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Monitoring the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy in the work of the Parliament in 2010

Monitoring the implementation of the National Strategy for the Fight against Corruption in the work of the Parliament of the Republic of Serbia

This Transparency Serbia project addresses the need to improve the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan, improve the quality of work of the National Assembly, raise citizens' awareness of the work of MPs and the implementation of measures from the National Anti-Corruption Strategy.

Corruption in Serbia has been identified by international organizations (eg European Commission, World Bank, Council of Europe), national authorities (National Assembly in the Resolution on the adoption of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, the Government in the Prime Minister's introductory speech) and citizens (opinion polls) ) as one of the main problems of society. Different types of political corruption are particularly dangerous, due to their detrimental effects on the decision-making process, the loss of trust in democratic institutions and processes, and the loss of the legitimacy of decision-makers to carry out the necessary reforms.

This project aims to ensure effective monitoring of the work of the Parliament and in particular whether the Parliament fulfills in due time and satisfactorily its duties arising from the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NSZBPK, 2005) and the Action Plan for the Implementation of NSZBPK (AP, 2006). .

The project covers various aspects of the Assembly's role in the implementation of the NSPBC and the AP, including:

Development and adoption in an appropriate manner of the Action Plan for the Fight against Corruption for the work of the Parliament
Adoption of new laws & amendments to existing laws in accordance with NSZBPK and AP

Implementation of duties arising from the NSPBC and the AP relevant to all state institutions (eg provisions on access to information, improving the visibility of the work of Parliament, Committees and Members of Parliament) or specifically to the Parliament, work with annual reports of independent state institutions submitted to Parliament, appointment of members independent institutions by Parliament within the legally prescribed time limit)

Transparency Within this project, Serbia will monitor the work of the Parliament during the implementation of the NSPBC and the AP; prepare and issue concrete recommendations on how to improve the work of the Parliament in the implementation of the NSPBC and the AP; advocate for the recommendations of the TS to be accepted by Parliament and for the NSPBC and the AP to be implemented; and raise citizens' awareness of the NSZBPK, the AP and the work of Parliament.

One of the components of the project is monitoring the compliance of the proposed laws ( with the obligations from the National Strategy for the Fight against Corruption and the formulation of proposed amendments.

The project is funded by the Institute for Sustainable Communities


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