx
- Izdvajanja iz lokalnih budzeta za finansiranje politickih stranaka po opstinama 2012.xlsx
- Pregled izdvajanja iz budzeta opstina za finansiranje politickih stranaka 2012.xlsx
- Dodela prostorija politickim strankama pod povlascenim uslovima - Grad Nis.xlsx
- Finansiranje stranaka i kampanja iz budzeta za 2011 i 2012.xlsx
- Objavljeni podaci o primljenim prilozima i clanarinama .xlsx
- Opstine i gradovi koji nisu odgovorili na zahtev u vezi sa uslugama koje pruzaju politickim strankama.xlsx
- Prilozi i clanarine objavljeni na internet stranama politickih partija.xlsx
- Izdvajanja iz lokalnih budzeta za finansiranje politickih stranaka po opstinama 2012.xlsx
- Pregled izdvajanja iz budzeta opstina za finansiranje politickih stranaka 2012.xlsx
- Primena novog zakona o finansiranju politickih aktivnosti.ppt
- Primena novog zakona o finansiranju politickih aktivnosti.pptx
Projekat je podržan od strane Ministarstva spoljnih poslova, UK.
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Monitoring local elections 2008
Monitoring local elections in the context of the Code of Ethics for Local Officials
This project represents support to the Councils for Monitoring the Implementation of the Code of Ethics as part of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy in Serbia's program to monitor the implementation of the Code of Ethics for Local Officials.
The aim of this project was to increase transparency and accountability among local councilors. The project monitored the campaigns of candidates in the 2008 local elections in eight municipalities in Serbia (Smederevo, Plandiste, Prokuplje, Pirot, Vranje, Arilje, Sabac, Mladenovac). Monitoring focused on specific issues such as election campaign financing and other areas covered by the Code of Ethics.
Most of the problems relate to the application of the provisions of the Code (Articles 10 and 11) dealing with local election campaigns and the financing of local election campaigns. Many of the Monitoring Councils are composed of party members or even candidates in local elections which makes it difficult for the Councils to assess whether the relevant provisions of the Code have been complied with. The councils also lack the resources to address this issue after the election campaign is over. In such a situation, citizens remain uninformed whether these important provisions of the Code were respected during the election campaign.
More specifically, the project addressed issues related to the implementation of election campaign financing. For example, in the area of electoral regulation, there have been discussions on how to change the electoral system to encourage proper representation of citizens in the local assembly. Regarding the financing of the election campaign, there were problems related to all types of elections (insufficient supervision of the Republic Election Commission, many different interpretations of certain legal provisions).
This project was made possible by a donation from the Westminster Foundation for Democracy
Project partner organizations:
- Centar za društvene inicijative – Smederevo
- Asocijacija građana Impuls – Plandište
- Toplički centar za demokratiju i ljudska prava – Prokuplje
- Građanska čitaonica Pirgos – Pirot
- ABC centar za mir, sigurnost i toleranciju – Vranje
- Centar kreativnog okupljanja – Arilje
- Osvit – Šabac
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Increased transparency and efficiency - public procurement, public-private partnerships, public hearings and access to information 2015
Increased transparency and efficiency of the public sector in the areas of public procurement, access to information, preparation of regulations and public-private partnerships
Citizens, businessmen and the professional public are aware that corruption is a serious problem in Serbia. The prevalence of the problem and the need to address it as a matter of priority have been recognized by international observers and organizations (including the European Commission in its annual progress reports), but also by the Serbian government from 2000 to the present. However, even when awareness of this exists, the question remains whether the fight against corruption will be conducted systematically, indiscriminately and in such a way as to bring the best possible effects. Transparency - Serbia, as an organization dedicated to such a fight against corruption, within this project, with the help of interested citizens and institutions, highlighted some of the most risky points for corruption and tried to influence the fight against corruption in those areas to be more effective.
One of the main preconditions for a successful fight against corruption is the transparent work of the public sector. On the other hand, corruption in the process of enacting regulations, in disposing of public funds and providing public sector services to citizens and entrepreneurs has a very detrimental effect on the economic development of society, the standard of living and the functioning of the rule of law and democratic institutions.
What was our goal?
This project aimed to strengthen the rule of law through increased transparency of public sector work and the quality of services provided to citizens. We wanted to achieve that in several ways. First of all, by monitoring whether and to what extent the authorities respect the regulations, because that is a precondition for the rule of law. Among the regulations whose implementation we monitored through the project were the Law on Public Procurement, the Law on Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions, the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance, the Rules of Procedure of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the statutes of selected cities and municipalities.
Areas we dealt with
Public hearings
In connection with public hearings, we worked in several fields:
Improving the legal framework by giving concrete proposals to improve regulations that are important for the fight against corruption. At the time of the project, the anti-corruption strategy provided for the adoption or amendment of many important laws (on lobbying, on the protection of whistleblowers, on the Anti-Corruption Agency, on the financing of political activities, the Criminal Code, etc.);
TS advocated for the improvement of the legal framework of public hearings at the local level (amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government or the statute of interested cities and municipalities);
Organizing training for civil society organizations and the media;
Monitoring the procedures of public hearings in the preparation of regulations and informing the public about the observance of obligations from the Rules of Procedure of the Government (eg minimum deadlines) but also the meaningfulness of the entire regulation (eg whether proposals from public hearings are seriously considered)Public procurement
TS closely monitored the legality of the implementation and expediency of twenty individual public procurements and informed the competent authorities and the public about the findings. We tried to include in this sample procurements that affect a large number of citizens. We also organized trainings for civil society organizations and the media on the topic of public procurement.
Access to information
TS conducted two rounds of research on compliance with the obligation of public authorities to develop and publish job information (30 selected institutions). This time, we pay special attention to the issue of respecting the obligation from the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance to publish detailed information on the services provided by the authorities, on the budget and the means of work at their disposal. In addition, we organized a discussion on fulfilling this obligation.
Public - private partnerships
Public-private partnerships, as an area that carries high risks of corruption, have been the subject of our attention in several ways:
Analysis of cases and effects of public-private partnership agreements that were concluded before the adoption of the current Law (2011);
Monitoring the legality and effects of 10 procedures for concluding public-private partnership contracts in the next year and a half;
Organizing two workshops on public-private partnerships.
Public participation
In order to help us achieve these goals and contribute to the success of the project, we invited all citizens, civil society organizations, media, businessmen and all others interested to e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 011 303 38 27 to point to :
- Problematic provisions of regulations, from the point of view of possible corruption, which are in the process of adoption, and which need to be monitored and reacted quickly (eg by giving proposals during a public debate or sending proposals to MPs);
- Public procurements which, by the nature of the goods, works or services to be procured, are significant for a large number of people, for particularly vulnerable (vulnerable) groups or relating to issues of environmental protection and energy saving, and which should therefore be included in our follow-up sample from the beginning;
- Information on irregularities in the implementation of public procurement procedures or on the inexpediency of conducting planned public procurements of a state body, public enterprise or institution;
- Incorrect information (eg incorrect information on the services provided by the authority) that you found in the Information on the work of the authority;
- Agreements on public-private partnerships (agreements on joint investments of private investors and public bodies such as state bodies, public companies, etc.) which are of special importance for a large number of citizens and which should therefore be carefully monitored;
- Suspicions of irregularity or inexpediency in concluding public-private partnership contracts and data on the effects of the implementation of already concluded contracts of this type;
- Also, we invited all cities and municipalities interested in improving the provisions of the Statute related to the organization of public hearings to contact us, in order to directly help them in that work.
This project was implemented in the period from November 28, 2013 to May 28, 2015, thanks to the support of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia as part of the project "EU Civil Society Facility Serbia Program" and the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society.
Informatori o radu organa vlasti
- Informatori o radu - najvazniji nalazi, maj 2015
- Informatori o radu TS mart 2015.doc
- Informatori o radu prezentacija
- Analiza informatora o radu 30 organa vlasti jun 2014.doc
Javne rasprave
- Javne rasprave praksa februar 2015
- Pregled amandmana TS na Z. o j. informisanju i Z. o elektronskim medijima 2014 skupstinska procedura.xlsx
- primedbe TS javni uvid izmena i dopuna Generalnog plana Beograda 2021 jun 2014.pdf
- uzbunjivaci zakon 18.12.13- Komentari TS 31.1.2014 dopunjeno za ceo Nacrt.docx
- OBRAZAC KOMENTARI Nacrt zakona o zastiti uzbunjivaca dopunjeno za ceo zakon.docx
- Saopstenje TS - Nedostaci Nacrta zakona o zastiti uzbunjivaca.doc
- Amandmani Transparentnost Srbija na predlog zakona o medijima jul 2014.doc
- Komentari na drugi nacrt Zakona o zastiti uzbunjivaca jul 2014.doc
- komentari TS na drugi nacrt ap ogp 2014 2015.doc
- predlog amandmana na izmene zakona o drzavnim sluzbenicima avgust 2014.doc
- javne rasprave lokalni nivo sa preporukama, jun 2014.doc
- Analiza zakonskog okvira za javne rasprave, jun 2014.doc
- javne rasprava praksa jun 2014.doc
- javne rasprave dopis lokalnim samoupravama septembar 2014.doc
Javno privatna parnerstva
- Javno-privatna partnerstva - finalni izvestaj april
- JPP - najvazniji nalazi 3.12.2014 za konferenciju za stampu.doc
- JPP propisi april 2014 .doc
- JPP Bgd na vodi Bus plus april 2014.doc
- JPP u kontekstu borbe protiv korupcije april 2014
- Niš JPP - konkursna dokumentacija - 09.05.2014..pdf
- Niš JPP - Odluka Skupštine Grada Niša o usvajanju projekta JPP.pdf
- Niš JPP Predlog projekta - kon..pdf
- Niš JPP - prof. Evica Petrović - studija - PDF.pdf
Javne nabavke
- Javne nabavke_najvazniji nalazi maj 2015
- Javne nabavke najvazniji nalazi mart 2015.doc
- Javne nabavke pracenje najvazniji nalazi 3.12.2014 za konferenciju za stampu.doc
Pozivi na konferencije i radionice
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Functional system for the fight against corruption in public procurement in Serbia 2014
Public procurement in Serbia has been identified as an area where corruption is widespread. The new government has made the fight against corruption a key priority. The new Public Procurement Law, which brings significant improvements to the fight against corruption, entered into force on April 1, 2013. This law was presented as a cornerstone of the anti-corruption policy, which would "enable up to 1 billion euros in savings per year." Two particularly important bylaws (on anti-corruption risk planning and analysis) were to be adopted by 1 September by the Public Procurement Directorate (PPA).
The project aimed to facilitate the establishment of a functioning anti-corruption system in public procurement, through the identification of corruption risks, monitoring the implementation of anti-corruption provisions of the newly adopted law, raising public awareness and supporting independent state bodies. The project also plans to facilitate the implementation of anti-corruption laws by monitoring selected risk areas, such as discretion in low-value procurement, transparency of documents (especially tender documents), and initiating sanctioning procedures before the competent authorities. It is also planned to improve the quality of bylaws regulating public procurement planning and prevention of corruption in public procurement, based on the experience of TS in this area and participation in drafting bylaws, and providing support to the Public Procurement Administration and the Anti-Corruption Agency.
In Serbian:
Ovaj projekat je podržan od strane Britanske ambasade u Beogradu
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Civil Supervisor in Public Procurement 2014
With the new Law on Public Procurement, a civil supervisor was introduced into the public procurement system in December 2012. If the procuring entity conducts a public procurement procedure whose estimated value is higher than one billion dinars, the procedure is supervised by a civil supervisor. The law, among other things, prescribes that the civil supervisor (NGO or individual) is obliged to supervise the public procurement procedure and for that purpose he has constant insight into the procedure, documentation and communication of the procuring entity with interested persons, ie bidders. The Civil Supervisor submits a report on supervision to the Public Procurement Administration and the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, ie the Assembly of the Autonomous Province or Local Self-Government, and may indicate to the public if there were any irregularities during the procedure.
This project aimed to strengthen the position of the civil supervisor and improve anti-corruption provisions, but also the practice in the field of public procurement through several activities:
- TS acted as a civil supervisor for selected public procurements and submitted a report on the supervision of the public procurement procedure to the Public Procurement Directorate and the Finance Committee of the National Assembly
- TS has organized training for potential civic supervisors - individuals and organizations that are experts in areas that are most likely to be the subject of large value public procurement, but have no experience in public procurement procedures. In this way, a base of professional civic supervisors has been formed, which ensures a sustainable and responsible public procurement system
- TS analyzed the previous history of public procurement between the observed contracting authorities and bidders - whether there were irregularities or indications of suspicious behavior
- In cases where the TS identified significant irregularities in the observed public procurement procedure, and the procuring entity did not eliminate them in accordance with the recommendations of the TS, an appropriate sanctioning procedure was initiated.
