Local and central government - transparency, anti-corruption potential and corruption risks/ monitoring public procurement and public - private partnerships
As part of Transparency's efforts to improve access to information and increase publicity and accountability in public procurement and public-private partnerships, in this project the TS will determine the degree of compliance with standards for transparency of central and local authorities (proactive and providing information on request). to stop retrograde processes in the field of access to information and respect the rules on publicity of work. We will fight to strengthen the mechanisms for punishing abuses in public procurement and eliminating their harmful consequences.
The TS will also determine the methodology for quantitative assessment of the situation in the field of public procurement and PPP, ie the index on the basis of which the corruption risk of individual public procurements will be assessed and ranked using indicators and precisely prescribed criteria.
In Serbian:
- Javnost rada organa centralne i lokalne vlasti u Srbiji – glavni zaključci o stanju
- Javnost rada organa - Informatori o radu, budžet, konkursi za sufinansiranje medijskih projekata
- Javne rasprave - izmene propisa i praksa sprovođenja tokom 2018
- Tabele:
- Kadrovska rešenja
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