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The resignation of the Anti-Corruption Agency's Director

After only two months spent at that position, director of the Anti-Corruption Agency Majda Krsikapa submitted her resignation today. On the Agency website it is announced that Committee on telephone session immediately accepted her resignation and appointed again Verka Atanasković for acting.

The director has left very good impression of willingness to improve the work of this independent body and TS wishes she had more time to show it. For citizens as well as for candidates for the post of director in the new competition, it would be of great importance to hear the reasons why the recently elected director decided to take such step, if they are connected with the position and working conditions of the key anti-corruption preventive state body.

We are reminded that in late October we praised the new Director, her announcement of “greater openness” which has already resulted in the publication of more information on the controls carried out by the Agency and their outcome. Among these data were those of extraordinary controls assets of individual officials.

It was also positive that the Agency's announcement that is performing a public function at the same time with the functions in the bodies of sports organizations contrary to the Law on the Agency, and that whenever the Agency has knowledge that the official simultaneously performs the function in the sports organizations bodies, initiate and conduct  a procedure for deciding on the existence of a violation of the Law and pronouncing the appropriate measure.

At the same time, we criticized the Agency's Report on the cost of the election campaign, because it does not include data on control of costs, nor a list of offenses for which proceedings will be initiated before the competent authorities. Then we expressed hope that what was published was not the final report regarding the election campaign for the president of Serbia and that a fuller control report would be published later, but the media then transferred the allegations from the Agency that “there will not be additional report on the financing of the presidential campaigns elections 2017“.

We recall, the report published by the Agency confirmed that Aleksandar Vucic, ie the coalition that ran him, spent 794 million in the campaign, Vuk Jeremic 261 million and Sasa Jankovic 31 million.