The project is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Belgrade.
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Capacity building of public procurement in Serbia
Huge sums of money necessary for the functioning of public services go to corruption in the area of disposing of public funds on public contracts. This is mostly due to the fact that about 16% of the total gross domestic product goes to the procurement of public goods, works and services (estimate for Serbia). It is these large sums of money that are tempting and offer ample opportunities for corruption in the public sector. In Serbia, the volume of public procurement is even higher than in other countries due to the large number of non-privatized companies. At the same time, the potential risk of corruption is higher due to the strong influence of political parties on the work of public enterprises and deep-rooted practices and mechanisms for circumventing the law. Globally, the damage caused by corruption is estimated at between 10 and 25% of the contract value, while no reliable data of this type exists for Serbia.
The capacity of public procurement authorities has most often been neglected in the fight against economic corruption. These institutions have an insufficient number of employees who often do not have enough experience. Transparency Serbia believes that the work of employees in public procurement bodies, as well as their ability to perform their tasks in accordance with legal obligations and efficiently, are among the most important factors that should ensure transparency and efficiency of public procurement.
Serbia has had relatively modern public procurement legislation since 2002. The Law on Public Procurement was the basis for the establishment of the Public Procurement Directorate and the Commission for the Protection of Bidders' Rights during the years that followed. Although this law, institutions and procedures have significantly influenced the improvement of previous practice, there are many problems in the law, its implementation and the work of the mentioned institutions that must be addressed in the following period.
The aim of the project was to further promote the principles of free movement of goods and services, non-discrimination and transparency which are an integral part of agreements with the EU and which are sometimes violated due to corruption. The project also included the following activities:
• Assessment of current legislation and public procurement processes in Serbia; making recommendations for improvement
• Creating a methodology for capacity assessment and capacity assessment of public procurement authorities
• Preparation of proposed amendments to the law, bylaws and internal acts of public procurement bodies
• Organizing training and providing technical assistance to public procurement authorities
• Monitoring public procurement procedures
• Advocating for the obligation of the competent authorities to accept and adopt the recommendations and to raise the level of awareness on the issues related to public procurement
• Closing conference with participants from the Western Balkans
This project was implemented in cooperation with the Public Procurement Directorate and the Commission for the Protection of Bidders' Rights of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.
"Strengthening the capacity of public procurement in Serbia" is a continuation and upgrade of this project.
With the entry into force of the new Law on Public Procurement, on January 6, 2009, new obligations were introduced for the Public Procurement Administration, but also for all contracting authorities. Transparency Serbia continued the activities started in the previous period, such as monitoring public procurement procedures, drafting amendments to the law, bylaws and internal acts of public procurement bodies, raising awareness on issues related to public procurement, but also focused its activities on to assist the bodies in charge of public procurement in fulfilling their obligations through the submission of initiatives to the competent authorities for the elimination of identified problems in public procurement procedures and cooperation in the development of professional literature for the training of public procurement officers.
The project was funded by: Foreign and Commonwealth Office
The views expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of donors.
In Serbian:
- Efikasne javne nabavke
- Press-clipping
- Zakon o javnim nabavkama
- Inicijativa Drzavnom vecu tuzilaca, vrednovanje tuzilackog rada u prekrsajnim postupcima[doc]
- inicijativa Ministarstvu finansija, izmene Zakona o javnim nabavkama[doc]
- Inicijativa Ministarstvu pravde oko prekrsajnog sankcionisanja [doc]
- Inicijativa Odboru za finansije u vezi sa izvestajem DRI [doc]
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Public Procurement Performance Monitoring and Evaluation System 2010/2011
Transparency Serbia is committed to developing benchmarking, monitoring and an evaluation system for public procurement performance in Serbia. The leading idea was to provide a tool that can also be used to assess the current public procurement system and change that system over time.
The methodology for assessing the public procurement system is an effort to create a unique tool for assessing the characteristics and efficiency of the public procurement system in Serbia.
The basis for developing the methodology is the Law on Public Procurement, which entered into force on January 6, 2009, and additional bylaws, which entered into force on July 6, 2009. In addition to using the Law on Public Procurement, the methodology is based on recommendations of international organizations and general accepted good practice. Additional sources of information used are the Law on Budget System, the Law on Free Access to Information, as well as other regulations to a lesser extent.
The methodology should not be considered as a complete and permanent tool, but more as a living being exposed to constant improvement and adaptation to new situations and the development of new requirements. This does not only mean changes in the legal framework, but also changes in the economic and social environment, as well as the adaptation of the methodology to real conditions.This methodology is one of the results of the project of the UNDP office in Belgrade and implemented by Transparency Serbia.
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Advisory assistance to bidders 2007/2008
Protection of bidders' rights is one of the most important pillars of regular public procurement. The system of protection of rights in Serbia is regulated by the Law on Public Procurement and is conceived as a two-tier system. This means that, in the first instance, the bidder complains to the procuring entity, so if the procuring entity rejects its request, the bidder sends a complaint to the Commission for Protection of Rights, as a second instance body that can decide to annul the procedure in whole or in part or reject the bidder's appeal. The decision of the Commission is final and cannot be appealed or an administrative dispute.
Realizing the importance of protection of rights for the establishment of a credible and efficient public procurement system, Transparency Serbia (TS), in the period April 2004 - April 2005, implemented the project "Efficient Public Procurement" whose key component was training of bidders throughout Serbia in the field of protection in public procurement procedures.
One of the basic findings of this project was that the level of knowledge of the procedure of protection of rights is relatively low among bidders. This has the consequence that, due to insufficient knowledge of the rules and procedure, the bidders fail to request protection of their rights or to submit requests for protection of rights that have formal shortcomings, which is why they are rejected by the Commission. At the same time, there is no body to which bidders can turn for consultation when it comes to specific cases of protection of rights, but this type of advice is provided only by law firms with commercial compensation. There is a noticeable problem that smaller bidders often give up the protection of their rights because they need to pay for the services of law firms in order to eliminate doubts, as well as the amount of 40,000 dinars of fee that needs to be paid to start the protection process.
Therefore, Transparency Serbia, in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Serbia, has launched a project aimed at providing free legal aid advice to bidders. The bidders could turn to the experts of Transparency of Serbia for advice on the phone number 0800-081-081 from 11 to 15 every working day, starting from October 1, 2007.
The assistance of the TS was of an advisory nature and did not include the drafting of requests for protection of rights. The opinions and views of TS experts do not necessarily coincide with the views of the donor (OSCE) or the Commission for the Protection of Rights.
The planned period of advisory assistance was ten months. After that, representative cases were collected and published in the publication: "Cases of protection of rights in public procurement procedures". The results of the project, as well as the publication were presented at the final conference entitled: "Towards better protection of rights in public procurement procedures".
The project was fully supported by the OSCE Mission to Serbia.- Article Count:
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Judiciary against Corruption 2014
Transparency International - Czech Republic and Transparency Serbia have launched the project "Justice against Corruption" funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. This project includes several activities, including the preparation of the publication Justice in the Fight against Corruption - Best Practices, as well as the organization of a conference in Belgrade on the exchange of experiences in the implementation of anti-corruption legislation, with the participation of experts and representatives of relevant judicial institutions from Serbia and the Czech Republic.
In Serbian:.
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Judiciary in the fight against corruption 2012/2013
The reform of the judiciary in Serbia was implemented mainly through the process of reorganization of courts and the network of prosecutors as well as the election of judges and prosecutors in 2009. The reform continued through the process of adopting legal solutions. Some aspects of it have caused controversy and debate that are still ongoing. The lack of transparency in the re-election process led to a decrease in citizens' trust in the judiciary, which was one of the goals of the reforms. Partial assessments by prosecutors and courts dealing with corruption cases show that procedures take too long, compared to similar countries, usually below the legal minimum, with very few high-corruption cases being processed. Of particular concern is the fact that there is a huge difference between the number of corruption cases faced by citizens on the basis of research and processed cases, cases where corruption is not prosecuted years after its detection and almost complete impunity for violations of anti-corruption laws in misdemeanor proceedings. budget system, financing of political parties).
The project will monitor and evaluate the results of the Serbian judiciary in the fight against corruption and the overall implementation of anti-corruption laws. The project is directly linked to the judicial reform implemented under the 2009 Judicial Reform Strategy, the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (a new one is expected to be adopted in 2012, while the existing one is in force since 2005), and indirectly to achievements in the field of European integration of the Republic of Serbia and fulfillment of political and public sector criteria from Copenhagen. Also, based on the assessment and monitoring, the project will identify system weaknesses and propose activities to overcome these weaknesses. As part of the advocacy activities, the project will try to draw the attention of stakeholders to ensure the adoption of recommendations and ensure the improvement of the system.
The project is being implemented in cooperation with the Association of Judges of Serbia
The project is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in BelgradeIn Serbian:
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Strengthening the role of the Administrative Court in the fight against corruption
The Administrative Court is one of the key institutions in the wider system that should ensure the accountability of the executive, since it is either the last instance to which citizens can appeal (after an unsuccessful appeal to a first instance body) or the only one they can turn to. administrative dispute as the only legal remedy).
Also, the Administrative Court has a significant role in the implementation of several anti-corruption regulations, most notably the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance, which stipulates that decisions of the National Assembly, the President of the Republic, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Supreme Court of Cassation, the Constitutional Court and the Republic the plaintiff cannot file an appeal, but only initiate an administrative dispute.
The Administrative Court is also competent to decide on the decisions of the Anti-Corruption Agency (eg in the area of conflict of interest or financing of political entities) and the Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures.
However, citizens make little use of the possibility of protecting their rights through administrative disputes. Reasons range from a more complicated procedure (in relation to a complaint to the Information Commissioner), a lack of confidence in the effectiveness of judicial protection to a lack of knowledge.
The project aims to strengthen government accountability and improve the working environment of independent bodies by supporting the Administrative Court in improving transparency, as well as citizens and civil society organizations to better recognize the role of the Administrative Court in implementing anti-corruption legislation.
In Serbian:
Fokus grupa Niš: Pravo na pristup informacijama i njegova zaštita pred Upravnim sudom
Fokus grupa Beograd: Pravo na pristup informacijama i njegova zaštita pred Upravnim sudom
- Praksa Upravnog suda u primeni antikorupcijskih zakona analiza mart 2016
- Javnost rada Upravnog suda analiza mart 2016
The realization of this project was made possible with the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
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Judicial Accountability Mechanism in Serbia 2012
Serbia's judicial system has struggled for years with serious problems, such as insufficient efficiency, a huge backlog of cases, widespread perceptions of corruption and political and other illicit influences.
Attempts to make changes date back to 2001. Measures taken at the time included increasing judges' salaries and establishing new bodies to ensure a greater role for the judiciary in disciplining its members, including the work of the Serbian Supreme Court's Supervisory Board and the High Personnel Council of the High Judicial Council. These institutions were in charge of examining objections to the work of the judge and proposing appropriate measures in cases where he did not act in accordance with the law. However, this system has not proved effective. Although there were often allegations of irregularities in the work of courts and judges, cases in which dismissal of judges and prosecutors was proposed were extremely rare. The perception of corruption in the judiciary according to all relevant public opinion polls remained high, which resulted in reduced public confidence in this branch of government.
Judicial reform in 2009 introduced several significant changes, including a new network of courts (eg abolition of municipal courts in smaller towns in favor of a smaller number of basic courts, establishment of the Supreme Court of Cassation and courts of special jurisdiction), establishment of new institutions - High Judicial Council as well as the autonomy of the judicial budget. However, the focus of the discussions was the issue of "general election" of judges, where one of the arguments why a large number of previous judges were not re-elected was their alleged incompetence and irregularities in their work.
This project tried to answer an interesting question - does the newly established system of justice in Serbia have the appropriate means and mechanisms to ensure the accountability of judges through a regular procedure, ie without the application of extraordinary measures? This was done through an analysis of the effectiveness of judges' accountability mechanisms and a commitment to their improvement.In Serbian:The project is supported by the Balkan Fund for Democracy (BTF). The BTF was supported by the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
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Work plans, anual reports and job systematizations 2014
The aim of the project was to identify weaknesses in the development of work plans, work reports and human resource planning in the regulations on job systematization in a selected and limited sample (10 institutions), which includes several similar public sector institutions, and several types of institutions. all with the aim of influencing the process of public administration reform and the fight against corruption.
