Srbija lošije rangirana po otvorenosti budžeta
Srbija je na novoj, danas objavljenoj listi, zauzela 60. mesto među 100 zemalja rangiranih po indeksu otvorenosti budžeta (Open budget index OBI). Prema rezultatima međunarodnog istraživanja, Srbija ima 39 od mogućih 100 bodova što je svrstava među zemlje koje pružaju svojim građanima „minimum informacija potrebnih za razumevanje i analiziranje budžeta“. To je znatno ispod proseka regiona (52 boda), ali i značajno lošije nego na prethodnom rangiranju, kada je imala 54 poena.
Glavni razlog za ovakav drastičan pad je činjenica da Vlada u procesu donošenja budžeta za 2012. godinu nije objavila fiskalnu strategiju[1] i da se o sadržaju nacrta tog dokumenta moglo suditi samo na osnovu kritika koje je izrekao Fiskalni savet. Na loš indeks uticala je i činjenica da za 2012. godinu nije postojao „građanski budžet“ - dokument u kojem bi predlog budžeta bio približen građanima, a koji se prvi put pojavljuje ove godine.
Povrh toga, postoji niz problema koji su uticali da ocena bude nezadovoljavajuća. Ti problemi bi mogli da se otklone ukoliko vlada ima nameru da vodi transparentnu budžetsku politiku.
Među ključnim potezima bilo bi povećanje broja ministarstava koja imaju programske budžete, kao i omogućavanje građanima, zainteresovanim grupama i stručnjacima da dobiju potpune i pravovremene informacije u toku pripreme budžeta i da kroz javne rasprave utiču na njegov sadržaj. Izmene Zakona o budžetskom sistemu iz septembra 2012, koje su uglavnom bile pozitivne, nisu rešile ovaj problem. Izmenama tog zakona bi takođe trebalo precizirati rokove za reviziju završnog računa budžeta. Indeks otvorenosti budžeta bio bi veći kada bi se poštovao budžetski kalendar, kada bi Vlada izveštavala šta je preduzela povodom preporuka Državne revizorske institucije, odnosno kada bi aktivnosti na ispunjenju tih preporuka pratili i parlament i DRI.
Indeks bi bio veći i kada bi predlog budžeta sadržao podatke o kvazifiskalnim aktivnostima (kao što je kontrolisanje cena koje su ispod tržišnog nivoa od strane Vlade), o prenetim obavezama i zaduženjima, kada bi se jasno videlo koliko deo budžeta se troši na poverljive nabavke i smanjila diskreciona ovlašćenja u trošenju budžetske rezerve.
Uključenje parlamenta u proces planiranja budžeta i otvaranje rasprave o budžetskoj politici pre utvrđivanja predloga budžeta doprinelo bi prema oceni Transparentnosti Srbija boljem rangiranju. Mesečne izveštaje o realizaciji budžeta (bilten javnih finansija) potrebno je objavljivati pravovremeno, odnosno ažurnije, kao i polugodišnji izveštaj o realizaciji budžeta.
Neophodno je u završnom računu budžeta pojasniti eventualna odstupanja prvobitnih makroekonomskih prognoza i ciljeva budžetske politike od ostvarenih rezultata. Većem indeksu bi doprinelo kada bi Državna revizorska institucija detaljno izveštavala kako su podaci dobijeni od javnosti i drugih institucija (kao što su, na primer, izveštaji Uprave za javne nabavke) uticali na izradu plana revizije.
Godišnji Izveštaj o indeksu otvorenosti budžeta organizacije International Budget Partnership donosi i niz primera dobre prakse u svetu: u Južnoj Africi zakonom je propisano da se fiskalni okvir obavezno razmatra u parlamentu na sednici tokom koje sve zainteresovane strane mogu da iznesu svoje stavove; u Nemačkoj budžetski odbor Bundestaga organizuje javna slušanja na kojima se o budžetskim dokumentima izjašnjavaju ekonomisti, sindikati, udruženja poslodavaca, privredne komore, predstavnici asocijacija javnih službi; konsultativni forumi, na kojima javnost ima priliku da učestvuje u procesu izrade budžeta organizuju se u Bocvani; na Filipinima Državna revizorska institucija ima mehanizam za prijavljivanje pronevera javnih sredstava i redovno objavljuje šta je preduzela povodom prijava. Prema oceni Transparentnosti Srbija bilo bi dobro razmisliti o prihvatanju nekih od ovih primera.
