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Reporting and accountability as an anti-corruption mechanism 2014

This project aimed to determine what are the normative obligations and what are the practices related to the development of work plans, preparation and publication of work reports and how the accountability system works in cases where the obligations set out in the plan are not met.

In this way, we wanted to point out the importance of reporting and establishing a system of "accountability", as an important mechanism for fighting corruption and increasing transparency. We also wanted to encourage discussion on normative and other reforms, so that future obligations regarding the development, publication and review of work plans and work reports would be formulated in more detail and clearly, and so that greater efforts would be made to make plans and reports brought results through increased responsibility of decision makers.

The project was implemented during 2014, with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. All views expressed belong exclusively to the organization Transparency - Serbia, and do not necessarily reflect the views of KAS.



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