Namely, the internal organization of public authorities is regulated by acts on job systematization. Earlier TS research, as well as other available data, indicate that state bodies, public companies and institutions, as well as local self-government bodies not only did not assess their needs for human resources in a uniform way, but also that needs assessments were not based on analyzes. on how the internal organization should be designed in order for the institution to perform all its tasks arising from laws and strategic acts. In addition, acts on job systematization have other weaknesses, in terms of the professional profile that employees should have, previous work experience or special knowledge and skills (eg computer literacy, foreign languages). In this regard, it is often resorted to adapting the rulebook on systematization to the current or desired situation (to justify the already made decision on who will be employed), rather than it seems the other way around - to employ persons with the necessary qualifications. Although this topic is discussed in public, the data are usually presented in a lump sum and without systematically collected and presented information, which would be suitable for analysis. As a result, and not only due to insufficient knowledge and political will, there is no possibility to influence the reform processes.
Another area of public sector work where there are major problems, which have a negative impact on the fight against corruption, is the issue of responsibility for work, which would be achieved through precise work plans and work reports. These issues are closely related to the previously mentioned, because human resource planning should be harmonized with what the institution plans to achieve in a given year. Likewise, performance reports should indicate, inter alia, whether existing staff have responded to these tasks.
The project was supported by:
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Reporting and accountability as an anti-corruption mechanism 2014
This project aimed to determine what are the normative obligations and what are the practices related to the development of work plans, preparation and publication of work reports and how the accountability system works in cases where the obligations set out in the plan are not met.
In this way, we wanted to point out the importance of reporting and establishing a system of "accountability", as an important mechanism for fighting corruption and increasing transparency. We also wanted to encourage discussion on normative and other reforms, so that future obligations regarding the development, publication and review of work plans and work reports would be formulated in more detail and clearly, and so that greater efforts would be made to make plans and reports brought results through increased responsibility of decision makers.
The project was implemented during 2014, with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. All views expressed belong exclusively to the organization Transparency - Serbia, and do not necessarily reflect the views of KAS.
The project was supported by
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Corruption risk points in Serbia in 2013
Corruption is one of the factors that have the most harmful effects on the economic development of society and the standard of living of the population, as well as on the functioning of the rule of law and democratic institutions. The scope and prevalence of corruption in Serbia has been assessed as high for years, both in the findings of relevant research, the opinions of domestic and foreign experts and the assessments of the state bodies of the Republic of Serbia, international organizations and the EU. As a result, the effective fight against corruption is treated as one of the key priorities for the state bodies of Serbia in the process of joining the European Union, but also as one of the priorities of all Serbian governments from 2000 until today.
The goal of this project is to strengthen the systemic fight against corruption as a precondition for the functioning of the rule of law by prioritizing key issues of fighting corruption among decision makers and in public opinion, drafting more effective anti-corruption regulations and improving anti-corruption planning in Serbia.
- Analiza javnosti rada Vlade - kraca verzija septembar 2013.doc
- Analiza javnosti rada Vlade - sazetak septembar 2013.doc
- Analiza javnosti rada Vlade - septembar 2013.doc
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Implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan in 2015
Transparency Serbia will monitor the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan and prepare a report on the implementation of obligations, ie measures and activities, prescribed by the Anti-Corruption Strategy for the period 2013-2018 and the Action Plan. Monitoring will include about 100 measures and about 240 activities whose implementation is planned for 2015 in area 3.1. Political activities, 3.2 Public finances, 3.3 Privatization and public-private partnership and IV Prevention of corruption, as well as measures and activities that, according to the Agency's report, were not implemented during 2014.
The strategy was adopted on July 1, 2013, and after the adoption of the Action Plan, on September 6, 2013, the deadlines for fulfilling the prescribed measures and activities began to run.
As part of the evaluation of the implementation of measures and activities, Transparency will use its experience in monitoring the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy in the Republic of Serbia from 2005 (the findings of this research were submitted to the Agency in late 2009). implementation of the anti-corruption strategy and action plan).
Quantitative assessment of fulfillment will be based on set indicators, while for qualitative assessment, the rich experience that TS has in monitoring the areas of "political activity", "public finances", "privatization and public-private partnership" and "corruption prevention" will be important.
A special quality of the report that will be done by Transparency Serbia is the analysis that should show the real commitment of bodies and institutions in the fight against corruption, ie the implementation of measures and activities from the Strategy and Action Plan.
The project is funded through the Anti-Corruption Agency, and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway. All views and opinions expressed during the duration of this project do not necessarily represent the views of the Anti-Corruption Agency or the Kingdom of Norway.
- Transparentnost Srbija-predlog projekta, Monitoring Strategije - Aneks-1.pdf
- Transparentnost Srbija - budzet projekta, Monitoring Strategije-Aneks 2.pdf
- Izveštaj o sprovodjenju Strategije za borbu protiv korupcije - oblasti Politicke aktivnosti, Javne finansije, Privatizacija i JPP i Prevencija, januar 2016
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Implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan in 2014
Within the project "Implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan - between commitment and the appearance of engagement" Transparency Serbia will monitor the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan and prepare an alternative report on the implementation of obligations, ie measures and activities prescribed by the Anti-Corruption Strategy against corruption for the period 2013-2018 and the Action Plan. Monitoring will include about 70 measures and about 150 activities whose implementation is planned for 2014 in area 3.1. Political activities, 3.2 Public finances and 3.9 Media, as well as measures and activities that, according to the Agency's report, were not fulfilled during 2013.
The strategy was adopted on July 1, 2013, and after the adoption of the Action Plan, on September 6, 2013, the deadlines for fulfilling the prescribed measures and activities began to run. The strategy left supervision over its implementation in the competence of the Anti-Corruption Agency, as an independent state body, but an additional role in monitoring the implementation (coordination of state bodies, with the obligation of bodies to submit data on fulfillment of obligations) was given to the Ministry of Justice and the Government Council. Serbia for the fight against corruption, which are part of the executive branch.
One of the bad consequences of such a solution is that it is possible that the Anti-Corruption Agency and the Anti-Corruption Council of the Government of Serbia, ie the Ministry of Justice, will give different assessments on the fulfillment of obligations and further activities to be carried out by the authorities.
It is clear that an objective alternative compliance report, prepared by a civil society organization with extensive experience and reputation in the field of anti-corruption, would be a good way to properly assess the quantity and quality of compliance and set an additional parameter when assessing compliance. cases when there are different assessments of several bodies (Council, Agency).
As part of the evaluation of the implementation of measures and activities, Transparency will use its experience in monitoring the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy in the Republic of Serbia from 2005 (the findings of this research were submitted to the Agency in late 2009). implementation of the anti-corruption strategy and action plan).
Quantitative assessment of fulfillment will be based on set indicators, while for qualitative assessment the rich experience that TS has in monitoring the areas of "political activities", "public finances" and "media" will be important.
A special quality of the alternative report that Transparency Serbia will do is the analysis that should show the real commitment of bodies and institutions in the fight against corruption, ie in the implementation of measures and activities from the Strategy and Action Plan.
The project is financed through the Anti-Corruption Agency, and with the funds of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Belgrade. All views and opinions expressed during the duration of this project do not necessarily represent the views of the Anti-Corruption Agency or the Kingdom of Norway.
Materijal:- Article Count:
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Monitoring the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy in the work of the Parliament in 2010
Monitoring the implementation of the National Strategy for the Fight against Corruption in the work of the Parliament of the Republic of Serbia
This Transparency Serbia project addresses the need to improve the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan, improve the quality of work of the National Assembly, raise citizens' awareness of the work of MPs and the implementation of measures from the National Anti-Corruption Strategy.Corruption in Serbia has been identified by international organizations (eg European Commission, World Bank, Council of Europe), national authorities (National Assembly in the Resolution on the adoption of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, the Government in the Prime Minister's introductory speech) and citizens (opinion polls) ) as one of the main problems of society. Different types of political corruption are particularly dangerous, due to their detrimental effects on the decision-making process, the loss of trust in democratic institutions and processes, and the loss of the legitimacy of decision-makers to carry out the necessary reforms.
This project aims to ensure effective monitoring of the work of the Parliament and in particular whether the Parliament fulfills in due time and satisfactorily its duties arising from the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NSZBPK, 2005) and the Action Plan for the Implementation of NSZBPK (AP, 2006). .
The project covers various aspects of the Assembly's role in the implementation of the NSPBC and the AP, including:
Development and adoption in an appropriate manner of the Action Plan for the Fight against Corruption for the work of the Parliament
Adoption of new laws & amendments to existing laws in accordance with NSZBPK and APImplementation of duties arising from the NSPBC and the AP relevant to all state institutions (eg provisions on access to information, improving the visibility of the work of Parliament, Committees and Members of Parliament) or specifically to the Parliament, work with annual reports of independent state institutions submitted to Parliament, appointment of members independent institutions by Parliament within the legally prescribed time limit)
Transparency Within this project, Serbia will monitor the work of the Parliament during the implementation of the NSPBC and the AP; prepare and issue concrete recommendations on how to improve the work of the Parliament in the implementation of the NSPBC and the AP; advocate for the recommendations of the TS to be accepted by Parliament and for the NSPBC and the AP to be implemented; and raise citizens' awareness of the NSZBPK, the AP and the work of Parliament.One of the components of the project is monitoring the compliance of the proposed laws ( with the obligations from the National Strategy for the Fight against Corruption and the formulation of proposed amendments.
The project is funded by the Institute for Sustainable Communities
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Engagement of youth in Serbia in the fight against corruption with the help of investigative journalism and social media 2013
The project deals with the training of selected young journalists on basic issues in the field of anti-corruption, provides them with assistance in writing articles through investigative journalism, as well as placing the text in the public via the Internet and social networks. The goal of the project is to strengthen investigative journalism in the field of fight against corruption in Serbia through internships for young journalists in civil society organizations. After completing the internship and training, interns / young researchers will acquire basic knowledge about the problem of corruption in Serbia, which will enable them to continue working independently in this field. They will also be given the opportunity to have their independent future texts in this area published on the TS website and social networks.
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Independent bodies' reports 2013
Corruption has long been recognized by citizens and governments as one of the biggest problems of society in Serbia, and success in the fight against corruption is considered one of the main tasks in the context of approaching the EU. Serbia has established several independent institutions (Information Commissioner, Ombudsman, Supreme Audit Institution, Anti-Corruption Agency) with competencies to implement the most important preventive anti-corruption laws. All these independent institutions submit annual reports to Parliament containing information on the problems and recommendations identified and how the fight against corruption could be significantly improved. Their responsibilities also include issuing binding decisions or recommendations relating to individual cases. Parliament only recently (2010) adopted a provision to consider these annual reports. This provided greater opportunities to take action to address systemic problems identified by independent institutions and to use their reports to oversee government work. The work of the Parliament in this sense should be monitored, especially bearing in mind the tendency, from the current Rules of Procedure, to critically consider the work of independent bodies instead of using their reports to monitor the work of the Government.
The individual decisions and recommendations of the above-mentioned institutions are not always supported by the relevant authorities (or not within the appropriate deadline).
The project will contribute to the harmonization of the legal framework for more efficient functioning of independent bodies, improvement of the practice of parliamentary oversight of the work of the Government based on reports of independent bodies, increase of awareness of recommendations / decisions of independent bodies and possible effects of anti-corruption activities.
- analiza godisnjeg izvestaja Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije.doc
- analiza godisnjeg izvestaja Poverenik.doc
- analiza godisnjeg izvestaja Zastitnik gradjana.doc
- Odbor za finansije.doc
- Pismo predsedniku odbora za pravosudje.doc
- Zaključci Agencija Lj.doc
- Zaključci PovR Lj.doc
- Zaključci Šabić Lj.doc
- Zaključci ZG Lj.doc
- Komentari na Akcioni plan za ispunjavanje preporuka EK.docx
- Analiza postupanja po preporukama Fiskalnog saveta 2013 (1).doc
The extension of the project was supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Belgrade.