Na vrhu ovogodišnje liste, inače, nalaze se Novi Zeland (OBI 93) i Južna Afrika (90), slede Velika Britanija, Švedska, Norveška i Francuska sa indeksima iznad 80. Na samom začelju, sa indeksom nižim od pet su Zambia, Irak, Niger, Čad, Benin, Saudijska Arabija, Ekvatorijalna Gvineja, Mjanmar i Katar. Srbija deli 60. mesto sa Sijera Leoneom i Malezijom.
Od zemalja regiona, Slovenija je sa indeksom 74 u grupi zemalja u kojoj su SAD (79), Rusija (75), Nemačka (71), Bugarska (65) i Hrvatska (61). BiH ima indeks 50, Rumunija i Albanija 47, a Makedonija 35.
Srbija je sa indeksom 39 iznad proseka Podsaharske Afrike (31), ali zaostaje za Latinskom Amerikom (52), a posebno za zemljama Zapada (75).
Nadamo se da će objavljivanje ovih podataka uticati na to da se izmenama Zakona o budžetskom sistemu a posebno promenom prakse i striktnom primenom postojećih dobrih pravila ostvari napredak u otvorenosti, razumljivosti, sveobuhvatnosti i kontroli budžeta.
Transparentnost – Srbija
Beograd, 23. januar 2013.
Šta je Indeks otvorenosti budžeta?
Međunarodno istraživanje o otvorenosti budžeta, na osnovu kojeg se svake druge godine sačinjava Indeksa otvorenosti budžeta, osmislila je američka nevladina organizacija International Budget Partnership. Ovo istraživanje sprovode stručne i od vlasti zemalja u kojima rade nezavisne institucije širom sveta.
Kroz Indeks otvorenosti budžeta ispituje se da li u nekoj zemlji postoji osam ključnih budžetskih dokumenata, da li ti dokumenti sadrže sve podatke koje bi trebalo i u kojoj meri su dostupni javnosti. Drugi segment istraživanja je kvalitet pravnog okvira i delotvornost prakse nadzora parlamenta i vrhovne revizorske institucije nad izvršnom vlašću u vezi sa pripremom i trošenjem budžeta. Najzad, Indeks pokazuje i u kojoj meri građani mogu da utiču na donošenje odluka u vezi sa budžetom.
Indeks otvorenosti budžeta nije ni istraživanje o percepciji (utiscima), ni ispitivanje stavova. Nasuprot tome, ovo je istraživanje koje na osnovu unapred utvrđenih kriterijuma i precizne metodologije daje sliku o transparentnosti budžeta i postojanju javne odgovornosti u budžetskim procesima. Osnova za istraživanje je upitnik koji sadrži 95 pitanja. U okviru svakog pitanja postojeća regulativa ili praksa se ocenjuje u odnosu na stepen dostizanja visokih standarda jednom od pet ocena. Svaka ocena mora biti dokumentovana i obrazložena, a podleže i naknadnoj proveri od strane dvoje nezavisnih stručnjaka iz inostranstva i proveri IBP radi očuvanja konzistentnosti u primeni metodologije. Nakon toga se i predstavnicima vlasti zemlje na koju se istraživanje odnosi daje prilika da ukažu na eventualne propuste istraživača.
Rezultati IBP su prvi put objavljeni 2006, a Srbija je bila rangirana prvi put 2008. U Srbiji, kao partner na projektu, istraživanje sprovodi organizacija Transparentnost – Srbija.
Rangiranje za 2012. godinu načinjeno je na osnovu podataka koji su bili dostupni do 31. decembra 2011. godine.
Dodatne informacije o projektu, metodologiji i rezultatima istraživanja su dostupne na
[1] Čitav niz pitanja iz istraživanja odnosi se na tzv. „pre-budget statement“, dokument koji se po međunarodnim standardima objavljuje najmanje mesec dana pre podnošenja predloga budžeta, u kojem se objašnjavaju politike koje zastupa Vlada, makroekonomske pretpostavke budžeta i budžetske projekcije. U istraživanjima za Srbiju iz ranijih godina je razmatrana sadržajnost i dostupnost Memoranduma o budžetu i ekonomskoj i fiskalnoj politici, koji je redovno objavljivan. Zakon o budžetskom sistemu iz 2009. je umesto Memoranduma o budžetu, predvideo donošenje Izveštaja o fiskalnoj strategiji, na koji daje mišljenje Fiskalni savet. Međutim, ni nacrt ni revidirana verzija ovog dokumenta nisu objavljeni.