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Monitoring of sanctions for violations of anti-corruption laws in 2014
The full functioning of independent bodies and their contribution to the fight against corruption in certain areas is hampered by a lack of political will (disregard for the recommendations given by these bodies) and poor administration of justice, which has led to extremely slow sanctions for anti-corruption violations. In some cases, proceedings on applications from independent bodies have been suspended due to the statute of limitations for conducting proceedings. There was no proactive action by prosecutors based on the findings of independent bodies - cases where the prosecution initiated misdemeanor or criminal prosecution for violations observed in the reports of independent bodies.
Transparency Serbia will monitor what violations of anti-corruption laws were noticed by independent bodies, what sanctioning mechanisms were initiated, how misdemeanor courts and prosecutors acted and how the media reported on it, in order to achieve a better accountability system by identifying and eliminating weaknesses.
The project aims to strengthen the rule of law and improve the efficiency of courts and independent bodies, pointing to the need to sanction offenses identified and identified by independent bodies, while encouraging prosecutors to initiate anti-corruption procedures themselves.
- Proaktivno delovanje tuzilastva po izvestajima nezavisnih tela.doc
- Sankcionisanje krsenja antikorupcijskih propisa u Srbiji, Transparentnost Srbija, februar 2014.pdf
- Inicijativa Ministarstvu finansija izmene Zakona o prekrsajima mart 2014.doc
- Inicijativa Ministarstvu finansija Zakon o budzetskom sistemu decembar 2013.pdf
- Inicijativa Odboru za finansije Narodne skupstine mart 2014.doc
- Inicijativa za dopunu Akcionog plana mart 2014.doc
- Inicijativa Agenciji za borbu protiv korupcije februar 2014.doc
- Inicijativa Drzavnoj revizorskoj instituciji februar 2014.doc
- Revizija svrsishodnosti Transparentnost Srbija januar 2014.doc
The project is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Judicial Reform and Accountability Project and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
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Public hearings in the process of drafting the law 2011-2013
Within this project, Transparency Serbia monitors the organization of public debates on legal proposals in the Republic of Serbia. Public hearings are one of the means to ensure the transparency of the work of state bodies and aim to increase the democratic participation of citizens and their representatives in the process of formulating laws and bylaws passed by the authorities. The practice of organizing public hearings is also of great importance in the fight against corruption because it allows those familiar with a particular matter to point out problematic provisions or provisions that favor the interests of individuals or groups to the detriment of the public interest.
The legal framework and practice of organizing public hearings in Serbia are underdeveloped.
Citizens have a constitutionally guaranteed right to influence policy-making. When it comes to the legislative process, citizens have the right to participate, by submitting petitions and initiatives. In addition, the Law on State Administration prescribes the obligation to organize public hearings when a new regulation is adopted, and a similar provision is contained in the relevant acts that regulate the work of local self-government bodies. The e-government portal enables the bodies of the republic and local authorities to publish information on the public hearings they organize. The National Anti-Corruption Strategy, which has been in force since 2005. provides for greater transparency in the drafting process.
However, all these possibilities are not used enough. The legal provisions on public hearings are vague. There is no pre-defined form of public debate or sanction in the event that a public body fails to do so. The fulfillment of this legal obligation is not monitored in an appropriate manner, while the interest of citizens is weak. The opportunities provided by the e-Government Portal are not used to a sufficient extent, again due to vaguely defined obligations for use and insufficient information of citizens.
During this project, Transparency Serbia will focus on the analysis of the legal framework and practice, identifying the extent to which public hearings are organized, but also on making recommendations for improvement and advocating for better information of citizens.
The project is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Belgrade.
In the implementation of this project, TS cooperates with the Project for Legal Reform in Serbia of GIZ. As a result of this cooperation, the analysis of the legal framework and practice of public hearings in Serbia, the analysis of regulations on public hearings in other countries and the recommendations for amending regulations in Serbia worked on by our organization are included in the Study on Improving the Legislative Process in Serbia. to be presented on September 25, 2012 in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.
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Monitoring proactive access to information in Serbia 2012/2013
In Serbian:
Prezentacija o istraživanju septembar 2012
The project is supported by the Open Society Institute
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Monitoring proactive access to information in Serbia 2011
Within this project Transparency - Serbia, it monitored the extent to which public authorities respect the Instruction for drafting and publishing the Informator on the work of state bodies, which was adopted by the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection in September 2010. This act prescribes what types of information the authorities must publish on their websites and when none of them requests it with a special request. Within the project, the actions of 57 public institutions were monitored.
The project is supported by the Open Society InstituteMaterijal:
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National Integrity System Assessment Serbia 2011
The main activity within this project is research, based on the methodology designed and developed by Transparency International, known internationally as the National Integrity System, or "NIS" for short. NIS research has so far been conducted in over 70 countries around the world .
NIS methodology envisages, among other things, analysis of legal solutions, current practice of their application and mutual relations of a wide range of institutions relevant for the successful functioning of the fight against corruption in a society. The NIS methodology starts from the institutions and examines whether they have the appropriate powers, financial and other resources to fulfill their role in the fight against corruption, but also whether the mechanisms provided by law work in practice. Institutions are seen as "supporting pillars" of the system of social integrity. Starting from the assumption that the weakness of any pillar reflects on the stability of the whole system, the aim of the research is not only to determine where the problems lie, but also, to the extent possible, how these problems could be overcome. In parallel, NIS research usually contains recommendations for amending strategic anti-corruption acts, enactment or amendment of relevant regulations, but also other suggestions concerning the practice of law enforcement.
The following have been identified as "supporting pillars" at the international level:
Executive authority
Judicial power
State Administration
Political parties
Election body
Supreme Audit Institution
Prosecution and police
Specialized anti-corruption agencies
The media
Civil society
Business sector
Within each country, it is possible to extend the research to other relevant groups (eg local government, regional authorities, other specialized bodies dealing with anti-corruption issues).Detailed information on the methodology and data on research of this kind done so far can be found at:
The second component of this project is the monitoring of progress in the fight against corruption in Serbia and the preparation of findings and observations which will be one of the sources of information for the annual report of the European Commission on Serbia's progress.
The project lasted 12 months (June 2010- June 2011). The final analysis with the findings of the NIS research was published in a special publication in Serbian and English:
The project was implemented with the support of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia within the project "Strengthening the dialogue between civil society organizations in Serbia and the EU".- 3. NIS key findings and recommendation, 20.09.2011.docx
- Input for EC April update Sept 2011 (1).doc
- NIS kljucni nalazi i preporuke, 13.09.2011.doc
- Kljucne oblasti napretka u borbi protiv korupcije u odnosu na antikorupcijsko poglavlje u izvestaju EK za 2010, 13. 09.2011.doc
- Input for EC April update Sept 2011.doc
- National Integrity System Assessment Serbia 2011.pdf
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Public Administration Reform 2010
Public administration reform - capacity sizing according to needs
In relation to public administration, there is often talk of the need for rationalization, which usually means the need to reduce the number of employees. However, the problem of how to prepare acts on the systematization of jobs in state administration bodies and other public institutions remains aside. This issue is also important in connection with the third criterion from Copenhagen and the so-called "Administrative capacity" of public institutions in Serbia.This project aims to examine the extent to which the tasks to be performed by the institution are considered when drafting the act on systematization, on the basis of which criteria assessments were made on the number of executors and professional qualifications of executors for performing certain tasks.
In addition to the above, the project aims to contribute to the achievement of broader goals such as: bringing Serbia's administrative capacity closer to EU standards, good governance in bodies that spend Serbian citizens 'and taxpayers' money and increasing the ability of public institutions to accomplish tasks that are give them laws and work plans.
Final analysis (In Serbian)
Novinski članci:
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Civil charters
Within this project Transparency - Serbia examines international experiences in the field of publishing data on government services, as a measure to prevent corruption, especially having in mind the experience of the UK and other countries in implementing the Citizens Charters approach, which began in the 1990s century. In addition, we pay special attention to the domestic legal framework for the provision of services and publication of data on them, concentrating on the Instruction for the preparation and publication of information on the work of state bodies issued by the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance based on the Law on Free Access to Public Information. importance and protection of personal data. This instruction, among other things, regulates the way in which the authorities will present the services they provide to citizens and the economy even before anyone asks them for such information. Within this project, we will also check the compliance with the rules on publishing work informants on the sample. Also, having in mind the wider significance of this topic for the fight against corruption, we will pay attention to the treatment of this issue in the strategic anti-corruption documents of Serbia (National Strategy for the Fight against Corruption and Action Plan for its implementation). Within the project, press conferences and round tables will be organized, and the production of an electronic publication with the most interesting findings is also planned.
Nacionalna strategija za borbu protiv korupcije
Akcioni plan za primenu Nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv korupcije
Izveštaj o sprovođenju Nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv korupcije i Akcionog plana za primenu Nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv korupcije
Uputstvo za izradu i objavljivanje Informatora o radu državnog organa i komentar uputstva (Novo)
Uputstvo za izradu i objavljivanje Informatora o radu državnog organa i komentar uputstva (Staro)
Izveštaj Poverenika za 2010. godinu
Redovan godišnji izveštaj Zaštitnika građana za 2010. godinu
Zakon o izmeni i dopuni zakona o državnoj upravi
Konferencija Transparentnosti SrbijaThe project is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Izloženi stavovi pripadaju autorima i ne moraju nužno predstavljati stavove donatora.
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FOIA Campaign 2008
Campaign for the adoption of the Law on Data Classification and amendments to the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance
A group of non-governmental organizations has launched an initiative to amend the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance. The proposed changes, among other things, plan to introduce protection for "whistlers" - people who point out irregularities and corruption in their organizations and institutions, punish those responsible instead of authorized persons, as well as specify certain provisions that have been arbitrarily interpreted in the past three years.
In addition to the amendments to the Law on Free Access to Information, a Model Law on Classification of Information was drafted, which should regulate the area of classification and use of classified information. The proposed changes were made, as well as the Model Law on Classification of Information, by Commissioner Rodoljub Sabic, Vladimir Vodinelic and Sasa Gajin from the Center for the Advancement of Legal Studies and Dejan Milenkovic from YUKOM. It is planned that after the public debate on the models of the law, on November 26, 2007, the collection of signatures for the citizens' initiative for the adoption of the law in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia will begin.
The initiative to change the law was initiated by the People's Parliament from Leskovac, the Center for the Advancement of Legal Studies from Belgrade, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Sretenje from Požega, the Resource Center from Negotin and the Civic Council of Kraljevo, with the support of Transparency Serbia, Belgrade Center for Human Rights.
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Budget line 481
Within this project, in which Transparency - Serbia cooperates with the Center for Development of Non-Profit Sector from Belgrade and a group of non-governmental organizations from the interior, the issue of financing NGOs from the Serbian budget is examined, and it is determined what falls under the budget classification "481 - grants non-governmental organizations ”after which the project was named.
Timocki klub- Knjazevac
Resurs centar- Majdanpek
Toplicki centar za demokratiju I ljudska prava
Gradjanski savet- Kraljevo
Svetionik- Loznica
Pirgos- Pirot Article Count:
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FATRA - Fair and Transparent Political Competition in Serbia
Transparency Serbia, in cooperation with colleagues from Transparency International of the Czech Republic, is implementing the project "FATRA - FAir and TRAnsparent Political Competition in Serbia"
Project objectives:
- Setting transparent and effective rules of political party financing
- Increasing the awareness about the topic of political party and election campaign financing within the (Serbian) civil society
Predložak za panel diskusiju o Zakonu o finansiranju politickih aktivnosti TS i TI Češka 22.6.2021
Poziv na panel diskusiju/okrugli sto
Dopis političkim strankama učesnicama dijaloga o izbornim uslovima
Transparency Serbia comments related to ODIHR 2020 recommendations and announced legislative changes
TS komentari i predlozi - Zakon o finansiranju političkih aktivnosti decembar 2021
TS Amandmani na Nacrt zakona o izboru narodnih poslanika decembar 2021
Financing Parliamentary and Presidential Election Campaigns from the Budget 2004 - 2022
Tabela o budžetskoj raspodeli novca za izbore i grafikon 2004-2022
Proračun za finansiranje kampanje 2022 iz budžeta
Financing the presidential and parliamentary election campaign in 2022 from the budget - Projection
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Increasing Transparency of Local Public Enterprises
The goal of this assignment is to provide technical assistance to up to four GAI counterpart local governments, to introduce a regular procedure for collecting and publishing data on LPEs and LPIs on their websites.
It will include assessing existing practices; developing a methodology for collecting, publishing, and updating data on LPEs and LPIs on their websites (meeting all legal requirements and best practices), which would serve as a model for other GAI counterpart LSGs, as well all other LSGs in Serbia to support transparency improvements of LPEs and LPIs; providing technical assistance to selected LSGs to implement developed methodology and proposing protocols for regular and timely data exchange between LPEs and LPIs and local governments.
Some of the activities are:
- Transparency Serbia will assess existing practices in publishing data of local public enterprises and other local public institutions in selected LSGs.
- Transparency Serbia will develop a draft methodology for collecting, publishing, and updating data on LPEs and LPIs on their websites.
- Transparency Serbia will organize 4 round tables/workshops (or online meetings) with representatives of LSGs, LPEs and LPIs. At these round tables TS expects to reach agreement on the final version of the methodology, as well as on the action plan (if LSGs agree to come out with it) for implementing recommendations from the methodology.
- Transparency Serbia will develop a final methodology based on input from round tables/work shops and action plans
- Transparency Serbia will draft and propose protocols (or similar acts) for regulating regular and timely data exchange between LPEs and LPIs and local governments for establishing and updating relevant LSG’s webpage. These acts will be delivered to LSGs.
- Transparency Serbia will provide technical assistance to selected LSGs to implement developed methodology – to collect required data and to publish them on websites, according to the methodology. TS will be available to LSGs for consultation how to solve any open issues regarding choice of information, choice of the presenting solutions and similar. This does not include assistance for building/designing webpage and/or database.
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Anticorruption assessment of the legislation
The project aims to:
- identify how the provisions of Article 35 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption is implemented by government ministries and other public authorities – whether they asked for Agency’s opinion about corruption risks for all draft laws where they had such duty;
- identify how the provisions of Article 35 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption was implemented by the Agency – whether the Agency provided its opinion about corruption risks for all draft laws when requested or based on its own initiative;
- identify how the ministries, Parliament and Agency dealt with Agency’s opinions and recommendations;
- identify which draft laws and adopted laws contained corruption risks that was not considered by the Agency and proponents of the act, as it was not mandatory according to the Article 35 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption by the Agency (laws are not part of the pre-selected risk areas, the law was proposed by a MP, the risk occurred in later phases of the legislative process), and to provide evidence for advocacy that would tackle this loophole. Recommendations will be published and written reports shared with those institutions identified by the TS as relevant;
- identify risks related to corruption in selected drafts and adopted laws and provide possible solutions, thus facilitating the law-making process; recommendations will be published and written reports shared with those institutions identified by the TS as relevant (related to the specific goal no. 4);
- identify to which extent the Law on Lobbying was implemented by the key stakeholders at the national level (ministries, government, president of Republic, members of Parliament).
- inform the public on effects of implementation of Article 35 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption and implementation of the Law on Lobbying to the overall transparency of legislative process and preventing the risk of corruption in the legislative process.
Activities planned for the implementation of the project:
- Collection of information about government ministries and other public authorities that asked Agency for Prevention of Corruption to provide its opinion about corruption risks in the draft laws, based on the provisions of Article 35 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption (from the ministries and Agency, insight to the web pages, monitoring of information on eParticipacija portal, free access to information).
- Collection of information about the implementation of provisions of Article 35 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption by the Agency.
- TS will identify how the ministries, Parliament dealt with Agency’s opinions and recommendations.
- TS will collect information on draft laws that were prepared after September 1st 2020 by various ministries or proposed directly to the Parliament by other competent authorities (i.e. MPs, Ombudsman, National Bank, Vojvodina assembly, 30.000 citizens).
- TS will identify to which extent the Law on Lobbying was implemented by the key stakeholders on national level (ministries, government, president of Republic, members of Parliament).
- 0190 21 Dopis MDULS.pdf
- 0190 21 Misljenje Agencije Referendum.pdf
- 0201 21 Misljenje Agencije Visoko obrazovanje.pdf
- 0201 21 Zahtev Ministarstva prosvete.pdf
- 0202 21 Dopis Agencije Studentsko organizovanje.pdf
- 0202 21 Dopis Ministarstva prosvete.pdf
- 0214 21 Dopis Agencije.pdf
- 0214 21 Dopis Ministarstva zdravlja.pdf
TS je tražila kopiju evidencije o lobističkim kontaktima za funkcionere koji su izabrani, postavljeni, imenovani, zaposleni ili na drugi način radno angažovani u sledećim organima:
Narodna skupština Republike Srbije, Generalni sekretarijat predsednika Republike, Kabinet predsednice Vlade, Kabinet ministra za razvoj nedovoljno razvijenih opština, Kabinet ministra za inovacije i tehnološki razvoj, Ministarstvo za brigu o selu, Ministarstvo kulture i informisanja, Ministarstvo omladine i sporta, Ministarstvo za brigu o porodici i demografiji, Ministar za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja, Ministarstvo zdravlja, Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja, Ministarstvo za evropske integracije, Ministarstvo za ljudska i manjinska prava i društveni dijalog, Ministarstvo odbrane, Ministarstvo pravde, Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike, Ministarstvo državne uprave i lokalne samouprave, Ministarstvo zaštite životne sredine, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede, Ministarstvo finansija, Ministarstvo privrede, Ministarstvo građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture, Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija, Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova, Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova.
Zahtevi upućeni organima (u jednom dokumentu).
Odgovori organa:
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Monitoring 2022 elections
Transparency Serbia is monitoring the election campaign for the presidental and parliamentary elections, scheduled for April 3, 2022 , as well as for the elections for councilors in Belgrade.
As part of the monitoring, TS will monitor the financing of the campaign, the functionary campaign and its placement in TV dailies, the presentation of party leaders on the front pages of the press, advertising on the Internet and especially on social networks. As in the last election cycle, the TS will monitor the transparency of the election campaign, ie how much data on financing and running the campaign is available to the public before the election, during the campaign.- Article Count:
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Saving Public Resources – A Leaking Ship
This project aims to use the synergy of Transparency Serbia and CINS’ efforts in order to contribute to the reduction of waste and misuse of public resources by highlighting the need for transparency and high-quality information together with actively engaged citizens.
Project duration: 24 months
Specific objectives of this project are:
1) To inform and educate the general and professional public about the waste/misuse of public resources and the consequences it leaves on the community while engaging them in broader debate and encouraging them to get further involved in finding solutions;
2) To improve the knowledge and research capabilities of journalists, civil society representatives, active citizens, public institutions representatives, and other interested groups to investigate, report on, and monitor the situation related to the waste/misuse of public resources;
3) To influence reforms aimed to prevent/identify mechanisms of wasting/misusing public resources.
Publishing investigative stories
CINS will produce and intensively promote five investigative stories on the misuse of public funds within the broader topics of the six thematic areas that TS will be focused on within the project.
Publishing of short films
CINS will produce five short films (10 to 15 minutes long) on topics related to the six thematic areas explored in Transparency Serbia analytical papers. Short films will be done in a documentary fashion with a human-interest component exploring and analyzing the impact of misuse of public finances on the lives of ordinary people.
Publishing podcasts
CINS will produce five 20 to 30 minutes long audio podcast episodes, to be recorded in the field, as well as in the studio of Topics of each episode will be in strong relation to six thematic areas that have previously been identified, but each podcast episode will bring new topics, not covered by investigative stories or short films.
Online training for journalists
CINS will organize three 3-day long online training sessions in investigative journalism, each for 10 journalists and civil society representatives. Training will be held by CINS journalists (with extensive experience as trainers and mentors), together with experts from Transparency Serbia, who will have slots about specific problems with the waste and misuse of public funds. After each training is completed, participants willing to investigate further will have full support from Transparency Serbia in the form of guidance and consultations.
Drafting and publishing of Comprehensive Guide
Development of comprehensive publication on mechanisms for the waste/misuse of public resources in six selected areas, which will be presented to the citizens, journalists, and professional public in a popular and user-friendly manner as a guide on “How to plunder public resources in six different ways” (ironical working title). TS team will identify possible topics based on citizens’ inputs, existing knowledge and experiences, findings of EU and other international and national reports (official, expert, media), findings of relevant researches (e.g. Open Budget Index), and weaknesses in the legal system identified in previous projects of Transparency Serbia.
Conference to promote Comprehensive Guide and media products of CINS
Once the Comprehensive Guide on mechanisms for waste/misuse of public resources is published (digital and in print), it will be additionally promoted at the conference for representatives of media and other stakeholders in Belgrade.
Workshops for promotion of Comprehensive Guide and education of CSOs and other stakeholders on the local level
The three one-day workshops will be organized on the local level, in three regional centers (preliminary: Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Nis). TS representatives will present the Guide, explain mechanisms of public resource plundering, invite participants to discuss the ways of preventing the exposed mechanisms, as well as discuss what they can do about it and how. Representatives of CINS will support such discussion by introducing participants to skills and tools useful for investigating public resource plundering and obtaining evidence of wrongdoing.
Workshops for stakeholders
Three workshops will be organized in Belgrade with representatives of relevant institutions (depending on topics to be discussed) and CSOs. We want to open discussion within the communities of experts, practitioners, and policy-makers, about monitoring findings and six policy papers by TS and their possible engagement in resolving problems identified.
Conference to present project findings, recommendations, and online game
The conference will be “final” in terms of conclusions and recommendations resulting from the monitoring of developments in six selected areas of public resource plundering, but will also serve as an opportunity for further engagement of stakeholders during the rest of project implementation. The conference will gather participants from all the project target groups and will be held in Belgrade as a half-day event. The event will consist of an opening session and two thematic ones: 1) presentation of findings from the monitoring conducted by TS, six policy papers with recommendations and advocacy activities (e.g. proposals for amendments in legislation), 2) Promotion of the online game developed by CINS. The event will also be an opportunity to promote MATRA and support from the Embassy as the Ambassador will be invited to speak in the opening part.
Publishing online game
The online game builds on the previous one that CINS created in 2018 with great success among the public. The game titled “The Good, The Bad, and The Corrupt” explored the topic of abuses in public procurements in a fun and engaging way.
Monitoring of developments in the selected areas of potential waste/misuse of public resources and reporting of identified wrongdoings
TS will monitor developments in six selected areas of potential public resource plundering on a relevant sample of cases. In the initial phase, the monitoring will aim to support the development of the Comprehensive Guide. After publishing the document, TS will continue to monitor developments in all areas covered by The Guide. Monitoring will serve to identify the extent to which patterns and signs of mechanisms of public resource plundering elaborated in the Guide are visible/recognizable in the implementation of such procedures in practice. Where the monitoring of various processes and documents related to the public finances results in the identification of wrongdoing, TS will submit relevant legal initiatives to an institution in charge. TS (and CINS if relevant for media products) will follow the outcome of these reports. Findings obtained during the monitoring process will be summarized in policy papers. Following the publication of each policy paper, monitoring of developments in that area will continue in order to track the effects of submitted reports, charges, complaints, etc, and also to track developments in the field.
Detailed analyses of mechanisms for the waste/misuse of public resources and development of analytical/policy papers - six papers
Findings of monitoring will be summarized in policy papers and accompanied by recommendations to resolve identified problems. Recommendations may address deficiencies of the legal system, practices of public authorities, and their capacities. Unlike the Comprehensive Guide, which seeks to trigger the interest of the broader public, policy papers will elaborate on the same phenomenons with deeper expertise, intended for professionals, experts, and decision-makers. Each policy paper (e-document) will be delivered to the representatives of institutions analyzed in the sample, in charge of taking remedial action and implementing recommendations. Policy papers will be distributed to a wide list of potential stakeholders from various target groups (CSOs, international organizations, media, active citizens, professionals, and business sector representatives). Each policy paper will be accompanied by related infographic presenting the most relevant findings and used for further promotional activities.
Legal initiatives
Having in mind the nature of the reform agenda of Serbia, related either to EU integration Cluster 1 commitments and recommendations of EC, or to the ongoing reform of the financial system, opportunities for CSOs to influence the content of draft laws can be reasonably expected. It is, however, not possible to predict when such a legislative consultation process might take place and what laws exactly will be prioritized by the new Government of Serbia. So, the concrete initiatives of TS (it would be against professional neutrality policies of CINS, as a media outlet, to conduct one) might be in the form of proposals submitted during the public debate about the draft law (submitted to the ministry that organized such debate), in the form of amendments to the legislative proposal of the Government (submitted to the MP groups and independent MPs), or in the form of contribution for the development of the legislative or policy proposal (if representatives of TS are part of the working group that drafts the document). The legal initiative will be promoted by all means used within this project. In order to create more pressure on decision-makers, we will seek direct support from other relevant CSOs in order to engage citizens of Serbia to contribute to necessary reforms and organize an online petition for the support of our proposals, informing decision-makers about its results.