Key financial data on the reconstruction of the Novi Sad railway station are still unavailable
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... detaljnije ...New Year and Christmas holidays
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... detaljnije ...Insufficient results in preventing corruption in the police and within the top executive functions
Of the 24 recommendations for the prevention of corruption related to the police and within the top executive functions, which Serbia received from GRECO in 2022, only one was fulfilled within the first set deadline. One third of the additional deadline of 18 months has already passed, but there has…
... detaljnije ...Published documents on the collapse of the canopy are incomplete
During the 40 days since the tragedy in Novi Sad, state authorities, and primarily the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, have rejected requests from journalists, organizations and individuals to present contracts, projects and information on the supervision of the reconstruction of the railway station, citing the protection of criminal…
... detaljnije ...OSCE Mission to Serbia announces winners of 2024 Person of the Year Award
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... detaljnije ...Presentation of prEUgovor Alarm Report on the Progress of Serbia in Cluster 1
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... detaljnije ...Presentation of the Local Self-Government Transparency Index - LTI 2024 - The Most Transparent Municipalities and Cities in Serbia
The Embassy of Switzerland in Belgrade - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Transparency Serbia will present on October 24, 2024 the results of the LTI 2024. TS assessed and ranked the transparency of all 145 municipalities and cities in Serbia based on 95 indicators,. The presentation of the results…
... detaljnije ...PrEUgovor Commentary on the Reform Agenda of Serbia in the "Fundamentals" Area
Coalition prEUgovor regularly monitors the state of affairs and advocates for substantial reforms in Cluster 1 (“Fundamentals”). In its commentary, it shares its impressions of the document - newly adopted Reform Agenda of the Republic of Serbia, in principle and in selected areas it monitors within the Fundamentals. For 21 measures within the section…
... detaljnije ...Missed opportunities for the prevention of corruption within the executive authority and the police
GRECO's assessment that Serbia has fulfilled only one of the 24 recommendations from the fifth round of evaluation in two years calls into question the existence of strategic commitment and will to combat corruption, but also confirms the findings of the TS from the beginning of this year. The lack of…
... detaljnije ...Conference: How to prevent waste of public resources
Transparency Serbia (TS) and the Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia (CINS) invite you to the conference: How to prevent waste of public resources Belgrade, Tuesday, 9 July 2024, 10.00 – 12.00 Envoy Congress Center, Gospodar Jevremova 47 Agenda: 10.00 – 10.05 Nemanja Nenadić, Program Director, Transparency Serbia 10.05 – 10.10 Milica Šarić, Director…
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Serbia remains among the countries with limited budget transparency
Serbia ranks 55th out of 125 countries in the Open Budget Index (OBI) with 51 points out of a possible 100, which labels it as the country with "limited budget transparency", according to Transparency Serbia. Progress of five points compared to the previous survey (from 2021) was achieved solely due to…
... detaljnije ...Proposals for the implementation of ODIHR recommendations and improvement of election conditions
Transparency Serbia has used the opportunity to present to representatives of parliamentary parties and the Working Group of the Government of Serbia for Cooperation with ODIHR a number of specific proposals and priorities for improving election conditions, especially regarding the financing of the election campaign and preventing the misuse of…
... detaljnije ...TS submitted proposals to the Assembly for the implementation of recommendations from the ODIHR report
Transparency Serbia submitted to the Serbian Parliament and the Government Working Group for the Improvement of the Electoral Process proposals regarding the implementation of certain recommendations from the Final ODIHR report after the December 2023 elections and unfulfilled recommendations after the previous elections. TS informed the ODIHR Observation Mission, the citizens…
... detaljnije ...Ministry of Interior should publish data on migration of voters that it submitted to Prime Minister
The claim of the Prime Minister in the technical mandate, according to which "everyone can check" in how many cases citizens change their residence, not only does not correspond to the factual situation but is directly opposite to the official answer that Transparency Serbia received from the Ministry of Internal…
... detaljnije ...Corruption prevention in the executive branch - useful GRECO recommendations have not yet been implemented
If Serbia were to implement the recommendations it received in March 2022 from GRECO (Group of Countries for Combating Corruption) – a body established by the Council of Europe – it would significantly improve the mechanisms for combating corruption in the work of the executive. However, very little has been…
... detaljnije ...ODIHR calls for improvement of campaign finance rules and prevention of abuse of public resources "well in advance of the…
In the final Report on the December elections, the ODIHR observation mission confirmed some of the findings of Transparency Serbia's monitoring of the election campaign, and a large number of recommendations refer to unresolved issues of election campaign financing, misuse of public resources and participation of public officials in the…
... detaljnije ...The costs of the Belgrade local election campaign - what is shown and what is missing