Billboard campaign
Billboards or other forms of outdoor advertising will be placed in front or near the institutions/organizations/enterprises identified by our research as potentially involved in plundering public resources, or responsible to react. Messages on the billboards will promote “easy steps for plundering resources” from our Guide, and findings of the monitoring, pointing to specific findings related to the institution/state-owned enterprise/organization. The content of the billboard campaign will be decided by the project team during the implementation, with the support of external media experts/designers.
Election waste of public resources
Special Law for EXPO and its Implementation
Scattering public resources through public procurement
State-owned enterprises – The giants of wasting public resources
Public Resources Below Price - Land
Public-Private Partnerships – Corruption Risks and Overt Violation of the Law (Case Studies)
Final conference, July 9th 2024.
In Serbian:
Promocija priručnika:
Promocija priručnika u Beogradu
Snimak promocije u Beogradu, u KC Grad, 24. maja 2024
Promocija priručnika u Novom Sadu
Kratki snimak promocije u Novom Sadu, 23. maja 2024
Promocija priručnika u Kragujevcu
Ima li kontrole i odgovornosti za krsenje pravila javnih nabavki
Nezakonito V.D. stanje kao redovno stanje
Nestručnost i netransparentnost
Izuzeci od primene Zakona o javnim nabavkama
Javne investicije netransparentne i mimo standardnih procedura
Koliko košta neažurnost države
Završna konferencija:
Rasipanje javnih resursa i kako ga sprečiti
Debata o rasipanju javnih resursa: Javna preduzeća
Debata TS: Brojne nepravilnosti u trošenju državnog novca prođu bez reakcije nadležnih institucija
Predizborno rasipanje javnih resursa
Predizborno rasipanje javnih resursa
Poseban zakon za EXPO i njegova primena
Rasipanje javnih resursa kroz javne nabavke
Preduzeća u državnom vlasništvu – Gorostasi rasipanja javnih resursa
Javni resursi ispod cene - zemljište
Javno-privatna partnerstva – koruptivni rizici i otvoreno kršenje zakona (Studije slučaja)
Saopštenja TS o rasipanju javnih resursa
Amandmanom sprečiti da se nabavke za EXPO 2027 sprovode bez primene Zakona o javnim nabavkama
Projekat EXPO 2027 bez javnih nabavki
EPS nezakonito skriva informacije o raspolaganju imovinom ogromne vrednosti
Potrebne dopune i u novom predlogu zakona o upravljanju državnim preduzećima
Koruptivni rizici besplatne konverzije nisu uzeti u obzir
Šta sve treba popraviti u predlogu Zakona o upravljanju državnim preduzećima
Direktori državnih preduzeća van dosega antikorupcijskih propisa
Ukidanje jednog od zakona koji urušava sistem javnih nabavki
Štetne i neobrazložene izmene akata EPS
Decenija kršenja Zakona o javnim preduzećima
Borba protiv transparentnosti i konkurencije umesto borbe protiv korupcije
Komentari TS i izjave i autorski tekstovi saradnika TS o rasipanju javnih resursa
Loši efekti novog propisa o državnim preduzećima već uočljivi, iako puna primena nije ni počela
Izgradnja počela, nema studije izvodljivosti
Sporno autentično tumačenje na ekspresno sazvanoj sednici
Nabavke za EXPO 2027 - bez minimalnih rokova i bez pravne zaštite
Pokrenut nadzor nad EPS zbog nabavke softvera bez postupka javne nabavke
Izgradnja autoputa Ruma-Šabac i optužbe za korupciju
Prokop: Skupa rupa po meri privatnika
Održavanje objekata Pošte - prepolovljena konkurencija, udvostručena cena
Novcem iz državnog budžeta Vučić kupuje glasove za svoju izbornu listu
Kako su institucije pravdale vozila na SNS mitingu: Španski filmovi i poljoprivredni sajam
Fiskalni savet upozorava na zaobilaženje standardnih procedura za infrastrukturne projekte
Evropska komisija očekuje da Srbija poštuje pravila javnih nabavki za EXPO 2027
Tajna prodaja dela zemljišta na Sajmu preduzeću Beograd na vodi
Politički stavovi državnih službenika na društvenim mrežama
Ugovorne obaveze koncesionara beogradskog aerodroma
Intergalaktički biro za zapošljavanje
Nameštanje nabavki usluga održavanja sistema na naplatu karata i praćenje vozila
Hoće li Agencija ispitati navode da su državni uposlenici botovali za SNS
Tajni ugovor: Kako je Srbija kupovala medicinsku opremu tokom korone
Kako i zašto još 1,5 milion evra za vaučere
Šta smo naučili iz slučaja „vaučer“
Imam reč od 17 slova – korporativizacija
U okviru projekta CINS je objavio istraživačke tekstove o zloupotrebi javnih resursa:
Milioni za televizije mimo zakona i uz blagoslov REM-a
Čučković i vrtić u Bariču: Sastanak koji je sve promenio
CINS u kol centru SNS-a: Agencija za hostese, kupovina glasova i milioni u kešu
Na miting SNS-a vozilima državnih institucija
Inicijative TS u vezi sa sprečavanjem rasipanja javnih resursa
Predlozi TS - Predlog program razvoja javnih nabavki za period 2024-2028
Inicijativa KJN za monitoring JN - EPS softver
Inicijativa KJN za monitoring JN - Grad BGD - zakup reklamnih panoa
Inicijativa Ustavnom sudu - Zakon o EXPO 2027
TS inicijativa za objavljivanje razloga za objedinjavanje rasprave - EXPO
Predlog amandmana na poseban zakon o EXPO
Komentari i predlozi na Predlog uredbe o kapitalnim projektima
Dopis novom predsedniku Nadzornog odbora EPS-a u vezi sa uskraćivanjem informacija
- Odgovor vd direktora na dopis predsedniku NO (jul 2023)
Predlozi za unapređenje teksta Nacrta zakona o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o javnim nabavkama
Primedbe TS - nacrt ZoJN konsultacije jul 2023
Predlozi za izmene i dopune Zakona o javnim nabavkama jul 2023.
Inicijativa Agenciji za provere u vezi sa mitingom održanim 26. maja – inicijativa od 10. jula 2023.
TS predlozi - Konsultacije o Predlogu zakona o upravljanju privrednim društvima u vlasništvu Srbije
Inicijativa - izbor organa EPS ad
Komentar na Nacrt akcionog plana za 2023. godinu za sprovođenje Programa razvoja javnih nabavki
Inicijativa SO Gornji Milanovac u vezi sa nezakonitim statusom direktora lokalnog JKP
Inicijativa opštinskom pravobraniocu u vezi sa nezakonitim statusom direktora lokalnog JKP
Zahtevi za slobodan pristup informacijama, odgovori organa, žalbe i tužbe - u vezi sa rasipanjem javnih resursa
- Zahtev - Ustavni sud - EXPO 2027
- Zahtev Vladi Srbije - ugovor za zgradu Generalštaba
- Zahtev Državno pravobranilaštvo - pokrenuti postupci
- Zahtev TOK - auto-put Ruma-Loznica
- Zahtev VJT Beograd - auto-put Ruma-Loznica
- Zahtev VJT Novi Sad - auto-put Ruma-Loznica
- Zahtev - Generalni sekretarijat predsednika - Skok u budućnost
- Zahtev Vladi - Skok u budućnost
- Zahtev - Ministarstvo finansija - Skok u budućnost
- Zahtev - Ministarstvo nauke - Skok u budućnost
- Zahtev Vladi - ugovori sa Bgd na vodi doo - prodaja Beogradskog sajma (avgust 2023)
- Zahtev MGSI - ugovori sa Bgd na vodi doo
- Zahtev - Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike - solarne elektrane
- Odgovor Ministarstva rudarstva i energetike
- Zahtev Vladi Srbije - Aerodrom - izveštaji koncesionara (jul 2023)
- Odgovor Vlade Srbije - odbija se zahtev (avgust 2023)
- Zahtev Vladi Srbije - promotivni spotovi (jul 2023)
- Urgencija - zahtev - promotivni spotovi (avgust 2023)
- Odgovor Vlade - prosleđeno M.finansija (avgust 2023)
- Zahtev Vladi Srbije - odluka o tajnosti nabavke respiratora i opoziv odluke (jul 2023)
- Urgencija - zahtev - tajnost nabavke respiratora i opoziv odluke (avgust 2023)
- Odgovor Vlade Srbije (septembar 2023)
- Zahtev Vladi Srbije - Zaključak o JN tokom pandemije COVID 19 (jul 2023)
- Urgencija - zahtev - zaključak o JN tokom pandemije (avgust 2023)
All views and opinions expressed during the duration of this project do not necessarily represent the views of the Kingdom of the Netherlands..
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Integrity Watch in the Western Balkans and Turkey: civil society combating corruption with political integrity data
Integrity Watch in the Western Balkans and Turkey: civil society combating corruption with political integrity data – seeks to empower citizens and civil society actors organised at large in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey to hold their political office holders to account for the integrity of political finance, law-making and resource allocation. Thus strengthened political integrity shall foster more public decisions consistent with the common good.
By aiming to empower citizens and social oversight, the action supports the global objective of the call to strengthen participatory democracies in the target beneficiaries in the region. A citizenry in better position to hold their governments accountable is essential to mobilise public demand for reforms to strengthen the rule of law and the institutions and systems to confront corruption. Both are essential benchmarks of the EU approximation process in the Western Balkans and Turkey whose strengthening the call seeks in equal terms.
This action addresses: prevention and fighting of political corruption, and government transparency, integrity and accountability. Over the course of three years, the action shall enhance the watchdog roles and capacities of civil society actors (anti-corruption CSOs, data-oriented experts, media) , as well as regional cooperation amongst them, to detect and expose political corruption risks and advocate for transparency, accountability and integrity in the Western Balkans and Turkey. The action furthermore will directly engage oversight bodies such as anti-corruption agencies, ombudspersons, parliamentary committees and other public institutions concerned with political integrity. Specifically, it aims to promote engagement between those civil society actors and key oversight, law enforcement and decision-making bodies. The action’s direct engagement with watchdog CSOs and oversight bodies during the life of the action will refine their understanding of corruption risks in decision making as well as the higher standards that could mitigate such risks. Public information, debates and discourse will then enrich over time and more become conducive to unleash the potential for ‘critical citizens’ or ‘critical trustors’, i.e. citizens empowered to pass judgement on their leaders’ performance and integrity.
Duration of the project: March 2023 – February 2026
Ocena baza podataka u Srbiji - izveštaj - Integrity Watch
Ocena baza podataka o političkom intergitetu u Srbiji - infografika
Serbia Data Scoping report - Integrity Watch
Call for Expression of Interest for development of the Integrity Watch digital platforms for four Western Balkan Countries and Turkey
Invitation for Prequalification No.: 001-2023-KDI
Project: Integrity Watch in the Western Balkans and Turkey: civil society combating corruption with political integrity data Project Number: IPA/2022/ 440-922:
Call for Expression of Interest - APPLICATION FORM
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Analysis of the risk of corruption in the regulations of local self-government units
The general goal of the project is to contribute to the development and strengthening of the integrity and improvement of the organization, efficiency and effectiveness of the work of local self-governments, in accordance with the Law on Prevention of Corruption.
Also, the implementation of this project contributes to more efficient application and monitoring of the provisions of acts and regulations adopted by local self-government through the analysis of the risk of corruption, in accordance with the Methodology for assessing the risk of corruption adopted by the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption.
During the implementation of this project, the Transparency Serbia analyzes the risks of corruption in at least two and at most six regulations adopted by the City of Belgrade and 27 cities: Bor, Valjevo, Vranje, Vršac, Zaječar, Zrenjanin, Jagodina, Kikinda, Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Kruševac, Leskovac , Loznica, Niš, Novi Pazar, Novi Sad, Pančevo, Pirot, Požarevac, Prokuplje, Smederevo, Sombor, Sremska Mitrovica, Subotica, Uzice, Čačak, Šabac.
Depending on the general acts and regulations of individual LGUs, TS analyzes some of the following acts:
1. Regulations on the work of City Assemblies;
2. Decisions or regulations on the allocation of financial resources to associations;
3. Decisions or regulations on the co-financing of projects in the field of public information;
4. Decisions or regulations on public hearings;
5. Decisions or regulations on the management and use of public property of LGUs.
6. Special decisions governing the leasing of City premises for use by political entities
In addition to the analysis in accordance with the Methodology for Corruption Risk Analysis developed by the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, TS will, as an additional result of this project, compile a list of acts that 28 cities included in this project have, that is, acts that they have not adopted. TS will send initiatives to cities that do not have any of these six acts and call for their adoption, pointing at the same time to examples of good practice that will be identified during this project.
Local anti-corruption plans, according to the Model developed by the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, envisage the adoption of regulations that would regulate the issues of allocation of financial resources to associations, co-financing of projects in the field of public information; public hearings and management and use of public property of LGUs. The results of the activities on this project will therefore be useful for fulfilling the obligations from the Local Anti-corruption Plans.
The results of all analyzes on the risks of corruption in the aforementioned regulations will be submitted to each of the 28 LGUs. TS will also prepare and deliver to each LGU recommendations for changes and additions to the analyzed regulations, which will contribute to the general goal of the project, that is, the development and strengthening of the integrity and improvement of the organization, efficiency and effectiveness of LGU work.
Project duration: June 2023 – May 2024
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Strengthening CSO monitoring and oversight capacities
Project intends to support CSOs procurement watchdog efforts at national and municipal levels and strengthen their overall capacities. To strengthen the capacity of CSOs to effectively analyze key government functions such as public procurement and communicate with citizens, through this Project, Transparency Serbia plan to convene workshops, trainings, and provide direct support to local CSOs engaged in oversight of public expenditures and public procurement activities of the government. The objective is to increase CSOs capacities to raise awareness of irregularities in government spending, particularly in high risk, high impact areas such as public procurement.
Another aspect of this Project is to develop capacities of CSOs through trainings to organize capacity development activities dedicated to raise awareness and utilization of tools and methods appropriate for use and collection of information of public importance.
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- 0
EU4 the Rule of Law: Citizen Engagement for Public Integrity (CEPI) in the Western Balkans and Turkey
The weak implementation of the rule of law is a major impediment to economic and political progress in the Western Balkans and Turkey and as such represents a crucial concern for EU enlargement. These weaknesses are particularly harmful in the area of the fight against corruption. Numerous international institutions and local CSO reports, including TI’s own, point to a lack of institutional independence, which undermines the system of checks and balances in the region and to insufficient government efforts to eliminate political influence on the judiciary. Some steps in the right direction have been taken but weaknesses remain in the form of lack of tangible results.
Transparency International’s so-called National Integrity System (NIS) assessment, which combines evidence-based advocacy with a participatory multi-stakeholder approach, presents a unique contribution to the field. Previous NIS assessments throughout the region have proven to be a valuable tool to increase the understanding of key stakeholders, governments, experts, journalists and public of the institutional environment and dynamics that enable corruption and prevent the implementation of laws that deliver integrity. The NIS assessments will evaluate key public institutions and non-state actors in a beneficiary’s governance system concerning their independence and resources, performance, interactions with relevant actors in the system and accountability. NIS assessments will enable decision-makers to target reforms to needs and to support civil society action.
The project will further monitor progress by the number and description of joint actions and initiatives with civil society actors and groups that demand political integrity and improve the anti-corruption framework, such as laws, policies and their implementation acompanied with campaigns aimed to increase citizens’ engagement on public integrity.
Regional project page on the Transparency International website.
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Enhance civil society monitoring of the implementation of fifth round GRECO recommendations
The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) was established in 1999 by the Council of Europe to monitor States’ compliance with the organisation’s anti-corruption standards. GRECO’s objective is to improve the capacity of its members to fight corruption through a dynamic process of mutual evaluation and peer pressure. It helps to identify deficiencies in national anti-corruption policies, prompting the necessary legislative, institutional and practical reforms. GRECO also provides a platform for the sharing of best practice in the prevention and detection of corruption.
Serbia has been a member of GRECO since 2003 and has so far completed four evaluation rounds. On 5 July 2022, GRECO adopted and published its fifth round evaluation report on Serbia. The report evaluates the effectiveness of the framework in place in Serbia to prevent corruption amongst persons with top executive functions (president, ministers, senior officials and advisers) and members of the police. It aims to identify weaknesses that need addressing and positive developments that should be sustained in order to assist the Serbian authorities in strengthening their prevention efforts in line with GRECO standards.
The objective of this project is to help Serbia fulfil the fifth round GRECO recommendations, by monitoring implementation of the GRECO recommendations, providing feedback and improving the quality and effectiveness of the measures adopted by the authorities.
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- 0
Participation of citizens in decision-making at the municipality level - MED III
The subject of this agreement on cooperation between HELVETAS and Transparency Serbia is the realization of the research "Participation of citizens in decision-making at the municipal level for the preparation of the MED Phase III Program". Transparency Serbia supports 44 LGUs selected by Helvetas in improving the process of public hearings in the preparation of the budget and the preparation of reports on budget public hearings.
TS also works with 30 local communities in 15 partner LGUs to involve citizens in decision-making processes.
Within the framework of cooperation, TS is developing a tool for measuring the quality of participatory and inclusive practices of local self-government - LIPA.
- Article Count:
- 0
Development of Local Public Procurement Index LPPI
The objective of this project is development of a methodology for the local public procurement index (LPPI) and piloting the index on a sample group of municipalities for USAID Public Procurement Project in Serbia; as well as conducting the Local Transparency Index (LTI) survey for 2023.
The LPPI should enable independent external insight into the public procurement processes in local governments in Serbia, comparisons among them, and analysis of local public procurement systems in general.
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- 0
The Local Participation Index (LIPA), i.e. the methodology for conducting research using the Index, is a product of Transparency Serbia, created as a result of engagement under the contract with HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation SRB, within the Municipal Economic Development Phase II SRB project (Property Tax Reform Programme), and as part of preparations for the implementation of MED Phase III1.
The index is a tool for measuring, evaluating and ranking local self-government units based on the level of citizen participation in decision-making. The index does not focus exclusively on specific forms of participation in deciding on spending money from the budget or in passing regulations, but also includes a broader framework of transparency in the service of participation, that is, what can increase trust and encourage citizens to participate.
Thanks to the specific method of calculation, it is possible to narrow down the area of research, while preserving the basic level of comparability when conducting several consecutive surveys. Many years of experience and similar research carried out by Transparency Serbia were used in formulating the Index (regarding the methodology): Local Self-Government Transparency Index (LTI) - evaluation of local self-government units based on indicators with grades 0/1 and ranking in the range of 0 to 100 points, and Public Enterprises Transparency Index PETRA - evaluation of public enterprises based on transparency indicators with grades 0/1/2 and ranking by percentage of the maximum possible points.
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- 0
Public Enterprise Transparency - PETRA
PETRA - Public Enterprises Transparency Index is an assessment and ranking of state-owned enterprises based on indicators. The methodology was developed in 2019, in cooperation with Transparency International Czech Republic. At that time, the assessment and ranking was carried out in both countries, according to the same indicators.
The second survey was conducted in 2021, most of the indicators were retained, so the results are comparable to the previous survey - for individual SOEs, or averages for individual cities in which the sample contains a larger number of MOEs. In addition, it is possible to compare state-owned companies with each other or MOEs from the same sectors, in various cities in Serbia, with each other.
The indicators are divided into four categories - Position of the company, Business, Procedures and Availability of data. Data were collected from company websites. For all indicators, it is possible to get 0 points (information or required procedure or practice is not available, it is not publicly available; 1 point - exists or is partially available, or 2 points - found or obtained information, in full). After data collection, the results were verified, all companies were given the opportunity to indicate if any of the requested data was available, but the researchers did not find it, and then the final table was created.
- Indeks transparentnosti JP i preduzeća u državnom vlasništvu PETRA 2019 - preliminarni izveštaj novembar 2019
- SOEs and MOEs Transparency index (SAMET Index - PETRA) - Preliminary Report November 2019
- SOEs and MOEs Transparency index (SAMET Index - PETRA) Final Report
- Article Count:
- 0
Monitoring 2023 elections
Transparency Serbia is monitoring the election campaign for the parliamentary elections, scheduled for December 17, 2023 , as well as for the elections for councilors in Belgrade.
As part of the monitoring, TS is monitoring the financing of the campaign, the public officials' campaign and its presentation in five TV stations' central evening news, the presentation of party leaders and representatives on the front pages of the daily press, advertising on the Internet and especially on social networks.- TS Monitoring report - elections 2023 - summary - updated
- TS Monitoring report - elections 2023 - summary
- TS calls on MIA and HPPO to publish additional information on their actions regarding election irregularities
- Alarm over indications of serious election breaches
- In the election campaign, blurred line between state and the party - a sharp and valuable report by ODIHR
- The work of temporary bodies during the election campaign must be transparent
- Violations marked the introduction to local elections
- The amendment to the Law on Electronic Media does not solve the problem of "public officials' campaign"
- Proračun budžetskih izdvajanja - izbori decembar 2023 - konačni
- Monitoring izbora 2023 - finansiranje kampanje (preliminarni)
- Funkcionerska kampanja 2023 - izveštaj
- Funkcionerska kampanja - izbori 2023 - konačni izveštaj - sažetak
- Reagovanje na saopštenje Agencije za sprečavanje korupcije od 12. januara 2024.
- Raspodela novca iz budžeta parlamentarnim strankama
- TS poziva MUP i VJT da objave dodatne informacije o svom postupanjuu vezi sa izbornim nepravilnostima
- Upozorenje na pokazatelje ozbiljnih povreda u vezi sa izborima
- U izbornoj kampanji nejasna granica između države i stranke – oštar i koristan izveštaj ODIHR-a
- Rad privremenih organa tokom izborne kampanje mora da bude transparentan
- Uvod u lokalne izbore počeo prekršajima
- Amandman na Zakon o elektronskim medijima ne rešava problem „funkcionerske kampanje“
Pod lupom
- Hitno postupanje kao pravni standard
- CINS: SNS negirao da je organizovao i finansirao rad kol centra
- Podmićivanje birača i nezakonito finansiranje kampanje kao krivična dela
- „Glupa pravila“ za funkcionersku kampanju
- Nenadić: Tužilaštvo treba da pokrene postupak
- Minić: Novcem iz državnog budžeta Vučić kupuje glasove za svoju izbornu listu
- Kako su institucije pravdale vozila na SNS mitingu: Španski filmovi i poljoprivredni sajam
- Nenadić: U ovu kampanju smo ušli sa neraščišćenim računima
Analize i izveštaji
- Vrednost TV oglašavanja - procena TS - izbori 2023
- Funkcionerska kampanja - izbori 2023 - tabele
- Politički akteri na naslovnim stranicama - izbori 2023 - tabele
- Tabela - Preliminarni izveštaji - Izbori 2023.
- Monitoring kampanje - presek 14. decembra - prezentacija
Prijave i zahtevi:
- Prijava ASK - TV Pink- Srbija ne sme da stane
- Zahtev i inicijativa MUP - prebivališta
- Zahtev i inicijativa VJT - krivična dela u vezi sa izborima
- Prijava ASK - Portal B92 - slika sa Instagrama
- Prijava ASK - moguće kršenje pravila - korišćenje oznaka privrednih društava
- Prijava ASK - CINS priča
- ASK rešenje - zakon nije prekršen (januar 2024)
- Prijava ASK - izborna kampanja - Šapić
- Prijava ASK - izborna kampanja - Miloš Jovanović
- Prijava ASK - direktor Fonda PIO
- Prijava ASK - izborna kampanja - Zagrađanin
- Inicijativa i zahtev ASK - postupanje po prijavama
- Dopis Upravnom sudu - nepostupanje po 4 tužbe iz 2020. godine
- Dopis Veću ASK povodom načelnog stava o obavezama članova PO JLS
- Prijava ASK - izborna kampanja - Vučić i Ristić
- Prijava ASK - izborna kampanja - Vesić
- Prijava ASK - izborna kampanja - Martinović
- Prijava ASK - kampanja - predsednica opštine Ruma
- Inicijativa Agenciji - preliminarni izvestaji
- Dopis privremenim organima - javnost rada i funkcionerska kampanja
- Article Count:
- 0
Monitoring 2024 elections
- Article Count:
- 0
Analysis of the effects of publishing the estimated value of public procurement
"Efficient public procurement and sustainable supply chains (ESG) for improving competitiveness" is a three-year project, implemented by NALED with the support of the Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation. One of the goals of this project is to continue providing support to the Working Group for Chapter 5 of the National Convention for the European Union, within which it cooperates with Transparency Serbia in the preparation of the Analysis on the Effects of Publishing the Estimated Value of Public Procurement.