Although there were 14 election lists in the Belgrade local elections, and the deadline for submitting the final financial reports expired six days ago, only nine lists have been published so far. According to the information published on the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption website, the report on the…
... detaljnije ...Procurement for EXPO 2027 - no minimum deadlines and no legal protection
The Government of Serbia adopted a decree which, in accordance with the lex specialis, prescribes how procurement will be carried out and jobs awarded for EXPO 2027. Nemanja Nenadić from Transparency Serbia for N1 says that the differences between the rules prescribed by the Law on Public Procurement and this…
... detaljnije ...Serbia continues to fall on global list of Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index
In Serbia, there is no political will to reduce corruption; the Government bypasses laws on public procurement, passes special laws for multimillion-projects that are important to it, does not adopt an anti-corruption strategy, and is increasingly distant from the rule of law. It was said at the Transparency of Serbia…
... detaljnije ...TS calls on MIA and HPPO to publish additional information on their actions regarding election irregularities
The information presented to the public by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government (MSALSG), as well as the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office (HPPO) in Belgrade, regarding allegations of illegality in the electoral list and vote buying, are not sufficient to dispel publicly…
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Alarm over indications of serious election breaches
Transparency International urgently calls on the Serbian authorities to investigate potential abuses of public office and resources by the ruling party during the 17 December elections. It is also crucial to swiftly determine whether vote-buying took place. The prosecution and the Agency for Prevention of Corruption (APC) need to promptly…
... detaljnije ...In the election campaign, blurred line between state and the party - a sharp and valuable report by ODIHR
The observation mission of the ODIHR already in the preliminary Report highlighted not only the shortcomings of legal solutions but also numerous severe violations of the law during the campaign and election day, among which are problems for which Transparency Serbia has been proposing concrete solutions for years. The International Election…
... detaljnije ...Unfulfilled obligations and priorities for the fight against corruption
The International Anti-Corruption Day, 9 December, is a good reason to call on the Parliament and the Government, which will be formed after the upcoming elections, to finally adopt one of the most effective mechanisms for the fight against corruption - the introduction of illegal enrichment, as a criminal offence…
... detaljnije ...EC report – benevolent conclusion on progress and numerous unresolved problems
The European Commission's assessment[1] of Serbia's "limited progress" in the fight against corruption is too benevolent. On the other hand, the EC report is significant, as it points to some of the most important unresolved issues, including direct contracting of procurement for infrastructure projects, illegal acting state in public administration…
... detaljnije ...The work of temporary bodies during the election campaign must be transparent
Transparency Serbia has indicated to the presidents and members of temporary working bodies in 65 cities and municipalities that they have an obligation to ensure the publicity of their work by allowing journalists to attend the sessions and publishing the explanations for the decisions they make. Based on the Law on…
... detaljnije ...Violations marked the introduction to local elections
Information about the fact that the leaders of around 70 cities and municipalities submitted their resignations – meaning their mandate ended – cannot be found on the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption website. It means that the assemblies of these cities and municipalities violated the legal obligation. An even bigger…
... detaljnije ...The amendment to the Law on Electronic Media does not solve the problem of "public officials' campaign"
The provision of the Law on Electronic Media, passed today, even with the amendment that was adopted by the Parliamentary Information Committee – allegedly to fulfil the ODIHR recommendation – does not solve the problems related to the promotional activities of public officials and does not represent the fulfilment of…
... detaljnije ...An amendment to prevent procurement for EXPO 2027 from being conducted without applying the Law on Public Procurement
Transparency Serbia has submitted to parliamentary groups in the Parliament of Serbia a proposal for an amendment to the Special Law on EXPO 2027 that would remove one of the significant corruption risks by obliging the special companies that will be formed for the implementation of the project to apply…
... detaljnije ...Novi Pazar, Sombor and Veliko Gradište the Most Transparent Local Governments in 2023
Novi Pazar, Sombor and Veliko Gradište are the most transparent local governments in 2023 according to the Local Transparency Index published today by Transparency Serbia, with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Since 2015, the Index has been measuring the transparency of all 145 local governments…
... detaljnije ...No public procurement for EXPO 2027 project
Works for the construction of the exhibition area for EXPO 2027, facilities for the accommodation of participants and visitors, the National Stadium and supporting infrastructure – the value of which could amount to one billion euros – will be contracted without the application of the Law on Public Procurement, which…
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