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Improving professional management in local public enterprises
Aim of the project is to curb direct political influence to management of local utility companies and other locally owned enterprises and to raise professionalism and law compliance. We want to raise awareness about massive number of law violating cases at the local level, regarding provisions of the Law onPublic Companies (as we previously did with the state-owned enterprises/public companies) and to offer assistance to local authorities to improve law compliance and to raise transparency in this field.
We are monitoring compliance with the Law on Public Enterprises at the local level, regarding conditions for selecting directors and members of supervisory boards of local public enterprises/utility companies (municipal owned enterprises) – publishing public calls or appointing acting directors, required education,skills, experience etc. We included more then 20 cities and municipalities and more then 50 public companies in the sample for the research, covering various geographic areas, different size of cities and municipalities. Additional to researching state of the affairs with current management, are monitoring appointment of new management in the companies included in the sample in cases when public calls are published and/or management members appointed during the project implementation. In the results’ analysis TS will pay attention (and raise public awareness) about gender issue.
Project duration: 15 June 2024 – 30 June 2025
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Objave (en)
- Article Count:
- 441
Dokumenti (en)
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- 0
Press Conference
- Article Count:
- 41
Effects of the Law on Public Enterprises – politization or professionalization
On the occasion of presenting results of survey on implementation of the Law on Public Enterprises
Organization Transparency – Serbia invites you to attend
Press Conference
Effects of the Law on Public Enterprises –
politization or professionalization
05. November 2014, 11.00 – 12.30
Media center, large room, Terazije 3, Belgrade, Serbia
- prof PhD Vladimir Goati, President of Transparency – Serbia
- PhD Aleksandra Tomić, President, Committee for Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy, National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia
- Nemanja Nenadić, Program Director of Transparency – Serbia
- Zlatko Minić, Associate ofTransparency – Serbia
All participant will receive full material on survey at the press conference (Publication on Serbian and English language). Working language is Serbian (translation not provided). Publication can be downloaded at,%20oktobar%202014.pdf
Transparency – Serbia
Belgrade, 28. October 2014.
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Press isues
- Article Count:
- 305
Pod Lupom (en)
- Article Count:
- 1
Aktivnosti (en)
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- 0
Materijali (en)
- Article Count:
- 0
- Article Count:
- 0
- Article Count:
- 0
FaceBook (en)
- Article Count:
- 0
- Article Count:
- 94
Komentari (en)
Komentari i predlozi gostiju web prezentacije
- Article Count:
- 0
Komentari i predlozi čitaoca web sajta se nalaze ovde.
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- 0
Naslovna (en)
- Article Count:
- 470
Previous activities
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- 0
Presentation of the most important global ranking of countries by perception of corruption - CPI
Transparency Serbia invites you to attend the press conference Presentation of the most important global ranking of countries by perception of corruption - CPI: Where is Serbia on the list? On Tuesday, February 11, 2025, starting at 10 a.m., in the Media Center (Terazije 3, room on the second floor) The results of…
... detaljnije ...Key financial data on the reconstruction of the Novi Sad railway station are still unavailable
Although the Government of Serbia, Railway Infrastructure and the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Novi Sad made publicly available many documents related to the reconstruction of the Novi Sad railway station, key information about the financial side of the deal is still unavailable. The Government of Serbia published Annex 1 of…
... detaljnije ...New Year and Christmas holidays
Transparency Serbia's Office will be closed from January 1 until January 7. The first working day after the holiday will be Wednesday, January 8 2025.
... detaljnije ...Insufficient results in preventing corruption in the police and within the top executive functions
Of the 24 recommendations for the prevention of corruption related to the police and within the top executive functions, which Serbia received from GRECO in 2022, only one was fulfilled within the first set deadline. One third of the additional deadline of 18 months has already passed, but there has…
... detaljnije ...Published documents on the collapse of the canopy are incomplete
During the 40 days since the tragedy in Novi Sad, state authorities, and primarily the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, have rejected requests from journalists, organizations and individuals to present contracts, projects and information on the supervision of the reconstruction of the railway station, citing the protection of criminal…
... detaljnije ...OSCE Mission to Serbia announces winners of 2024 Person of the Year Award
The OSCE Mission to Serbia awarded the 2024 Person of the Year award to Ivana Stevanović, Executive Director of the Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation, Veran Matić, President of Association of Independent Electronic Media and member of the Permanent Working Group for Safety of Journalists, and Nemanja Nenadić, Program Director of Transparency…
... detaljnije ...Presentation of prEUgovor Alarm Report on the Progress of Serbia in Cluster 1
The prEUgovor coalition presents its latest Alarm – report on Serbia's progress in implementation of policies in the areas covered by Cluster 1 (Fundamentals), with the focus on political criteria and chapters 23 (Judiciary & Fundamental Rights) and 24 (Justice, Freedom & Security) of the EU accession negotiations. The Report…
... detaljnije ...Presentation of the Local Self-Government Transparency Index - LTI 2024 - The Most Transparent Municipalities and Cities in Serbia
The Embassy of Switzerland in Belgrade - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Transparency Serbia will present on October 24, 2024 the results of the LTI 2024. TS assessed and ranked the transparency of all 145 municipalities and cities in Serbia based on 95 indicators,. The presentation of the results…
... detaljnije ...PrEUgovor Commentary on the Reform Agenda of Serbia in the "Fundamentals" Area
Coalition prEUgovor regularly monitors the state of affairs and advocates for substantial reforms in Cluster 1 (“Fundamentals”). In its commentary, it shares its impressions of the document - newly adopted Reform Agenda of the Republic of Serbia, in principle and in selected areas it monitors within the Fundamentals. For 21 measures within the section…
... detaljnije ...Missed opportunities for the prevention of corruption within the executive authority and the police
GRECO's assessment that Serbia has fulfilled only one of the 24 recommendations from the fifth round of evaluation in two years calls into question the existence of strategic commitment and will to combat corruption, but also confirms the findings of the TS from the beginning of this year. The lack of…
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Conference: How to prevent waste of public resources
Transparency Serbia (TS) and the Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia (CINS) invite you to the conference: How to prevent waste of public resources Belgrade, Tuesday, 9 July 2024, 10.00 – 12.00 Envoy Congress Center, Gospodar Jevremova 47 Agenda: 10.00 – 10.05 Nemanja Nenadić, Program Director, Transparency Serbia 10.05 – 10.10 Milica Šarić, Director…
... detaljnije ...Serbia remains among the countries with limited budget transparency
Serbia ranks 55th out of 125 countries in the Open Budget Index (OBI) with 51 points out of a possible 100, which labels it as the country with "limited budget transparency", according to Transparency Serbia. Progress of five points compared to the previous survey (from 2021) was achieved solely due to…
... detaljnije ...Proposals for the implementation of ODIHR recommendations and improvement of election conditions
Transparency Serbia has used the opportunity to present to representatives of parliamentary parties and the Working Group of the Government of Serbia for Cooperation with ODIHR a number of specific proposals and priorities for improving election conditions, especially regarding the financing of the election campaign and preventing the misuse of…
... detaljnije ...TS submitted proposals to the Assembly for the implementation of recommendations from the ODIHR report
Transparency Serbia submitted to the Serbian Parliament and the Government Working Group for the Improvement of the Electoral Process proposals regarding the implementation of certain recommendations from the Final ODIHR report after the December 2023 elections and unfulfilled recommendations after the previous elections. TS informed the ODIHR Observation Mission, the citizens…
... detaljnije ...Ministry of Interior should publish data on migration of voters that it submitted to Prime Minister
The claim of the Prime Minister in the technical mandate, according to which "everyone can check" in how many cases citizens change their residence, not only does not correspond to the factual situation but is directly opposite to the official answer that Transparency Serbia received from the Ministry of Internal…
... detaljnije ...Corruption prevention in the executive branch - useful GRECO recommendations have not yet been implemented
If Serbia were to implement the recommendations it received in March 2022 from GRECO (Group of Countries for Combating Corruption) – a body established by the Council of Europe – it would significantly improve the mechanisms for combating corruption in the work of the executive. However, very little has been…
... detaljnije ...ODIHR calls for improvement of campaign finance rules and prevention of abuse of public resources "well in advance of the…
In the final Report on the December elections, the ODIHR observation mission confirmed some of the findings of Transparency Serbia's monitoring of the election campaign, and a large number of recommendations refer to unresolved issues of election campaign financing, misuse of public resources and participation of public officials in the…
... detaljnije ...The costs of the Belgrade local election campaign - what is shown and what is missing
Although there were 14 election lists in the Belgrade local elections, and the deadline for submitting the final financial reports expired six days ago, only nine lists have been published so far. According to the information published on the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption website, the report on the…
... detaljnije ...Procurement for EXPO 2027 - no minimum deadlines and no legal protection
The Government of Serbia adopted a decree which, in accordance with the lex specialis, prescribes how procurement will be carried out and jobs awarded for EXPO 2027. Nemanja Nenadić from Transparency Serbia for N1 says that the differences between the rules prescribed by the Law on Public Procurement and this…
... detaljnije ...Serbia continues to fall on global list of Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index
In Serbia, there is no political will to reduce corruption; the Government bypasses laws on public procurement, passes special laws for multimillion-projects that are important to it, does not adopt an anti-corruption strategy, and is increasingly distant from the rule of law. It was said at the Transparency of Serbia…
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TS calls on MIA and HPPO to publish additional information on their actions regarding election irregularities
The information presented to the public by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government (MSALSG), as well as the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office (HPPO) in Belgrade, regarding allegations of illegality in the electoral list and vote buying, are not sufficient to dispel publicly…
... detaljnije ...Alarm over indications of serious election breaches
Transparency International urgently calls on the Serbian authorities to investigate potential abuses of public office and resources by the ruling party during the 17 December elections. It is also crucial to swiftly determine whether vote-buying took place. The prosecution and the Agency for Prevention of Corruption (APC) need to promptly…
... detaljnije ...In the election campaign, blurred line between state and the party - a sharp and valuable report by ODIHR
The observation mission of the ODIHR already in the preliminary Report highlighted not only the shortcomings of legal solutions but also numerous severe violations of the law during the campaign and election day, among which are problems for which Transparency Serbia has been proposing concrete solutions for years. The International Election…
... detaljnije ...Unfulfilled obligations and priorities for the fight against corruption
The International Anti-Corruption Day, 9 December, is a good reason to call on the Parliament and the Government, which will be formed after the upcoming elections, to finally adopt one of the most effective mechanisms for the fight against corruption - the introduction of illegal enrichment, as a criminal offence…
... detaljnije ...EC report – benevolent conclusion on progress and numerous unresolved problems
The European Commission's assessment[1] of Serbia's "limited progress" in the fight against corruption is too benevolent. On the other hand, the EC report is significant, as it points to some of the most important unresolved issues, including direct contracting of procurement for infrastructure projects, illegal acting state in public administration…
... detaljnije ...The work of temporary bodies during the election campaign must be transparent
Transparency Serbia has indicated to the presidents and members of temporary working bodies in 65 cities and municipalities that they have an obligation to ensure the publicity of their work by allowing journalists to attend the sessions and publishing the explanations for the decisions they make. Based on the Law on…
... detaljnije ...Violations marked the introduction to local elections
Information about the fact that the leaders of around 70 cities and municipalities submitted their resignations – meaning their mandate ended – cannot be found on the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption website. It means that the assemblies of these cities and municipalities violated the legal obligation. An even bigger…
... detaljnije ...The amendment to the Law on Electronic Media does not solve the problem of "public officials' campaign"
The provision of the Law on Electronic Media, passed today, even with the amendment that was adopted by the Parliamentary Information Committee – allegedly to fulfil the ODIHR recommendation – does not solve the problems related to the promotional activities of public officials and does not represent the fulfilment of…
... detaljnije ...An amendment to prevent procurement for EXPO 2027 from being conducted without applying the Law on Public Procurement
Transparency Serbia has submitted to parliamentary groups in the Parliament of Serbia a proposal for an amendment to the Special Law on EXPO 2027 that would remove one of the significant corruption risks by obliging the special companies that will be formed for the implementation of the project to apply…
... detaljnije ...Novi Pazar, Sombor and Veliko Gradište the Most Transparent Local Governments in 2023
Novi Pazar, Sombor and Veliko Gradište are the most transparent local governments in 2023 according to the Local Transparency Index published today by Transparency Serbia, with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Since 2015, the Index has been measuring the transparency of all 145 local governments…
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